Fate - S01 E77

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Fate - S01 E77

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 77

????Chloe’s POV????

I don’t know how many lives will have to die before the whole enemies will be track down… i don’t want anyone to die, we all need to act fast. Declan will also have to pay because once Erica put to bed she will go back to jail for good, so Declan will have to turn out his self to the police for good. My phone beeped and i saw a message from an unknown number, suddenly a picture was sent, it was a picture of mom, she was tied to a chair and her mouth was closed.

“your mother is with us,” a message popped in and i was more surprise, suddenly Jasmine and dad walked in.

“Chloe.. where’s Camille dad asked so worried. I showed them the confused message i saw and he also showed me his.

“could this be Declan! i thought.

“mom is kidnapped, where was she? why didn’t she go out with her guards? Jasmine asked so worried.

“i don’t know whoever did this must be someone close to us and i suspect Declan,” i said in anger.

“Camille is kidnapped? Mr. Sebastian asked as he walked in. Seems everyone close to us knows about it.

“what did they need from us,” dad said so frustrated.

“things keep falling apart… maybe we just have to accept the fact that our family can never be complete,” Jasmine said in tears.

soon… dad phone rang and he quickly picked up the call then put it in a loud speaker.

“hi my dear lovely ex husband,” a female voice pop in and we were all shocked.

“Ka..ren,” dad said almost in a whisper.

“i can’t wait any longer… it a good thing you and Camille aren’t planing to get back together, so it you i want.. just you alone.. if you want Camille alive then you should come alone wiithout anyone nor the cops, remember if you dare involve the cops in this Camille might never return alive,” she said while i was so angry.

“mom Karen.. so she was alive all this while.. how dare she? Jasmine said in anger.

“Ka.ren.. what the heck did you want from me,” dad yelled at her.

“if you come then we might discuss about it, remember don’t involve the police or else Camille will be dead.. just come alone,” she said before cutting off the call, soon a message pop in his screen, it was the address of where he’ll meet them.

“no dad you won’t go anywhere,” Jasmine said.

“but it me they want, i guess they only kidnapped Camille to get to me…. Karen must be working with someone and we have to end all this today.. i have to know who my enemies are,” he said.

“but you can’t go their without the cops, it might be a trick Anton,” Mr. Sebastain said.

“i know Karen.. that’s how she killed Sean, i don’t want same thing to repeat itself, i have save Camille.. i want my whole family to be complete even if it has to be with the last drop of my blood,” he said while i and Jasmine hug-ged him.

“he will report this to the police dad, but don’t worry we have to act smart,” i said in tears.

“aunt Cecily is gone areadly, Sean is also no more, please Dad promise me you’ll back safe with mommy,” Jasmine said in tears while he nodded.
“i wish so, i hope so but i can’t promise you that, i have to go just know that i love you both so much,” he said before walking out. We need to report this to the police. We can’t lose both parents,” i said in tears.

Antonio’s POV????

I arrived to the place they are, in a ware house, it such a large building. I stood outside and saw a black huge car with a tinted gla-ss, Karen walked out from the car then smiled.
“such a long time right,” she said with a smile.

“where’s Camille, let her go and have me,” i said in anger while she laughed.

“oh Anton.. my sweet husband, i know you must have forgotten me, well i want you to know am back and am fully back for you,” she grin evily.

“Karen.. just let Camille go,” i said while she called her men and two huge men came out and walked up to me.

“seize him,” she said and they held me so tight as they dragged me to the building.

“what your plan Karen… just let me go,” i yelled at her.

“look who we have here,” a familiar voice said while i looked up and was shocked to see Nicholas.. my suspicious were right.. so you two are the devil,” i said while he laughed as he dragged Camille with him.

“just let her go,” i yelled.

“not yet Anton…. am also here to avenge my son’s dead, you think i have forgotten about my son?

“please Karen let not talk about Sean…” i said bitterly while she laughed.

“okay then… i have to make sure that daughter of yours that just return will die for good, blood will be paid with blood,” she said.

“just the same way Declan avenge his mother’s death by killing Lynn,” Nicholas said while i gasped.

“what did you want from us,” Camille asked while Nicholas moved closer to her.

“oh dear Camille, i guess it time you know my little secret, because am not gonna spare the both of you,” Nicholas said while i felt more angry.

“Camille should be out of this place please… this between us.. so tell me Nicholas, did you hate me this much? i asked while he smiled.

“yes… because you’ve always take what belong to me, first it Karen, ever since we were kids the three of us, Karen has always loved you and not me, i love Karen so much but she keeps rejecting me and have always love you,” he yelled while i shook my head.

“then Camille was the second lady i love or should i say lust after, i first met her at the restaurant,

i apporoach her but she turn me down and only to hear that she will soon marry you, you’ve always have everything to yourself…. and that’s why i hate you, i ruin everything for you and i was still the same person that sent my men to kill catherine and her husband because she knows about our secret and then i was working with Jake,”

he said while i was shocked to hear that, friends can also be wicked, who would have thought Nicholas my very best friend will do this to me.

“so it you.. you killed my friend,” Catherine cried.

“not only her but i was thew same person who ra-ped you and killed your father, i also sent some men to Chloe but all the same they succeeded in killing your mother… i fake the DNA test and got you and Anton separated,” he said while Camille landed a heavy slap on his face.

“i have always have a bad feelinjg about you.. i hate you so much,” she cried.

“well you’ll only hate me for now because i will still kill the both of you,” he said.

“Nicholas.. it time to end all this, let Camille go and let handle this,” i said in anger.

“no.. Camille was the same woman who took you away from me Anton, i’ll kill her myself because i still love you,” Karen said which got more angry.

“and i don’t love you.. i hate you Karen.. i hate you so much, we can never be together… Camille is the only woman i loved and even in death will i always love her, i guess my mom was right when she once told me Camille is my destiny, you can’t stop that, i only married you because i was so broken then,

because i needed someone to mend my broken heart, it also because of my father last wish and also because of Jasmine i don’t want her to grow up without a mother but i guess it better she grow up alone than with someone like you,” i yelled at her while she raise her hand to slap me but i quickly held it back.

“don’t dare you try this,” i said in anger while she widen her eyes.

“am not scared of the weapons you’re holding, all i want is for you to leave Camille alone, she doesn’t even love me, she hate me now, she don’t like me, she still haven’t forgive me, so what’s her own, just let her go and let handle this,” i said while she laugh sarcastically.

“okay then… Camille if you truly hate Anton for what he did you then kill him yourself,” Karen said giving her the gun.

“am not a monster like you, i might not like Anton but i won’t kill him,” she said while Karen slapped her.

“once you kill him, we will also kill you.. just shoot him, pull the trigger to his forehead,” Nicholas yelled at her.

“i can’t do that.. he’s still the father of my children.. guess you should just kill me instead,” she said in tears.

“well that means you still love him.. because if you hate him as you said, you’ll have killed him,” Nicholas said.

“you’ll pay for all the pain, you’ve made me pas-sthrou-gh… you killed both my parents and also my freind Catherine.. you will pay for all this,” Camille yelled at him.

“Nicholas i never knew you were the enemy within,” i said then moved closer to him, i felt like strangling him to death, i pulled him by the collar of this shirt then push him to the wall while he did nothing.

“you’ll dearly pay for this, i promise,” i said while he push me back.

“no time to waste Nicholas… just kill Camille and you Anton… since am not having you to myself then no one would, you watch and see how Camille will die right infront of you and you’ll also die the same,

after this i will go after your children, i will start with that stupid JASMINE THEN CHLOE.

“we should get out of here Anton.. Chloe and Jasmine need us,” Camille cried as she hug-ged me so tight which surprise me the more.

“well you have just ten seconds to say goodbye to each other,” Nicholas said laughing.

“you shouldn’t have listen to them, you shouldn’t have come here Anton.. they trick you and i know they’ll gonna kill me,” she said in tears while i also wipe off my tears.

????<> ????what Jasmine last told me echoed in my brian, i wish so, i hope so but i can’t promise them, i knew a day like will come but i have promise myself not to hurt Camille again and even if it have to take my own life i will save her with the last drop of my blood and with my last dying breathe.. maybe this the only thing i can do to make it up to her by saving her.

5…4..3..” Nicholas kept counting down and pointing the gun at Camille.

“i have forgiven you Anton.. i have decide to the let it go,” she said in tears, i turn to look at Nicholas, he shoot directly at Camille but i push her aside then hug her so tight, the bullet penetrated into me and everywhere was quiet. I felt my body weak and blood was gusing out from my mouth.

“Anton.. Anton..” Camille called while i fall to the ground but she held me tight and placed me my head gently on her laps.

“my journey here has stopped.. take care of our children.. and thank you.. thank you for everything, thank you for being part of my life and also a mother to my kids. I realise that am dying but as long as you’re alive with our children, i will always remain very much part of this world long after i have gone… ” i said as my eyes slowly closed.. i could hear Camille scream as she held me tight…

“i love you Anton..” i heard her said that from afar until i can’t hear anything again.

????Camille’s POV????

“Anton.. do you think i can continue with this journey alone.. we’ve started this together althought we parted different ways alone the way but we need to end it together,” i cried, he was in a pool of his blood which stained my dressed, i looked and Karen and Nicholas with so much hatred.

“you’re under arrest Nicholas Rogers,” A familiar voice said and i turned to see Declan who walked in with some policemen. Chloe, Jasmine, Ethan, Francis and Sebastain all rush in to me, i was surpise to see them all. Why will Declan go against his won father, has he changed.?

“am not gonna rot in jail.. it because of you Anton is dead now,” Karen yelled and wanted to shoot me but the police was fast enough to shoot her immediately, Nicholas was immedaitely hand-cuffed.

“Declan,” Nicholas called out surprise.

“yes…. don’t be too surprise.. cos both of us will rot in jail, you evil father,” Declan yelled at him as the police push them out. Karen corpse was carried out and Jasmine and Chloe ran to me.

“dad.. mom what happen? Jasmine asked in tears.

“Anton..” i called in tears, i don’t know what to tell them again.
“father is dead… who killed him… you eventually killed my father,” Jasmine yelled at me in anger.

“i did nothing Jasmine… it was Nicholas and Karen.. they wanted to kill me but Anton saved me instead,” i said in tears.

“and yet you still couldn’t forgive him,” Jasmine yelled as she touched Anton.

“come on father.. be strong for us.. you always want our family to be complete. please somebody help..! Jasmine yelled in tears while Francis held her, Chloe stood in shock and only tears kept flowing down her eyes.

“you kill father.. you kill my father all because you couldn’t forgive him, Sean is gone already and dad can’t leave me alone.. i won’t accept that, if dad have to die then following him too,” Jasmine yelled as she ran out in tears…????????

Maybe everything is over now.☪

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