Fate - S01 E71

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Fate - S01 E71

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 71

????Camille’s POV????

I don’t want to get hurt again, i just need a peaceful life with my children.

“mom,” i heard Jasmine voice called then looked up to me, she quickly rushed to hug me.

“i miss you so much,” she said while i smiled i feel so happy having this kind and good Jasmine just like Chloe. I still wish Chloe is alive to be with her sister.

“how’s is Anton doing? i found myself asking that while she smiled.

“are just asking me about dad? she asked with a small smile while i nodded.

“he’s still sad and seems so down.. but he’ll be fine he a-ssured me that,” she said while i nodded.

“mom are you considering dad? do you still love him but you’re scared of getting hurt? right? she asked.

“no..” i quickly replied unsure of what am saying

“please mom you need to think about this.. i want my family to be complete,” she said sadly while i hug-ged her.

“thank you so much Jasmine… i feel so happy having you in my life as my daughter now,” i said.

“and i feel more happy havimg my good mother back to me, i wish you and dad were never seprated then i would have know you better instead of that witch Karen. And i would have known Chloe,” i said sadly.

????Ethan’s POV????

I was shocked with the news Erica told me, i was still holding the test result.

“you’re pregnant? i asked again while she smile rubbing her falt tommy. I don’t know if i should be happy or sad about this. Erica has been too clinging for the past few months, she has really being close to me and i can say she’s the only true friend i had. I like her so much but still some part of me don’t like her which i don’t know why. I know i still can’t remember anything about my past but i have to move on with my life and i don’t want to remember anything for now.

“have you forgotten what happen at the club. We went clubbing and we dance, we got so drunk and from their we were both lost in our world of plea-sure,” she said while i sighed, i remember when all these happen and i kinda regret this, well i guess she first sed-uce me and i foolishly fall for it all because i was drunk and she was also drunk.

“am not ready for all this Erica… this isn’t the right thing,” i said sadly.

“don’t you love me again… Ethan i love you so much. I’ve tried all i could to see you regain back your memory but it didn’t happen. I thought you’ve moved on,” she said then burst out in tears which make me surprise.

‘no need to cry Erica, i like you so much and for the sake of this baby i will accept you,” i said then hug-ged her nd she kept calm.

“Ethan is not only about accepting me, we need to get married for the sake of our baby.. i love you so much and this the only way we can be together,” she said while i looked at her puzzle. Frist she’s pregnant and now marriage! But she’s not that bad.. i like her so much.

????Erica’s POV ????

I arrived home in the evening and i was damn happy. Ethan will finally be mine and also our baby. This just what i wanted. i knew it… i knew this can only happen if i eliminate Chloe out of the way. I pray he never regain his memory, well even if he does it will be too late for him cos i know by then we will get married and have kids and nothing will ever separate us. I need to be serious about this wedding issues with him, i love him so much and i know he loves me too.

Atleast i have finally got what i wanted. I saw mom, aunt Cecily and Jasmine having dinner happily without me. I felt jealous ever since she found Jasmine, she seems so close to her and forget about me. First it Chloe and now Jasmine.

“i have a good news to tell you,” i said smiling.

“Erica.. you’re welcome,” mom said while i smiled.

“come and join us,” Aunt Cecily said while i smiled.

“well guess what? i said while Jasmine rolled her eyes at me. I never like her and she never like me too. I guess we are silent enemies.

“what’s the good news? mom asked.

“am pregnant mom?

“by who? she asked looking surprise.

“Ethan.. i love him so much and he also do,” i said happily while i saw the sadness on her face.

“OMG Ethan? Jasmine asked while rolled my eyes at her.

“Erica.. are you serious? Cecily asked.


,” i replied with a frown.

“but dear.. Ethan lost his memory.. what if he regain everything back and said he longer love you.. you will be hurt,” mom said while i frown.

“Ethan have to regain back his memory because i don’t trust you,” Jasmine said while i laughed sarcastically.

“and you. Once Ethan regain his memory back he’ll still hate you, for being the cause of Chloe’s miscarriage, he’ll forever hate you, i guess it better if you let him be,” i said while i saw the sadness on Jasmine face and i smile inwardly, she shurt and that’s exactly what i want.

“Ethan past was filled with much sadness, tears, pain sorrow. What the extence of remembering it. Ethan just lose his mother and Chloe he will be devastated. Once he regain his memory he’ll be sad forever and he might kill himself. It better we let him be, because i love him and he loves me too, and morever he want to move on and forget his fu-cking painful past,” i said.

“Erica, are you sure about this? mom asked.

“i knew you never like me, you never want to see me happy. But i want to make it clear to you, Chloe is dead… your own daughter is dead and Ethan has decide to move on since he can’t remember anything, first i lose my parent all because of you and now you still want me to lose the one i so much love,” i said in tears.
“am sorry Erica..

am happy for you and i have always want you to get a true love someday, someone who’ll love you unconditionally, i have always prayed you’ll not end you like your mother or like me but you’ll live long to see you great grandchildren, you don’t know how much i cherish you and how much lucky i am to have you, if anything bad should happen to you i won’t be able to forgive msyelf and Catherine will never be happy with me. I promise Catherine to take good care of you am just scared of what the future holds.

I know Chloe is gone and Ethan can still move on but i just have a bad feeling about it,” she said while i frown at her words.

“so when Chloe got pregnant for Ethan you never have a bad feeling about it and it, now you’re having a bad feeling about it because i and Ethan are in love,” i said.

“no Erica… i also have a bad feeling about Chloe’s own and that’s how she ended up losing the baby and also her life,” she said in tears.

“am a mother and every mother would want the best for her child,” she said.

“hey Erica.. are you trying to use Ethan and am 100% he doesn’t even love you,” Jasmine said while i felt like strangling her to dead.

“whatever.. i love Ethan and am pregnant for him and the sweetest thing is that i will soon get married to him,” i said then walked out of them. I must marry Ethan!

❣❣Quezon city…❣❣
Chloe’s POV????????????

I squee-zethe pictures Declan gave me and threw it away, it the pictures of Ethan and Erica together at the club and so many different romantic pictures of them. I still can’t believe Ethan moved on with Erica..

it should have being with someone else rather and not the same Erica that tried to kill me, same Erica that cause my miscarriage has now taken Ethan and my family far away from me. I wipe the tears in my eyes.

“so do you still want to go back to Ethan… he has moved on..” he said.

“but why did you keep on showing me their pictures together? i asked almost in tears.

“it because i love you chloe.. i don’t want you to get hurt, i want you to forget about Ethan and moved on with me,” he said while i heaved a sighed.
“Declan, don’t you think it time i go back to my family especially my mom, i know she must be so worried, sad and depressed, they all thought am dead. Afterall am 100% healthy now,” i said sadly.

“of course i will take you to them but please Chloe you have to act smart… Ethan doesn’t love you anymore and the saddest of all is that Erica is already pregnant for him and probably planing their marriage,” he said while more tears filled up my eyes.

“thank you so much Declan.. thank you for saving me.. thank you for everything you’ve done. I guess i and Ethan weren’t meant to be but Erica can’t go scot free,” i said while Declan walked closer and hug-ged me.

“if only you will open up your heart to love again. Chloe, it better you go for people who really like you and not cheat and irresponsible people like my brother,” he said.

“it okay Declan,” i said slowly.

“okay then, i have to go to work, just take care,” he said then left.

????Declan’s POV????

I smiled as i walked out. Chloe haven’t know i also have a hand in all this, well mine was a good idea it was Erica being so selfish by trying to kill her. Killing Chloe wasn’t part of the plan but Erica seems to be smart not knowing am smarter than her,

i was able to saved Chloe just in time. I make everything looks real including the video i gave them from the cctv footage, i did that intentional so they can know that she’s truly dead and i have have her to myself someday. It a good thing i let Leslie died in the fire, and everyone believe it Chloe. I did that intentional so that i can have Chloe to myself once she’s far away from those people she called her family. Dad was so angry with me because i couldn’t handle the business so well.

I have to stay with for Chloe, i want to gain her trust and love again and i have already told Erica to marry Ethan with immdediate effect even thou she hasn’t know Chloe survived, i didn’t tell her and am not planing to tell anyone about this. Chloe is mine and am happy being with her. Just that my dad might never accept her because he never like her nor anyone related to Anton. I wonder why dad hate his best friend and yet he act like he liked him, that’s so weird! the only agreement we did with dad, was to kill Lynn and that’s to avenge my mother’s dead and i have already did that, i

hope he’s not up to something. I was even shocked to know Sean was his son afterall, so Sean was my half brother. I knew dad was a cheat. Mom was his frist wife and yet he let that gold digger, Lynn decieved him and he’s also having an affiar with his best friend wife Karen, so complicated.

????Chloe’s POV????

I sighed when Declan walked out. I felt so sad, am damn tired of living here and he keeps telling me to wait a little bit longer if i want to have my revenge on Erica. She’s my sister and i don’t think i will do anything bad to her, i just want everyone to know the truth about her. Ethan can go ahead and love anyone but not Erica because she heartless. I wipe off my tears then stood up and sat down on a couch, i still couldn’t believe Ethan is now flirting with Erica and according to Declan he said she’s pregnant.

I know Ethan loves me so much and that’s why he propose to me but does that means he have a soft spot for her because i caught them ki-ssing that night. Was Ethan cheating on me already? Lots of questions keep runing throu-ghmy mind which i couldn’t answer. What about mom? how is she doing now! i need to know how my family are doing, i miss them so much including my sister Jasmine, so it was just a coincindence, Erica plotted everything because she hate me but still pretend.

I guess it better people like Jasmine who doesn’t pretend and afterall it better to be loved for who you are, than to be love for what you’re not. I still remember how everything happen that night on my birthday, i thought i was going to die but Declan saved me, he took care of me for almost two years now and it not been long we came back from France where i was treated.


When Erica shoot me on my leg then placed the bomb beside me and left. I crawl to the door but it was locked same thing with the window.

I was in pains and tears already. I thought i won’t be able to see Ethan again and also my mom. life is just unfair. I kept sobbing waiting for the bomb explode, i already knew dead was near me and i will die anytime soon but then a miracle happen, i was shocked to see Declan and a girl behind him, she was dressed all in black.

“what! Chloe,” he said as he ran over to me.

“we need to leave here,” the lady said while Declan carried me in his arms as we rushed out, the building was so large and i was scared the bomb might explode before we escape.

“we have to leave here soon, the bomb might explode,” he said, as he hasten his speed, he reach to a corridor when the bomb explode and it was like an earthquake. Declan fall to the ground with me while i winced in pain, i was already losing so much blood.

“Leslie,” Declan called the lady name, she was behind and the house was on fire already.

“help! she yelled as we heard her voice far from us.

“we need to help her,” i said.
“we don’t have time.. you’re more important,” he said as he carried me out, i felt my head spining, my leg was seriously injured, my eyes were closed and everywhere was dark. That how Declan was able to save me on time, From their Declan said i was in coma for five months and i was in France already. My leg was treated and it took me a long time to be able to walk on my feet again. It was just last two month we came back and Declan insisted i take everything slow for now.


. I owe him my life because he saved me and was responsible for all my treatment, i wish i could love him just the same way he feel for me, but the love isn’t their. I still love Ethan but am so heartbroken now.. Ethan has moved on, afterall who couldn’t do that after believing am dead. But as far as am alive i will never allow Erica to have him. I will expose and disgrace a devil like her…????

I know this what you’ve been waiting for…

Chloe is alive and ready to fight Erica!!! ????????????

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