A Crazy Love - S01 E33

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A Crazy Love - S01 E33

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 33

All four bodyguards wanted to protest. But Kizy was right, they were supposed to follow her orders.

“You will just put up an act to fight them, but at the end you will surrender. Understood?” Kizy asked.

But that one single statement made all of them shocked.

‘Why to put up an act when we can fight? And why will we, Boss’s men surrender?’ All of them thought.

“Ladyboss this is a serious situation. We can’t surrender when we don’t even know who the enemy is.” Alex replied.

“Off course we are surrendering to find the enemy..” Kizy spoke.

“Ladyboss we can’t take such risks. Boss will-” Jack tried to convince her once again.

“If you don’t obey my orders, I will make sure that all of you will lose your jobs once we are back.” Kizy threatened.

And finally this statement worked. Afterall those were the men who had been with Markus life and death situations and had pledged there loyality to him. If Markus was to abandon them, then they had no purpose to live.

“We will follow.” Alex said unwillingly after few seconds.

“Okay now shoot at them for sometime, but eventually you will run out of bullets and stop shooting.” Kizy said.

The men didn’t knew whether to laugh or cry. But they simply followed her order and started shooting.

Being trained under Markus, they had taken down seven men within one minute.

“You men, don’t kill them, or who will make us surrender. Drop your guns now.” Kizy said after watching the situation.

Once the shooting had stopped from there side, four men from opponent side came near the vehicle and pointed a gun at driver, asking him to open the door.

“Open the door quickly, what are you waiting for?” Kizy said to the driver.

‘Is ladyboss alright? Is she suffering from some mental disease? Is this how a normal person reacts to there own kidnapping?’ The men thought.

Though they had questions but the driver eventually opened the door. And the man pointing gun at him immediately pushed him out of the vehicle.

“Aaahhhhhhh… help.. someone help us… these people are trying to kill us… hellppppp-” suddenly Kizy shouted from behind.

‘Ladyboss is this what you planned? Is this how you are going to find your enemy?’ The bodyguards thought.

“Girl stop shouting or I will kill you first.” The men who had pushed driver spoke.

“No don’t kill me. I can pay you whatever you want, so please leave us.” Kizy spoke in a shaking voice.

“Shut your mouth and follow what we say.” another man spoke.

“What do you want?” Kizy asked in a scared tone.

“All of you silently follow us and we will spare your lives, but if anyone tries to fight us, we will kill them on the spot.” The man said.

“We will.. we will follow.. don’t kill us.” Kizy said in a shaky voice.

The man simply signalled at another one from his side who came blindfolded Kizy along with the driver and all four bodyguards. Second man followed behind him to tie there hands with ropes.

Once done with that, one of them pushed the driver on backseat of the car, while two men entered and sat on driver’s and front passenger seat.

And soon the car started moving while all of them could only stay still.

The drive took place for almost half hour before the car stopped. All the six members were pushed out of vehicle and made to walk in a certain direction. Though none of them were rough with Kizy.

Finally after walking for almost five minutes, Kizy and other five were pushed on a chair and there hand were then tied to the chair handles.

After confirming that the ropes were tied tightly on all of them, except Kizy who was tied a little delicately, one of the men removed there blindfolds.

“Welcome.” A man said.

Kizy had to close her eyes for a second to adapt to sudden brightness. After a moment she opened her eyes only to see a man slightly older than Markus, sitting leisurely in front of them.

The man had a fair skin, broad shoulders and a smile pasted on his face. He had bluish eyes, and a single fringe in azure color was covering his forehead. Anyone with eyes could see that he must have taken great efforts to achieve that muscular physique.

Overall the man would be every girl’s dream, but right now Kizy wasn’t in the mood to appreciate his looks.

“Who.. who are you?” Kizy once again started speaking with her scared tone.

“Miss Kizy you don’t have to be scared of me. I just wanted to invite you for some casual chat. Though I apologize for bringing you here in such way.” The man said in a calm voice.

“Let her go. You can talk with us.” Jack shouted but the man simply ignored him.

“What do.. you want?” Kizy spoke.

“I don’t want anything from you Miss Kizy.” the man said.

“Then.. why have you brought us here?” Kizy said in an almost about to cry voice.

“Miss Kizy I already said you don’t have to be scared of me. I just want to chat with you and ask a little favour from you.” The man kept speaking in his slow but calm way.

“Why have you tied us then?” Kizy asked innocently.

‘Ladyboss are you truly that clueless? Do you seriously think he invited you for a chat? Ladyboss you should have listened to us back then in the car.’ The bodyguards thought.

Although all of them were a little angry at Kizy, but the only thing in there mind was to protect her and escort her safely. Afterall that was the only task Markus had ordered them, if they couldn’t even finish this, how were they going to continue living.

“So that you won’t hurt or kill our men.” The man replied.

“Why would I kill them? I don’t even know how to kill.” Kizy spoke in a shaky voice again.

“Don’t worry Miss Kizy. Once we are done with our job, we will remove those ropes and drop you back.” the man said.

“Now can we start with our discussion or do you still have some questions?” the man asked calmly.

“Start.” Kizy said in a confused but scared tone.

“Miss Kizy what is your relation with Markus?” The man asked.

“I am his personal assistant.” Kizy replied.

“Anything more than this?” The man asked.

“No.” Kizy replied.

“I think this won’t work.” The man said loudly, though it seemed as if he was talking to himself.

He signalled the man standing on his right, who immediately went near Kizy and pointed a gun at her head.

“Noo.. don’t-” Kizy shrieked but someone was one step ahead.

“Stay away from her.” Jack replied instantly.

“I don’t like noisy people.” the man said and immediately Jack recieved a slap.

“Ohh. Then Miss Kizy why do you have so many body guards protecting you, aren’t you a simple PA?” the man asked, still calm.

“Don’t.. don’t hit them.” Kizy shrieked while tears flowed down from her eyes.

“I won’t but…. only if you call Markus and ask him to come here alone.” The man said.

“Why do you want from him?” Kizy asked still crying.

“That’s none of your business Miss Kizy. Or do you care about him that much? Or should I put it this way. You surely care a lot about your boyfriend.” The man said but Kizy immediately reacted as if someone had discovered her important secret.

“No no. He isn’t.” Kizy replied.

“But why do you have to choose such a dangerous man Miss Kizy?” The man continued.

“I said he isn’t my boyfriend.” Kizy shouted, still crying.

“You still want to protect Markus? Or should I say Satan.” The man replied.

This time Kizy was seriously stunned to the core. And that was because of that single word ‘SATAN’.

Anyone with the slightest touch or contact in underworld would know that ‘Satan’ was currently the youngest mafia ruler for country B.

But he was very mysterious. All that was known about him was from rumours, mostly the bad ones which made people fear him. And Kizy definitely wasn’t expecting Markus as ‘Satan’.

“You are lying to me so that I would listen to you and call him.” Kizy said still between her sobs.

“I don’t lie to beautiful women Miss Kizy. And so far you are the most beautiful woman I have ever came across. Why don’t you leave him and be my woman?” The man replied..

But Kizy simply kept sobbing, without replying anything.

“Just come at us. Why do you involve a weak young lady? You are definitely not a man.” Alex spat from the side.

“I like those guts you know. But I will make sure you won’t speak like that again.” the man said.

Another man came and kicked Alex on his abdomen, but Alex didn’t even utter a single sound.

“Anyways that would be for another time now call Markus.” the man said.

“Why should I call him here? And why should I trust you?” Kizy asked between her sobs.

“I can kill you with a simple signal, yet you are here, alive and crying, arguing with me. Is that enough to gain your trust?” The man asked.

Though his initial plans were limited to destroying Markus, but if he had a chance to make Markus’s woman his, that too in front of Markus, he didn’t see a reason to give up on this opportunity.

Anyways Kizy was exactly the definitions of ‘earth shattering beauty’. If he got a chance to keep such a woman by his side, he would definitely do that.

“Okay this is taking much longer and I don’t have this much of patience. Call him” the man ordered one of his many men who were standing in neat rows.

Suddenly one of his man took out a phone and made a video call. He pointed the camera towards Kizy who was tied to chair.

“Now Miss Kizy could you please ask him to come here alone?” The blue eyed man said.

“No I won’t.” Kizy said while trying to stifle her sobs.

“I guess I will have to be the bad guy then.” The man said before signalling five men who came out from the neat rows and stood in front of bodyguards and driver.

The man simply gave a nod and the five started beating the bodyguards and driver, punching and kicking them with full force.

“No stop!! Don’t beat them.” Kizy started crying again.

“Kizy.. Kizy are you all right?” Suddenly the phone was connected and Markus was seen on screen. But the first thing he saw was Kizy crying.

“I see he has already landed. Great. Now will you say what I told you or…?” The man asked with a smile.

“Kizy are you all right? Just say something. You don’t have to be scared of anyone.” Markus shouted through the phone.

“Markus-” Kizy said but..

“Miss don’t listen to him. You don’t have to worry about us. Just don’t call boss here.” Alex shouted while the man standing in front of him, punched him forcefully in face, making his nose bleed.

One had to say that Alex was truly smart and knew how to react along with situation. He had quickly change his form of address for Kizy from ‘Ladyboss’ to ‘Miss’ just so that others won’t suspect anything more about the relation between Kizy and Markus.

“Unfortunately I don’t like people meddling in between.” He then signalled the man in front of Alex to shoot.

That man immediately stopped hitting Alex and took out his gun, loading it.

“You said you won’t kill us!!” Kizy shouted.

“I said I won’t Kill you Miss Kizy. Afterall I like you a lot. However I never promised anything about them.” The man said non chalantly.

“Drop that gun first!!” Markus shouted through the phone after watching that someone had pointed a gun at her head.

“Ask him Miss Kizy.” the man said calmly, ignoring Markus.

“I will speak.” Kizy said.

“No Miss. Don’t. I beg you.” Alex shouted through gritted teeth.

The man in front of him instantly pointed the loaded gun at Alex’s forehead before placing a finger on trigger.

The man holding the phone quickly turned the camera towards Alex.

“Don’t shoot or else-” Markus was still speaking after watching Alex about to be killed but..



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A Crazy Love - S01 E32

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