Fate - S01 E85

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Fate - S01 E85

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 85

????Jasmine’s POV????

I do know that a lot of thing has happen in our lives but then Francis was right when he told me our situations are test to mature us and indeed those ha-rd times We’ve been throu-ghare like washing machine, they twist, knock and turn us down but now at the end we have a reason to smile because he look more bighter than before. Julia my seven year old pretty daughter was always with her grandma during her holiday and she got the chance to play with Catherine,

Eddie and Freddie, they look so happy together. Who would have thought all this would end. The best kind of love is the kind that awakens the soul and make us reach for more. I still remember Sean and i keep wondering why he have to pay for his mother’s and father’s sin, he’s just so innocent and life was so unfair, i wish i still have my brother here with me but i know wherever he is..

he’s at peace and also happy to see the family i have now. Am glad i turn out to be a good person.. if i was still that selfish, spoiled brat and arrogant Jasmine, i might end up like Erica, even thou i felt so pity for her but am glad Catherine her daughter is more happy with us.

“love,” i heard Francis husky voice, i smile and turn to him.

“dinner is ready,” he said.

“yes mommy, i and dad prepare it,” Julia said while i smile then joined them at the dining table.

“wow so delicious,” i take a spoonful of the meal while Julia smile.

“thank you so much Francis,” i said while he smiled then held my hand.

“i should be the one thanking you,” he said.

“no mom.. i should be the one to say thank you mom and dad for being the best parents,” Julia yelled happily while i giggle.

“table manners Julia… you don’t shout while eating,” Francis said while she smile then looked at me.

“yes daddy.. am just so happy,” she said making a funny face while we burst out laughing.. What a happy family i’ve got.????????

????Chloe’s POV????

A drop of tears flowed from my eyes as i held Erica’s photo and also aunt Cecily. They’re still my family and i grew up to love them all. I have always love Erica as my sister but then she broke my trust… she hurt everyone. What if i was dead when she tried to kill me, what if Declan didn’t save me then i could have been a story and who knows maybe she migbht be with Ethan.. but destiny CAN NEVER BE DENIED, it can only be DELAYED. What mine will eventually find no matter where i am. I remember how i wanted to put her behind bars.. i wanted to make sure she paid for the crimes she committed but then things don’t also go the way we planed, she shouldn’t have die.. at least for the sake of Catherine.

Now i know all storms have an expiring date. I didn’t know that tough times are part of life and that there’s an end to tears which they do dry up with faith and prayer. Little did i know that after the de-ep pain and heartburn beyond belief there’s an everlasting happiness at the end, where only laughter, joy and happiness will take over.

“i went to the sitting room and meet the kids watching cartoons, Eddie and Freddie were already asleep, i carried Eddie in my arms while Ethan carried Freddie in his arms and we took them to their room and laid them on their bed.

“those boys plays too much and sleep too much,” i said while Ethan smiled.

“Eddie took after you while Freddie after me,” he said while i rolled my eyes.

“let me just tuck Catherine to bed,” i said then went to the sitting room and saw Catherine still watching.

“you need to sleep dear.. early to bed, early to rise.. you still have school to attend to tomorrow,” i said to her while she smiled.

“yes.. mom i was done reading that’s why,” she said while i nodded the held her hand as we walked to her room and laid on her bed.

“good night mommy,” she said.

“not yet.. won’t you like me to read bedtime stories for you? i asked while she giggle.

“you haven’t complete reading the princess and the dragon,” she said while i nodded then picked up the book in drawer, i cuddle her close to me as i read out the stories to her until she fall asleep. I smile when i saw her asleep, she looks so beautiful, that’s the easiest way to make her sleep. I closed the open windows because it cold, then cover her with her duvet. I ki-ssed her forehead then smiled.

“i love you so much Catherine.. Erica loves you too,” i mutter then switch off the light before walking out to my room. I meet Ethan busy with his phone.

“i thought you were sleep already,” i said while he nodded.

“you know i can’t sleep without you by my side,” he said while i smiled. We cuddle against each other to keep ourselves warm.

“i love you Chloe,” he muttered while i smiled.

“i love you more,” i said as i rested my head on his chest then close my eyes and drifted to my dreamland.????????????????


????Anton’s POV????

I threw a large party to celebrate my family. Just like get together party, lots of people came, friends????, loved ones????, my families members????, business a-ssociate and of course my lovely talkative grandchildren, everyone was present to share in our joy. I couldn’t be more happier to build my once shattered and broken home together and now we’re one big happy family. one thing i learnt in life is that it’s never too late to start over, of you weren’t happy with yesterday try something different today, don’t stay stuck, do better cos everything in life is reflection of a choice one have made

????I walked to the stage as i sat down and played the paino.

“this song am about to sing… is dedicated to someone so special.. someone in my heart.. and someone whom i think life without her is useless and that sepcial woman is CAMILLE????, my wife. I said while they was a thounderous clap and cheers up. I looked at her and saw how happy she was, she was dressed so beautiful tonight.

“Camille has always been my super woman, the strong woman ever, even thou she was hurt, she still forgive and move on, even thou it was easy for her, for all this reason, i so much love and cherish her,” i said then sighted Chloe and Jasmine who were also looking so emotional, they were both dressed looking so beautiful. This song is also dedicated to my two wonderful daughters Chloe and Jasmine????.. without them my life will be incomplete… i know i have’nt been a good father but am glad i was given that chance to amend and make it up to each of them, i love you so much,” i said while i trying to hold back my tears too. I saw Catherine, julia, Eddie and Freddie which make me laugh.

“my grandchildren are also included, they make me feel so special and happy always.. no bored moments with them,” i said.

“go grandpa.. we love you too,” they yelled happily while everyone gaze was on them. My eyes was focused on Camille and Camille alone as i begin to sing.. this woman is my strength.. she always give me more reason to smile and love her the more..

✨…There’s a moment in the journey that i gave up,????

….???? my boots just couldn’t walk another mile.????

????And that cloud above me has no silver lining,????

???? i couldn’t buy a break with my last dime,????

????????but when i saw you standing by the corner, ????

????i’d have never thought that you would have my back.

…????.But then we rolled in like the thunder and the lightening,????

..????.threw some punches, then we had a laugh, just some rou-ghed-up desperados,????

….????hanging tough throu-ghthick and thin, ????

..????.kicking up dust wherever we go, ????

,,,????,who’d have thought we’d end up here together?

… it’s crazy that we’re standing side by side, just like lovers birds, ????????‍????‍????????
..????who’s gonna tell us now that we can’t fly?????????

✨The hall was filled with cheerful noise, when i was done singing Camille walked up to me in the stage and i hug-ged her, we took lots of photographs, Chloe and Jasmine also joined us including their children.

This the best day of my life and it all because of Camille.. she’s the reason behind my existence… and now am the most happiest man having a precious wife????????, lovely children???????? and crazy beautiful grandchildren????…. i’ll forever LOVE ???? and TRUST???? Camille until my last dying breathe because she gave me a reasons to live.


????Camille’s POV????

The celebration was the best and we are now all together.. i felt so happy to be around my loved ones.

????My attitude towards the dark moments of my life has really changed and defined who i am. For once i know that those who hurt others are intentionally making their own hurt and shame cos i know good people don’t have conscience to hurt others. I believe life ia series of near misses. A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all, it’s seizing the day and accepting responsibilitly for our future.

It seeing what other people don’t see and pursuing that vision. Life has really left me with scars that may never go but i still got my happiness back. I do believe everything happen for a reason and it’s also true that once you know the value of time, snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it, no idleness, no delay, no procastination and never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Though no one can go back and start a brand new start but everyone can start from NOW and make a brane new ENDING, because to accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe.????


Written by: Japhet Biji {Japhy}????

????THE END????

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