A Crazy Love - S01 E59

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A Crazy Love - S01 E59

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 59

With this thought he asked the driver to drive him back towards his house. But the moment he entered into his hall, a flying vase came right at his face.

And for the first time, Markus hardly managed to dodge the vase, his sleeve almost brushing past it.

“Can you not do this? At least not in such situations!” Markus shouted angrily at grandpa but the next moment, his body crashed into grandpa’s body, hugging him tightly.

“You are suffocating me!!” Grandpa spoke with disgust but anyone could see how happy he looked to hug Markus.

“I almost killed an innocent being because of you.” Markus said, still not ready to leave grandpa.

“Don’t blame me for that idiotic temper of yours.” Grandpa said, unaware that the innocent person might have been his most cherished grand-daughter-in-law.

“Tsundere.” Markus said, before breaking the hug and holding grandpa at both his shoulders.

But one had to agree that grandpa was the exact definition of the word tsundere. He would pretend to be irritated and disgusted by you, scold you, but deep down, he would be the one to worry and care for you the most.

“Don’t you think you owe an explanation or something similar now?” Markus asked with an eyebrow raised.

“That’s the reason I am here instead of having my regular tea peacefully back at our home.” Grandpa said and walked towards the sofa.

“Detail me on everything from the beginning.” Markus said while sitting down with grandpa.


Aaron was sitting in front of Kizy. Kizy wanted to make arrangements for Grandpa’s fake murder, but she didn’t knew how to start. And that is when this idea struck her.

She made a call to Black Rose from her usual mobile, knowing that Aaron was paying attention to her actions.

“Hey Rosie, how are you doing?” Kizy asked cheerfully.

Black Rose immediately knew that the call was being monitored, as Rosie was the name her team used whenever they needed to talk their code language in public.

“Hey Kizy, long time no see.” Rose replied.

“Guess what? I am there in C city!!” Kizy said excitedly.

And Rose knew that she definitely had a mission, especially when Kizy said she was already there in C city.

“That’s such great news!! So when do you plan to meet me, busy girl?” Rose said in a dramatic tone.

“I am busy for the coming one week. I will be free by Monday. How about meeting at ‘7th Heaven’ then?” Kizy said.

Rose immediately understood what Kizy meant. After all this was their code language, the one they had been using for years. She understood that whatever the mission was, she was supposed to execute it on Monday.

Plus 7th heaven was the code name they had given to the seventh chamber on airport road. That was one of their escape routes after finishing any mission.

So she now knew that Kizy wanted her to be there inside the seventh chamber on monday. But the most important question was what exactly did Kizy plan? Why was she doing it?

“I just knew this!! You never have time for me. Sob sob.” Rose said.

“If I didn’t have the time, I wouldn’t have called you in the first place.” Kizy said in a flat tone.

“Fine. I will forgive you this one time. But why are you in C city suddenly? Does it have anything to do with Markus?” Rose asked, trying to decipher Kizy’s plan.

And Kizy literally thanked god for Rose’s super brain.

“Don’t even utter his name in front of me. He is the only person I have ever regretted meeting in my entire life. He is seriously the worst man I have ever seen.” Kizy said in an angry voice.

‘This mission is definitely related to Markus. Someone is eavesdropping on her, that is why she is unable to speak her mind. Maybe she can’t contact him.’ Rose thought.

“Did you meet him afterwards?” Rose asked.

“No. I haven’t been in contact with him for more than three weeks now. And I am happy about that.” Kizy said.

‘This means Kizy is not able to contact Markus, but she needs me to do something. But what exactly?’ Rose started thinking.

And suddenly something clicked her.

“What about his family? Aren’t they doing something?” Rose asked.

It was their habit of knowing full details about the person they discussed to have some clue.

“Don’t talk about them. I haven’t seen a family as shameless as them. Especially his grandpa!! How can such people exist. And then his grandma and mom. All they know is to support that shitty person to no end.” Kizy said, almost gritting her teeth.

‘She mentioned grandpa first. And said he shouldn’t exist. Does it have anything to do with grandpa? I should check his whereabouts first. I feel Kizy wants to warn me about his life. Or maybe his life is in danger!!’ Rose’s brain started processing the situation at higher speed

“Ok forget it. Don’t get riled up. Once you are free after Monday, let’s meet at ‘7th heaven’ and curse his grandpa or maybe curse his eighteen generations for an entire night.” Rose said while laughing, trying to confirm the details.

“Yes this works fine with me. Let’s curse together.” Kizy said while laughing hard.

And Rose knew that Kizy was set on this mission with her.

“I will text you once I have decided about the meeting. See you soon.” Kizy said and Rose said her goodbye before hanging up.

Rose on the other hand went to find Harry, their black swordsman.

“I want you to connect me with Diamond’s grandpa without anyone tracing our conversation.” Rose asked Harry.

“Why?” Harry asked.

“A mission by Diamond. But I think a life is involved, a life she wants to save.” Rose said.

Within two minutes, Harry successfully managed to deactivate all the bugs, making it safe to contact grandpa.

And Rose didn’t waste another minute. She immediately called grandpa.

“Hello, am I speaking to Mike Evans?” Rose asked for confirmation.

“Yes, speaking.” Grandpa answered.

“Grandpa, I am Kizy’s friend, Rose. I think she had told you about us before.” Rose said.

“Yes I remeber.” Grandpa said.

“Actually she contacted me a few minutes ago and she tried to hint me something related to you, and I want to confirm my suspicion. So please answer my questions.” Rose said directly.

“Ask.” Grandpa replied seriously.

“Have you planned anything for monday?” Rose asked.

Grandpa paused for a moment, understanding what was happening.

“Yes. I will be visiting a friend in C City.” Grandpa said.

“Then your life is in danger.” Rose said.

“What did Kizy say?” Grandpa asked.

“Kizy wasn’t able to say much as I guess someone was spying on her. She vaguely mentioned you. So I confirm that it is definitely about you.” Rose said.

“What now?” Grandpa asked.

“I think someone wants to get you killed and she wants to save you, but can’t do anything about it. That is why she approached me secretly.” Rose continued.

“So what does she exactly want?” Grandpa asked, thinking about the entire matter seriously.

He wasn’t surprised to know that Aaron wanted him dead. Afterall he had murdered Aaron’s dad. But he never expected Aaron to ask Kizy to kill him.

Thus he felt sympathy for Kizy, knowing how difficult it was for her to stay with that dangerous man.

“I think she wants to pretend to kill you, but save you in reality.” Rose said.

“What do you mean?” Grandpa asked.

“Actually she asked me to be there inside an escape route on the way to the airport on monday. I think she wants to save you secretly through our route and then maybe send you back to A city.” Rose said a little doubtfully.

“So we have to plan my fake murder?” Grandpa asked.

“Yes. Because Kizy won’t be able to do much, we will plan your murder and inform her whenever possible.” Rose replied.

After that grandpa and Rose discussed the plan everyday for the next three days and finally came up with the most realistic plan on saturday.

As usual Rose called grandpa after she had gone through his entire plan and made some changes.

“So grandpa, I want you to prepare a car which will have a hidden opening in the bottom. You should be able to open and close it on your own.” Rose said.

“Ok, this can be done.” Grandpa replied.

“From the way I know, Kizy will definitely go for weapons to attack you because that is her masterfield. She can control guns the bestest.” Rose continued.

“So first of all, your vehicles should be bulletproof. Though I am sure all her team will be loaded with weapons which will eventually break your windows, but for the beginning, we need to put up our defences.

Secondly I will ask her to attack you exactly when your car is above the escape chamber.

Thirdly she will definitely keep firing even when glass breaks. That is when I want your men to leave your car and surround it from all sides.

Once they are out, ask them to move forward towards the enemy and attack with full power. Your men should continue moving ahead.

Meanwhile since your vehicle would be surrounded, no one will see what happened inside the car.

That is when you will quickly exit the vehicle through the secret opening of the car floor. Once you are beneath your car, open the lid of the chamber. It has got steps from inside. Climb down the stairs and then close the lid above you.

I would signal Kizy, who in turns would blast your car, making it appear as if you died in the explosion.

I will be there inside the chamber from the beginning. So once you are inside, your safety is my responsibility.” Rose finished explaining the plan in one go.

“The plan is obviously a flawless one child, but will he believe my death just because of that explosion? I mean he will search for proof of my death even from the blasted place.” Grandpa pointed out the most important flaw of the plan.

“I forgot to include this in my plan. But how will we do that?” Rose asked a little embarrassedly.

After all, it wasn’t an everyday thing where such huge yet silly mistakes were seen in her plans.

“What if I arrange a dead body? We will keep that in the car before leaving. Once the car blasts, the body will blast as well. And he won’t suspect us, not at least after seeing the burnt body organs.” Grandpa said.

“Okay grandpa. We can do this.” Rose said.

Both of them thought that their plan was well made and were therefore busy in preparations till the next day.

On Sunday morning, Rose made a call to Kizy, to inform her about the plan, though discreetly.

“Hellllooo Kizyyyyyy.” Rose started with a dramatic wish.

“Hello Rosie, what’s up?” Kizy asked.

“I have confirmed our booking for the ‘7th Heaven’.” Rose said.

“Why did you make a booking for that Rose? It wasn’t needed.” Kizy said confusedly, as Aaron was sitting right in front of her.

“I wanted to have our girls time. Ok forget that, I wanted to ask if you will be having your previous favourites or wanna try something new?” Rose asked, trying to hint whether she would be going for her usual weapons or something different.

And Kizy as usual knew what Rose meant.

“No, my usual order. But why are you asking for my order?” Kizy asked.

“They will be launching an event and we need to pre order our food because of that.” Rose said.

‘Launching? Event launch? Launch? Don’t tell me she is telling me about rocket launchers? Wait.. she plans to use a rocket launcher which means she will be blasting grandpa’s car and rescuing grandpa via the seventh chamber. Is that what her plan is?’ Kizy thought.

“An event launch? Do we need to attend this event?” Kizy asked one last time, to confirm her suspicion.

“Yes, in fact that would be thrilling. Don’t you think so?” Rose said, knowing that Kizy understood her.

“Fine. I don’t have any problem. You can pre book my regular order then.” Kizy said, finalising their plan, right in front of Aaron, without letting him know.


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