Fate - S01 E79

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Fate - S01 E79

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 79


Camille’s POV????

I quickly woke up and saw Anton still unconscious, that was a dream. I remember singing for Anton until i fall asleep, i guess in the dream Anton was awake but he later died and was buried, i was so broken, i wipe off the tears in my eyes as i watch him. That was such a horrible nightmare.

“please Anton.. promise never to leave me,” i said so scared as i kept remembering the dream i heard.

“i love YOU Anton❣, Chloe and Jasmine love you.. we are still waiting for you,” i yelled in tears, i kept crying until i couldn’t cry anymore, i rested my head on the chair i was seating while i gently held Anton’s hand as i mutter a short prayer.

“please be alive for your family,” i said in a low tone then close my eyes, i felt Anton’s fingers on mine, am i still dreaming, i quickly open my eyes and saw one of his finger moving while he’s eyes was slightly open, i pinch myself this time to make sure am not dreaming.

“you’re awake,”

i said happily but my smile faded away when i remember the horrible dream i just had now, yes he was awake but he died, i don’t want that to happen. I quickly rush to call the doctor and also Chloe and Jasmine.

The doctor examine him for a while.

“doctor please make sure he sruvive, nothing bad must happen to him,” i said quickly rushing my words, i still remember my dream and i don’t want anything bad to happen.

“mom, calm down.. dad is awake, he’s finally awake,” Jasmine said smiling in tears.

“he’s out of danger for now, but he need to be alone,” the doctor said while i looked at Anton, he was looking at me without saying anything.

“Anton.. do you want us to stay or leave.. please say something,” i said as i sat down beside him.

“my ..fa..mily should stay behind,” he manage to say while i smiled.

“you see doctor.. he want to be alone with his family,” i said.

“okay then, make sure you won’t disturb him too much,” the doctor said before walking out.

“dad.. are you now okay… isn’t this like a deam,” Jasmine said happily.

“you survive at last dad and i believe everything is over now.. Nicholas is already death for good no more enemies within,” Chloe said while i nodded. He didn’t say anything much he just kept smiling at every thing we said. I called Sebastian and inform him about it, he was happy and he came immediately with his son Ethan.

A week later☪
????I sat down next to Anton and feed him myself with some fruits. Sebastian, Ethan, Francis, Chloe and Jasmine were also with us, now everyone seems to have a good appetite.

“thank you for all your care, i thought i was going to die,” Anton said while he held my hand, we looked at each other then smiled.

“to everyone who help out in one way or the other, thank you so much for your concern,” he said.

“that’s so sweet of you dad, i guess you don’t know how happy i am, we are finally together for good, isn’t that amazing,” Jasmine said while we smiled.

“i really don’t know what will be of Camille if you left… i guess even death reject you because is not yet your time, same thing with Chloe…

i know their’s a special thing about this family. Let think of this, Chloe would have been death during the bomb explosion, she escape death countless times, Jasmine would have die if Francis haven’t save her when she was thrown to die in the gutter that night, she would have still been death when she was shoot by Karen but then she escape it several times, same thing with you Sir. Anton.. we all thought you couldn’t make it but you did it at last,

aunt Camille was so heartbroken, she also escape death countless times and if only we were not on time Karen would have shoot her too,. A lot of things happen which are terrible and it a good thing you were able to caught the enemies within, sadly they’re are people close to us, even Erica was part of them,” Ethan said while everyone was quiet.

“and i guess it for a purpose we all survive.. we still have lots of things to accomplish, to be together as family and be happy just the way our family was complete years back,” Chloe said while i nodded in tears.

“now that my family are back … i promise nothing bad will gonna happen, during those six months of my Coma.. i was almost death.. but then my mom kept telling me you need me, she told me my family will forever be broken if i didn’t return back to them, i cried, i told her Camille hate me, i told her even if am back, my family might never be complete,

but she showed me how you cried and intercede on my behalf, and how much were concern about me I regretted the whole event and the thing that transpired between me and Camille, i wish i could turn back the hands of time to amend my mistakes and be a better husband to Camille and a good father to Chloe.. but all the same am given another chance.. just this one last chance to make it up to all of you,” Anton said while i smiled.

“yes dad.. we’ll make it up to each other and be happy family again,” Jasmine said smiling.

It was happy time indeed and everyone was beaming with smiles. Anton is back to us, our family is given our chance to live happily again, that’s the greatest golden opportunity, to love and to trust as one big family. For once in my life i feel so happy within, Jasmine was tight when she said forgiveness is something we don’t only do for the person who seek for it but also for ourselves, so we could have that peace within us.

✨Everyone left and it was only me with Anton, he was seated on his bed while i sat down on a chair next to him.

“aren’t you tired.. won’t you even sleep? he asked while i smiled.

“something bad might happen to you while am asleep, i need to watch over you because you almost gave me heart attack when i dreamt you died,” i said sadly while he looked at me.

“well i guess it the opposite of your dream, here am i alive,” he boast while i smile, he looks so happy.

“you know what my mom told me? he said.

“what is it?

“she said my happiness lies within you and your happiness also lies within me, that’s why i now understood why i wasn’t happy ever since we broke up… even when am married to Karen i have never experience a real happiness,” he said sadly.

“everything is over now.. that was the same thing Sebastian told me, and now i feel so happy with you,” i said happily. I miss Anton so much and i know he also miss.

“thank you so much Camille.. not all women can do this.. not all women can accept me after what i did to you,” he said.

“i know i also make a mistake by hiding secret from you.. that’s was how our problem once started and i guess i once date the wrong person, i regretted knowing Jake in the first place.

“thank you so much… thank you for always being by my side, that shows how much you love me and i love you so much and i promise never hurt you again…” he said while i smile.

“love hold no record of wrong… i came back to you because my heart couldn’t stop loving you all this years and we are also given another chance to renew our sweet love, i love you so much Anton,” i said emotionally while he moved his head closer and ki-ssed me lightly on my li-ps, something i have missed all these years.

????Sebastian’s POV????

I went to check on Camille and saw her and Anton ki-ssing.. too soon. I smile inwardly but my eyes were filled with tears.

have you ever fallen for a person you were never meant to be with.. have you ever fallen so crazy in love that you have to let go and watch the one you love with someone else. I know Camille is the most happiest person now and i feel so happy for her. I walked back to the waiting area and sat down alone. If only i meet Camille a long time ago, but that’s all too late cos we were never meant to be. But then her happiness is my happiness and i have to let her be, even for the sake of my son Ethan who’s inlove with her daughter atleast we will end up beind inlaws.

“dad.. are you okay,” Ethan asked as we walked up to me.
“am fine Ethan.. am just happy Camille is back with Anton and their children are happy,” i said he smile.

“don’t worry dad.. your true love is on the way.. i wish mom is still alive, Declan the only one i knew as a brother betrayed me, so he was the one who killed mother and he acted so innocent, he’s just evil as Erica,’ he said.

“everything is over now.. because everyone is happy and am glad you’re my son, i have someone to call a family.. i guess am the most happiest here,” i said while Ethan smile.

Jasmine’s POV????

“your right Francis.. i never thought all this will end someday, but now dad is alive and our enemies are fu-cking dead,” i said to Francis as we sat down at the eatery to eat.

“sure.. i told you that.. your dad is a fighter,” he said while i laughed, he was staring at me.

“what? i asked

“am happy you’re laughing… it been a long time i saw you this happy,” he said while i smile.

“what more can i ask for… Even when dad was with that stupid and evil Karen he has never been so happy like the way i saw him with mom, they look so happy together and i wonder if that’s how they are when they married before the devil came in,” i said.

“i have learnt a lot from their story, you see when i get married to you i will always trust you and i hope you won’t keep any secret from me,” he said while i laughed.

“it not funny,”

“yeah.. it not funny, well we do learn from our mistakes… i won’t keep any secret from you afterall i don’t have any boyfriend aside from you so no one would come to claim my child just as Jake claim Chloe,” i said while he smiled.

“and then we will never be separated, we will love each other and grow old with each other with that de-ep feelings we have for each other,” he said while i held his hands.
“i can’t wait for that day,” i said while we both laughed.


To Be Continued...

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