The Love Of Money - S01 E14

Story 2 weeks ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E14

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 14

"Five million dollars a year. You divorce your husband and come work for me exclusively for five million a year."

"I just

"Ten million?"

She locked gazes with me, "You can't be serious."

"I trust you," I said. "I think.." She showed up at my apartment to seduce me, obviously trying to sway me to continue to employ the services of her firm. Of course I trusted her enough to not do anything shady behind my back! All I had to do was buy her loyalty. That's what she said, right? "And I want you."

"There's better lawyers out there than me," she said as she pulled her knees up under her chin.

"Yeah, but you're a good lawyer. And I want you."

Amusement danced in her eyes, "You said that. I'm flattered that you value my expertise-"

"No. I mean I want you to be mine. My lawyer, and in every other way. Ten million dollars a year, and you wouldn't have to worry about anything. Just be my lawyer, and be mine."

For the first time since I met her, Helen looked completely at a loss for words. This woman - who was technically old enough to be my mother (if she'd had me at 15 years old), who had decades of experience in the world of financial law, and more worldly knowledge than I could have ever hoped to acquire in my lifetime- was caught on her back foot. She was naked, alone in the apartment of a man she'd met less than 12 hours ago, and was being asked to leave everything. The thought of having the ability to do this to a woman like Helen made the wheels in my head start to turn again... some of the scenarios I'd considered earlier began to play out in my imagination once more. If I could do this to a powerful woman like Helen by just waving enough money around,

exactly what else was I capable of?

"I would need to think about it," Helen said. She sat up and looked around the room, clearly looking for her clothes. She was gearing up to leave, Would she tell Karl or Roger about my offer? Would he talk her down?

"No. You leave here without giving me an answer, then that's it." I didn't want to burn this bridge, but I wasn't sure what else to do. Earlier, when I'd been going through my list of people who could help me make decisions, I'd come up with a big, fat zero. If I didn't have anyone among my friends or family I could fully trust that also had the capability of helping me make good decisions, then clearly I needed to buy someone. What better person than Helen?

Okay, so there were probably a lot of people better suited than the wife of one of the partners of the firm desperately wanting to keep my business. But I clearly wasn't thinking with only my big brain. It'd been at least 20 minutes since I'd last cum, and post-orgasm clarity didn't last very long.

I had her attention though, so I kept talking. "I don't want you to go to Roger and tell him about this. I would rather just fire your firm, start with a clean slate, and get my own person who works exclusively for me, and have them manage my affairs." I forced myself to keep my eyes locked on hers. It felt like holding a bull by the horns to keep it from killing me.

"I like you, Helen. You're smart, beautiful, fun to be around, and you make me feel good. I don't know if I can completely trust you, but I think I can pay you enough to buy your trust. You've said I should just enjoy my inheritance, I want to. I've worked my entire life so far, and I don't have much to show for it. I want to have fun. I want to enjoy things, but I need someone I can trust to make sure I'm doing it right."

I leveled my gaze at her, "I want you, and I want an answer from you now. I can probably find someone else, but you'd make it easier and a lot more fun. You leave now, and this will be it. You agree to quit your job and be mine... take care of me... and I'll take care of you."

She just stared for a long moment. "I'm married," she finally said.

"He told you to come here, didn't he?" I retorted. I didn't want to

share Helen with Roger. Me fucking his wife was all well and good,

but I hated the idea of sending her back to him.

She just stared, but the lack of an immediate denial was all the answer I needed.

"Look, I don't know your marriage as well as you, but it looks to me like you're a trophy or just some means to an end... and that's fine If that's what you want. I'm not hypocritical enough to realize that I'm asking you for something similar, but that wouldn't be all there is to it. Look, I'm trying really hard to not catch feelings here, but it's really..." I couldn't bring myself to say the word. I was sure it would run her off.

"It's really hard not to feel anything. But I just had the best sex of my life, you're ridiculously hot, and you have the knowledge and experience I need to make things happen. You'd have a lot of power and stupid amounts of money. Plus I'm wealthier, a lot younger, and better looking than your husband."

Silence reigned for nearly a full minute as I let my words wash over her. The seconds ticked by and each one made the anticipation of her answer more painful, but I wasn't going to break the silence. I would sit there for 20 minutes if that's what it took... I'd just dumped a lot on her, and if that's how long she needed to reply, that's what I'd give her.

"Oh Marcus," Helen sighed and looked around the room again, clearly working out her feelings on the matter.

"Honestly, the firm is the best thing for you," she finally said. I started to reply, but she held up one well-manicured finger, "But that's not to say your feelings aren't unfounded. The partners have all become used to the Gerrard estate. They're very comfortable with the way things are and you're right... the account has afforded them opportunities that would disappear if you didn't continue to engage them."

That being said, they have people who have been working with your assets for years, myself included. You'd lose a lot more than you'd gain by looking elsewhere."

She hesitated before continuing, "But I understand your concern. What about a compromise? I continue working at the firm. It keeps your business, and you buy my complete loyalty for the price you suggested."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It means that I continue to do my job for the company. I continue to answer to the partners, but I hold nothing back from you. I don't try to manage you at all by telling you what you want to hear, which is what would normally happen. I will tell you exactly what's going on and give you the best advice can. You get the best of both worlds-the infrastructure and experience of YPV and my support, loyalty, and advice."

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The Love Of Money - S01 E13

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The Love Of Money - S01 E15

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