Forced marriage - S01 E21

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Forced marriage - S01 E21

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 21

bethel POV

I opened my eyes as I felt Rico move me closer to him, his head was still on my chest, and I smiled. I looked at his face, I could not help but admire his face, he raised his face and looked at me.

” good morning sunshine,” he said in his early morning husky voice.

” like seriously,” I said, he called me sunshine.

” what?” he asked resting his head on my chest again. I tried to remove his hands so I can stand up but he held me tighter.

” where are you going to?” he asked.

” it’s morning already,” I said.

” not to me.”

” what do you mean not to you?”.

” Your grandfather is coming today” I added

” oh fuck him,” he said, the door burst open showing a guy that I have never seen before.

” what’s this,” he said, I looked at the Guy, he has brown eyes, is tall, has black hair, pink lips, he is quite hot, that’s all I can describe.

” what the hell are you doing here Finn” Rico yelled. he removed his hands from my waist and then stood up standing up.

” hey reduce your voice man, I thought this was my room,” he said before closing the door. Rico sighed then looked at me.

” Why did you yell at him?” I asked.

” he is an a*****e,” Rico said.

” do you guys hate each other?” I asked.

” hate is even a good word, we can kill each other,” he said before walking into the bathroom. I came out of the room walking downstairs to the kitchen. I saw a girl drinking from a glass of juice, she is about Katherine’s age. she turns to me before rolling her eyes.

” you must be bethel,” she said

” Yeah, you?” I asked

” oh… I’m Lia” she Said, she looked at me again before returning her glare to the juice. she has light brown eyes, red small lips, and long brown hair, she looks so much like Katherine.

” what did Rico even see in you??” she said, oh…. she was rude, why is this family always rude, I ignore her and then opened the fridge bringing out a bottle of water.

” she is a friend Lia” I heard Katherine say.

” good morning bethel” she greeted

” good morning, how are you?” I asked.

” I’m fine” she replied. I walked back into the room, Rico was already out of the bathroom laying on the bed wearing a black and white T-shirt and Black jeans.

” I met your cousin Lia,” I said, he turns to look at me.

” that spoilt brat,” he said.

” yeah she is a spoilt brat,” I said.

” guess she has shown you her stupid character,” he said.

” is that how you guys are?”

” not all,” he said standing up ” I’m nice,” he said.

” you are one of the worst,” I said

” seriously?” he asked in disbelief.

” you should have known that,” I said then entered the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

Rico POV

” annoying family” I murmur

” remember you said you are giving me one of your hair gels,” Leo said following me to the dining room.

” can you please leave me alone,” I said.

” stop acting like a jerk,” he said sitting on a chair.

” Leo” Mariana called.

” but mom”

” stop disturbing your cousin,” she said and Leo rolled his eyes.

” he should have known that before promising me something that he can’t afford,” he said

” who told you I can’t afford it?”

” then if you can afford it, give me three of it,” he said.

” you know the amount can buy you”

” yeah whatever just give me one”

” fine, but don’t copy my hairstyle,” I said

” that was on my mind but I won’t, as long as you give me just one”

” Okay, I will but not now”

” Leo, why are you wasting your time begging him when I can give you four,” Finn said entering the dining room.

” are you serious?” Leo asked.

” yes,” Finn said.

” you are my hero,” Leo said happily.

” and what about if I give you six,” I said.

” six hair gel? ” he asked.

” even seven if you want,” I said smirking.

” I will give you eight,” Finn said. God, I hate this Guy.

” Finn is your hair gel from Australia?” he asked

” no, it’s from Germany,” he said proudly.

” then I don’t want yours,” Leo said.

” Rico’s own is better, keeps your hair curled and shining for 24 hours,” he said and I smiled proudly.

” wtf, a gel is a gel,” he said before leaving angrily.

” that is guys for you, always stupid” Lia murmured pressing her phone.

“I swear,” Katherine said also pressing her phone.

” at least we are better than girls that are boring,” Leo said making both of them look at him angrily.

” I was just saying,” he said walking out.

” I want ice cream,” Lia said.

” me too,” Katherine said, they both turn to me pouting their face.

” Why are you both staring at me?” I asked.

” ice cream please,” they both said.

” I guess you both have legs”.

” yes we do,” they said.

” then use it,” I said leaving then the dining room, I entered the kitchen, mom and the maid were already cooking. mom loves cooking even though we have lots of maids.

” hi Mom,” I said kissing her cheeks, she smiled then looked at me.

” How was your night?” she asked.

” Great, yours?” I asked.

” it’s was miraculous,” she said before turning to stir the soup.

” who are those for?” I asked pointing at the soup.

” oh, it’s for Mico he is having a fever,” she said.

” hope he recovers early,” I said before opening the fridge and bringing out two bowls of ice cream.

” Hey,” I called one of the maids.

” yes sir” she answered.

” give me two cups,” I said and she nodded. I took it from her. strawberry flavor for Katherine and coconut flavor for Lia. I took the ice cream to the dining room giving it to them.

” I know my lovely brother won’t disappoint us,” Katherine said happily.

” he still remembers my favorite” Lia said.

” Yeah, whatever,” I said walking out of the dining when my voice stopped me.

” long time no see son

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