A Crazy Love - S01 E24

Story 1 month ago

A Crazy Love - S01 E24

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 24

On the other hand Kizy, Mary and grandma were returning back to main hall after having a long walk. The group of ladies talked about there likes and dislikes, there views ranging from topics like shopping and handling home to complicated business matters.

Kizy liked how both mom and grandma were the type of independent females that she liked. They had there own opinions and had strong personalities. Kizy sincerely liked both these women from the bottom of her heart.

“Lets finish with our lunch quickly. We still have meeting at office.” Markus said, succesfully attracting attention of all three women.

“Whats there to hurry? Stay for some more time.” Mary said.

“No let him go. He has already postponed the meeting once, it won’t look good if he would repeat that twice.” Grandpa said while coming out from his study.

“Yes father.” Mary said.

The family of five had a warm dinner, something that Kizy had never expected. She always thought that filthy rich people like them won’t have a proper familial bond.

But in this house, all that she could witness was love and care for each other. All of them tried to spend time together as much time as possible.

“Kizy, do visit us whenever you are free. Anyways me and Mary have ample amount of time on our hands.” Grandma said while walking them out to the car.

“Yes Grandma I will.” Kizy said politely.

“Grandpa please take care of your health, winters are arriving.” Kizy spoke while looking at grandpa.

“Buy me some warm clothes then.” Grandpa replied in a childish way.

“Ok I will bring them next time.” Kizy said and turned towards Mary.

“Mom though I am not that knowledgeable, but if you ever need me for business, please let me know.” Kizy said with a smile.

Mary simply smiled and nodded.

Markus just said a monotonous ‘goodbye’ to all of them before leaving with Kizy.

“You never told me that Mom has her independent business. She is the mysterious CEO behind ‘Purple’!! And look at me, I bought her a dress from her own shop. I felt so embarassed after knowing how stupid I was. How would mom feel about this?” Kizy complained to Markus.

‘Purple’ was a high end luxury clothing brand for past decade. The brand had entered in international market three years ago, claiming the title of most expensive brand in the country.

Just that Kizy was ignorant about the expensive part of this brand, thus buying there latest peice at such price.

“She would know that you were unaware of this thing. What’s there to be embarassed in it? And how come a thick skinned person like you know what embarassement is?” Markus said.

“You… fine… I will definitely show you what being thick-skinned is. Hmmph!” with that Kizy turned, facing the window ignoring Markus.

Soon they reached the company. As usual Kizy and Markus climbed inside elevator number 1 and Kizy pressed for there office floor. But unknown to Markus, she also pressed for floor 1, where all the employees worked.

‘Now you will know the consequences of bullying me.’ Kizy thought to herself. Just as the elevator was about to reach 1st floor, Kizy pulled Markus before saying…

“Mmmm.. Markus.. Not here… others.. mm.. others might hear us… ahhh..” Kizy pretended as if Markus and she were engaged in some illegal act.

Originally both of them were facing the elevator door, but after she pulled Markus, she was the only one facing. Thus Markus was backfacing the door, making it look even more ambigous, exactly the effect she wanted.

And to make it seem more real, she added her dialogues and acting to this. Initially she wasn’t willing to risk her own image for this.

But considering how people will look at Markus today onwards, her reputation would still be in a much more better condition. Therefore she went ahead with her act.

And as she had planned, all of this was seen by the employees.

“Aaahhhhh!” Kizy suddenly pushed Markus away who was still confused at this unexpected turn of events.

“What-” Before Markus could speak, Kizy interupted.

“Markus I had already warned you.. look what you have done now. How am I supposed to continue working?” Kizy said trying to embarassedly hide herself behind his gigantic body.

Markus turned to look behind him and suddenly more than twenty pairs of eyes were seen watching him with odd expressions.

He turned back to the look at the petite figure who was trembling all over, uanable to control her laughter.

“You-” Markus suddenly understood her act now.

“Hahaha.. Oh my god!! Those people were looking so horrified as if they had seen a ghost. Haha” Kizy started laughing uncontrollably once the elevator doors were closed.

“You definitely have some guts.” Markus said through gritted teeth, not ready to accept how Kizy had tarnished his two-year-hard-built reputation in seconds.

“Who told you to provoke me then? Now have a good look at what being thick skinned is.” Kizy said still laughing hard.

Who said that Markus should be awarded an oscar. This pair of husband and wife were born actors through and through. No award could bring justice to there level of acting.

Finally the elevator reached 50th floor, the topmost floor where his office was situated.

Suddenly he held Kizy’s hand before dragging her all the way to his office.

“Markus what are you doing? Don’t be a sore loser now. Stop it.” Kizy said while as usual failing to break free from his grip.

Markus simply ignored her before entering his room and closing the door with a ‘thud’. He pushed Kizy on the sofa, before removing his jacket.

“Wifey, why haven’t I ever heard you make those sexy moans before this. Maybe I haven’t satisfied you enough. Don’t worry, I will work harder and won’t stop until you are crying my name out loud.” Markus said with a sinister grin.

“Pervert!” Kizy exclaimed while trying to get up which was completely futile in front of his gigantic built.

“Markus stop it right now or else… or else..” Kizy didn’t even knew how to threaten this devil now.

“Or else what Kizy?” Markus whispered in her ear.

“Or else I will report you to grandpa!” Kizy shouted and that was it.

Markus immediately stood up, wore his jacket and turned around to glare at her.

“Don’t think I am afraid of Grandpa. At the end he is my grandpa before yours, thus he will naturally take my side.” Markus said frustatedly.

“Yeah yeah. Sure he will take your side. That is why he punished you this morning.” Kizy said mockingly while getting up.

“Anyways we have a meeting to attend so stop with your nonsense.” Kizy said before picking the required files and leaving office, ignoring a frustrated Markus behind.

“I will get back for this once the mission is over.” Markus said to himself before going for meeting.

Markus was more or less absent minded during the entire meeting, thinking about what his grandpa had told him in the morning.

Thus in the half an hour presentation time, all he did was plan his visit and how he will be proceeding there.

“Markus presentation is over.” Kizy suddenly pinched his hand and whispered slowly.

Markus jerked a little before looking at all the directors and employees who were waiting for his reply.

“Pass this file to Miss Kizy. I will go through it once again. Also I will be going out for a business project for sometime. If you need anything, you can visit Miss Kizy and follow whatever she orders.” Markus said before leaving the meeting room.

Kizy followed him. She was confused at this sudden business project Markus said, as there was no such thing in his schedule. She was well aware of his schedule for the next two weeks, so she was sure that this meeting was not planned.

“This meeting-” Kizy spoke but Markus interupted her.

“Listen Kizy, this meeting is a secret one, thus I didn’t inform them about the location, duration or what this meeting was about. I will be gone for at least a week. During this period, Joel will be there to help you out.

If some serious issue arises, you can call or text me or directly ask grandpa for help. He knows about every single project we are dealing with so he can guide you.” Markus said in a serious tone.

“You are not taking Joel with you? He is one of your best fighters. Since this is a secret meeting, I think it will include some risks and dangers. I suggest you to take Joel with you, just as a precaution.” Kizy said after some thought.

“No it isn’t that serious. Let Joel accompany you. I will be fine.” Markus said and entered his office.

He stayed back and signed all major documents that were needed for this week. After checking that he was done with everything, he called Joel to the room.

“I guess you already know about the meeting I am leaving for. But I am not taking you along with me, I want you to stay behind and help her out. I don’t have to explain you what you need to do right?” Markus asked.

“Boss let me accompany you. I have never left your side since I became your secretary.” Joel requested.

“No Joel I can’t take you along because grandpa has asked me to do so. I will not disobey him.” Markus said.

“Ok Boss.” Joel said dejectedly.

“I will be leaving now to meet our men and discuss more about this meeting. You stay with Kizy and if possible please drop her at home from today onwards. Though our driver will be there, I will be relieved knowing that you are accompanying her.” Markus said.

A knock was heard at door.

He had purposefully sent Kizy away to check some documents so that he could talk freely with Markus.

“Come in.” Markus said.

“These are the documents you wanted.” Kizy placed a few documents on his desk.

“You will have to go through them, I will be leaving now for some personal business. See you at home.” Markus said before leaving.


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A Crazy Love - S01 E23

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