All for Mr. Redman - S01 E49

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All for Mr. Redman - S01 E49

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 49

"What? Um, wow that's not what I expected." He replied "Maybe it... well if he is all you said, and I don't doubt that, well then sure why not."

"Okay, can I call you when he gets back?" I asked.

"Well, there is something else I think I should tell you" James stated

"You're married?" and I started laughing.

James roared laughing and said "No you smart ass, I'm not married. Jesus girl... you and your one liners. No, I was wondering if you could help me out tonight."

"Help you? think given I owe you my life that I can help you." I replied.

"Please, you making too big a deal out of that and if you don't want to do this I will understand." he said by way of explaining. "I need you to come out with me to a work thing. Some people I work with are getting together and to be honest I need a heat deflector. One of the women I work with is... well she is always trying to set me up... and maybe even likes me herself, but it would be a massive mistake. If you could come out and just accompany me maybe that will back her off. I know It's dumb, and I should just tell her to get lost, but she is related to the boss. Politics"

I was quiet for a moment and said "Can I call you back? I need to ask Peter what he thinks and clear it with him."

James laughed and said "Yeah, definitely. This is so weird."

"I'm thinking that also, but I would feel better and have a better time if Peter gave his consent. I will call you right back."

After getting off the phone I thought about it and knew inside that James would not try anything now that he knew Peter and I were together. I called Peter and filled him in and he chuckled. He agreed to it and told me to have a good time. I thought he would say something about "Not too good a time" but he didn't. I asked if he was sure and he said "Yeah, I'm sure. I trust you and I know that no matter what happens you and I are fine.

"Peter, what do you mean no matter what happens?" I asked worried. "I told you he won't try anything."

"Sweetie, if he is under as much pressure as think you may have to be pretty convincing. He can't tell that girl to fuck off without a problem. If you have to act like a girlfriend to him to make it work I know I don't have to worry. All I'm saying is well... make sure it works"

"Peter, I am not..."

Peter cut me off and said "Look I have to be blunt because don't want then to walk in on this conversation. Honey, you have helped me fuck how many women? You never play with guys... you have played with him and trust him. I'm not saying you have to do anything tonight you don't want too... but have fun and make sure this works. I do want to meet him by the way, that was not an idle comment."

We got off the phone and I sat there stunned. Peter had just basically told me that he recognized James as a good guy and wanted him to be treated like a Trusted Fuck Buddy. Up until this point Barbara and Amanda were our only Trusted Fuck Buddies. I wondered what Peter was up to. knew we were fine together, we had sex with multiple partners more than just a few times... but never had a man joined the inner circle.

I considered that and called Jarnes back and told him what was happening and that Peter was cool with everything and had told me to be convincing. James went a bit quiet and said "What exactly does that mean?" laughed and said "That you can be sure that by the time we leave tonight she will have no doubts that I am not just some smoke and mirrors stunt."

"Oh, okay. Well... that would really help. I like my job, but she is making saying no harder. Thanks a lot Sachiko, I appreciate your help."

Once we were off the phone, and details were arranged for me to meet him at the wine bar, I thought about what to wear. What would a woman wear to a classy bar that would also send a sexy and man claiming signal. With my tan and dark hair I decided that a red cocktail dress with a scoop neck, and tasteful eye makeup and lipstick that was a seductive shade of red would be in order. Nylons and heels were going to be a must.

I finished cleaning and then went and showered. To put it frankly I did the whole "Big Date" preparation. I had my long black tresses curled and wore them in an up style, with diamond earrings and a matching three strand white gold braided rope necklace and a diamond pendant that sat nicely at the top of my cleavage. With black nylons with a hint of shimmering silver and my 3" stilettos | found my overall look to be exactly what wanted. James was going to have his mind blown.

I had a glass of wine and listened to music as I waited until it was time to leave, and then took a cab to the wine bar they had chosen.

When I walked in I saw the group almost immediately, thanks to spotting James. He was dressed in black dress pants and shoes, and his gold coloured dress shirt looked amazing under his black blazer. I don't know who picked his shimmering gold solid tie, but it looked spectacular, kudos to them.

When James saw me I saw my look hit him like a thunderbolt, exactly what I hoped. He separated himself from the group and I noticed two women watched him closely as he walked over to me. When he reached me i slid my arms around his neck sensuously and gave him a kiss on the mouth. He ran his hands up my back and when the kiss ended he looked at me and said "Holy shit! If that didn't convince them maybe the fact you are the most amazingly beautiful woman in the bar will." he said smiling.

I put my arm through his and walked over to the group. He introduced everyone and it was not hard to figure out that the two women had somehow had a wrench thrown into their plan. Gee.... who could have done that?

We actually had a good time and I never left his side, always hand a hand touching him on his arm or hand and basically acted like a devoted girlfriend who was happy to be out with such a handsome man.

I knew questions would come. I handled them all easily. When I went to the bathroom the two women who had been trying to capture James accompanied me. Of course I got questioned and told them how wonderful he was, and all the fun I had with him on Saturday and gave them a wink without giving details about the evening.

When we got back to the table I kissed James again and basically picked up where I left off.

Around midnight we said our goodbyes and headed out the door arm in arm. Once outside James turned to me and started to laugh. "I think we can class that as a problem solved."

laugh. "I think we can class that as a problem solved."

I smiled at him and kissed him lightly. James said "I thought we were finished convincing them."

"James, I confessed to you the other day about the other women that Peter and I have been with." I said as I was running my hands up and down his arms.

"Yeah, you mentioned that rather hard on inducing fact... lucky bastard." He added with a smile.

"Well James, he feels he has been kinda selfish... that maybe we need a man to join us... to help us be a bit more fair... to help make sure I am satisfied" I said as I leaned in and kissed his neck. "He gave me permission to do what I want tonight... but only with you."

James chuckled and said "Do I get a say in this?"

Smiling at him I said "You don't have to say anything... just do."

"Holy shit Sachiko you're serious." He said like he just realized I was not lying. "You actually did talk to him and you really did get permission." He went quiet and added "Let me ask you something."

"Okay" I said gazing up at him.

"If I asked you to call him right now, and give me the phone, and let me talk to him... would you?"

I took out my cell phone and called Peter. When he answered I said "Peter, I'm with James, we just left the restaurant. He is asking to talk to you, he wants to be sure you are aware of what I am trying to do

"Okay, put him on Sweetie." Peter said.

I handed the phone to James and he got on. I only heard his side of the conversation and Peter did most of the talking. James was surprised at first, then he seemed to accept it. He finished and handed me the phone.

"Hello my love." I said

"Honey, he sounds like the right guy for you to have for a playmate. You were right, I think I would actually like him. So tonight, you do whatever you want. I love you and I'm not worried." Peter stated.

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E48

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E50

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