All for Mr. Redman - S01 E41

Story 2 weeks ago

All for Mr. Redman - S01 E41

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 41


Peter and I struggle, Jessica interferes and I prove I am only human

*** You will find this easier to read, and more enjoyable, If you take the time to read the other chapters first

Thank you to all those who have written to me about this, commented, and voted. I really do appreciate it very much.

There is not a lot of sex in this Chapter, it is located in just after the middle portion. Please do not be too hard on me as for this story to continue to be true I had to admit everything and you may not like me after. I have never claimed to be a perfect person. I am not hiding anything... simply trying to fill in an important section in our lives.

Please remember that English is not my first language. Thank you for your patience,

All for Mr. Redman Chapter 9

I left Peter's house feeling more turmoil inside me than I ever thought possible. When I reached the corner to get the subway I was having trouble breathing and had to lean against a building. My heart really hurt, my chest was actually hurting.

Jessica... the name of the woman who came to the door and shattered my perfect world with the news that Peter had a son. A son who was with her at the door. I could feel the blood pounding in my ears and leaned over for a moment. I actually thought I was going to throw up.

Finally, I stood and made my way to the subway station. It was that moment when I realized I didn't have anyplace to go. I did not bother getting an apartment at the end of second year because Peter and I moved in together.

The idea of going to my parents was too crushing to even contemplate. How would I ever explain this to then? That my beloved Peter had a son with another woman.

Was he being honest with me? She did not say anything to make me decide one way or another. I knew that the handsome little boy was his. There was no doubt of it. I could see the man I loved in his eyes.

How did she not tell him? Did he actually know or suspect? When the hell was the last time he saw her and how did this happen? I had a hundred questions flying around in my mind and no idea where to go with them. I was not really ready to process anything.

I was possibly homeless, standing on a street corner in yoga pants

and an athletic top, wearing my cross trainers. Changing before I

left didn't cross my mind.

Deciding that maybe walking would help just started to wander. I had no real idea where I was going, I just walked. I didn't really notice people. The world had taken on a grey shade and was muted to my senses. I guess that's why I was not paying attention to anything and that was how I met James.

I was crossing a street in a daze not paying attention. I was shocked back to reality by two things. A loud car horn and a body slamming into mine. By the time I was fully aware I was on the opposite sidewalk and a man was releasing his hold on me. He had basically charged at me and grabbed me and moved me out of the path of a car that would have wiped me out.

The driver yelled "You stupid Chinese Bitch!!!!" at the top of his lungs and drove off.

My rescuer yelled "Fuck you!" back at him.

He kept one hand on my upper arm and stepped back looking in my eyes "Are you okay? That as close."

I looked at him and said "No."

"Are you hurt?" he was looking me over from head to toe "Did I hurt you?"

My brain kicked in and I said "So sorry, no I am not hurt. I will be fine."

Looking at him he was about 40 years old. Had very kind light blue eyes, was clean shaven and had what can best be described as a kind face. He was about 5'9" tall, about 170lbs and seemed pretty

fit. He was wearing black pants and a blue collared dress shirt.

I saw in his eyes that he saw me looking him over and a smile came to his face. "I guess I should at least tell you my name, I'm James."

"Thank you for saving me James. It was very brave. My name is Sachiko."

"Sachiko? Really... so your Japanese and your name means Blossom." he said with a gentle smile.

"How did... do you speak Japanese?" I asked. I was geriuinely surprised.

He laughed and said "No, I wish. I have a friend... one of my best friends, who was in love with a girl named Sachiko years ago. She was from Japan, really nice girl. She was here for school. He still talks about her periodically. She made a big impression on him. I learned from her what her name means."

I nodded and smiled. He tilted his head looking at me and said "I don't mean to be insensitive, but are you sure you're okay?"

Looking down at the ground I said "Yes... I am fine."

He said "I don't think you are okay. You just walked through traffic like you had a death wish, what happened?"

I looked up at him and knew he could see was not well composed, something that is deeply embarrassing to me. Honestly I did not know what to do, I was on autopilot and unable to form a response.

Seeing compassion in his eyes I blurted out what happened and he just listened very calmly as I did it. I was standing in the street pouring out my soul to a man who just saved my life. When I was done talking he said gently "You are fine."

"I do not think so." said emotionally.

"No, you are F.I.N.E. It means Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional. F.I.N.E." He said gently while smiling.

I laughed while wiping my eyes and nodded.

"Come on, you need to talk and I have time to listen." he gestured for me to walk with him. I have no idea why he was being so kind, not at that point. He lead me down the street into a comfortable restaurant and we got a booth. When the waitress came she said "Hi James, JD and Coke?" he nodded and asked for a menu and asked me what I would like to drink. "May I please have a draft Keith's?"

The waitress smiled and said "Of course you can!" and went to get our drinks. Peter ordered a taster platter and we sat there in silence for a few minutes.

What the hell was I doing here? don't even know this guy. Yes he saved me and I should at least buy him lunch as a thank you... but why was I sharing so much.

James sat and listened as I poured out everything about Peter and 1. I didn't hold anything back and even talked about our sex life. I talked about his parents, my parents, living with him... everything.

By the time I got to the part where James met me we were each on our third drink. He nodded and said "Simple... my opinion is he did not know abut the child. He would have reacted to him and not looked surprised when she brought him up. He didri't know... she got pregnant, you said yourself he said she bailed on him. She never told him. There are only two questions. First, why is she telling him now? Second, are you going to go back to the man you love who just had a big bomb dropped on him too? Now, don't think I am being critical... but don't you think he needs you now more than ever?"

I sat there stunned. Granted I had consumed three pints of beer and that makes me slow on the uptake to begin with, but he was so right. I knew in my heart that Peter did not know about the child. I also knew I loved him and love can be a demanding thing. Peter had always stood by me.

"James, this is not he got a pet... this is so big, this is a child. What if she wants him back? What if she is trying to work her way back into Peter's life because she cannot raised the child alone anymore. Why the hell is she there? I'm not trying to sound weak or selfish, but a child is a huge responsibility and I was first in his heart... but any woman who gets involved with a man with a child must realize that the child is everything to him.. child comes first... you cannot be unfair about that, you have to accept the child's importance."

James nodded and ordered us another drink. I had a tequila shooter with mine. What can I say, getting drunk was starting to look like a good idea. Also, it is more culturally acceptable for me to spill my guts under the influence. It's a way that excuses someone from having to pay attention to all social custom and status. It allows one to speak their mind and not be taken as

offensive. It also allows others to excuse or forgive behaviour... it was too much Sake. It is an old custom in my culture and a necessary one. It suited me just fine here.

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E40

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E42

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