A Crazy Love - S01 E22

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A Crazy Love - S01 E22

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 22

“Beauty, looks like you don’t have a place to stay. Why not accompany us? Spend a night with us-” the first statement itself made his blood boil.

Who were these kids? And they wanted to spend a night with his wife? He was so angry that he wanted to find those brats and hit them till they would regain there senses.

But on the other hand he became even more angry at Kizy.

“Who told you to leave the house this late? Why are you so stubborn? Wouldn’t it be better to argue with me rather than facing such insects?” he spoke to himself.

He was still busy cursing all those boys when he saw one of them raising there hand to slap Kizy.

“How dare you raise your-” he was interupted mid sentence when he saw Kizy twisting his hand.

“Serves you right. We have been fighting for years but I never raised my hand on her.. Are you even a man!!” Markus scolded the boy in video.

And just when he thought that the show was over, another boy attacked her. But this time it was Markus who was shocked. And that was because Kizy had sent the boy flying with a single kick. He was sure that the boy suffered from rib fracture.

But what was even more unexpected was the way that kick was executed. Those boys might have not known, but he could clearly see that this kick was professional.

If Kizy would have applied even a little more force in that one kick, the boy would have suffered internal bleeding and heavy injuries.

Finally the boys fled away from the scene and Kizy walked away. She was seen entering a cab at a distance but the cab wasn’t visible properly as there was no street light where the cab was parked.

“I have underestimated you stupid woman. At least you know how to protect yourself.” Markus said before calling Joel.

“Joel you must have found the location of cab by now. Send it to me. I will personally fetch her.” Markus spoke.

“Boss actually we were not able to trace the cab. This camera is the last one present on that road. And the direction in which cab went leads to an intersection. So we don’t know which way the young miss went. But I have sent men on all the three roads leading from that intersection.” Joel replied hurriedly.

“That will require more time. Just check the car plate number. I will find the driver after that.” Markus said and Joel could hear his suppressed anger from that tone.

“Boss actually the plate number is not visible as the street light isn’t working at the place where young miss stopped the cab. So we can not follow this suggestion.” Joel replied while crying inside his heart.

‘Why does your domestic issues require me and the entire team A to work overtime? Can’t you have some simple fights like normal couples?’ Joel thought.

“Do whatever you can and search her within half hour.” Markus ordered and ended the call.

‘What if we don’t find her even after that? How will that old man punish me? Where are you hiding Kizy?’ Markus thought to himself.

Markus along with Joel and team A was busy entire night searching for her location while Kizy was sleeping soundly along with Nina.

Finally they decided to return back home at six in morning. The group of men was on there toes while Markus was wrecking havok by now.

“Boss look at this. I had sent this footage to David. He was trying to search the car plate number and finally he was able to find it.” Joel carefully handed the tab to Markus.

Markus was looking at the plate number when Joel typed something on his phone and he showed that to Markus.

“Boss this is the owner, should we call him?” Joel asked.

“Yeah I will talk-” Markus was still speaking when…

“Oh why are all of you up so early? And who are you calling?” Nobody knew when Kizy had entered the house but all of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Lady boss, can’t you see that it’s not that we are up early, the boss didn’t let us rest for entire night because of you.’ the men didn’t knew whether to laugh or cry.

Since nobody was replying her, she went ahead before flashing a big smile to Joel and team A members while completely ignoring a certain devil.

“Good morning guys!” She exclaimed happily.

The men could only cower in fear as the environment inside room was suffocating them, but still Joel and captain of team managed to return a fake smile to Kizy.

Kizy walked towards Joel and passed him a pendrive.

“Please help me pass this to your boss.” She said, still ignoring Markus whose face was darkened considerably by now.

With that Kizy went towards the stair and climbed the first step leaving a trembling Joel behind her.

‘Why do you have to pass this life threatning task to me? Can’t you see that your husband is about to tear my flesh into two? God please have some mercy on this poor man.’ Joel prayed silently.

“Where were you?” Markus asked in a cold voice.

Kizy completely ignored the voice as if Markus was not even present in the hall. She continued climbing the stairs when Markus shouted.

“I asked where the hell were you for an entire night?” His shout made all those men even more fearful.

‘This time lady boss is done. She has managed to piss off boss completely.’ All of them thought.

“I don’t answer people with no brains.” Kizy said without turning back and went towards there bedroom on second floor.

“Scram!!” Markus shouted and for the first time in past eight hours, the men were all smiles and happily ‘scramed’.

Markus took the pendrive that Joel had placed on table before running away from him.

He turned his phone on and connected the pendrive using a cable. A single folder named cake was seen on his screen.

He clicked open the folder and few photos along with some screenshots appeared. He opened them and went through each one carefully.

The first photo showed two men on roadside while taking out cake from the delivery vehicle. In the next photo, another two men appeared while holding another cake box and finally in the last one, second cake was placed back into vehicle.

The screenshots were bank details of three people. One of them being friend of the worker who had taken there cake order in bakery, while other two seemed to be distant relatives of those people clicked in photographs.

It didn’t took Markus even one second to understand the conspiracy behind this. But most important was the last photo, in which someone had intelligently hacked into the main account which was used to transfer money in the three accounts.

The account belonged to one of the henchman of red dragon gang, a relatively bigger gang who were there opponents for a long period now.

Markus knew that even if he was to allocate his hackers and team to investigate this case, they would have the results by afternoon in earliest. But Kizy had somehow managed to search into all this within a single night!!

Markus removed the pendrive before going towards his room. Kizy was still showering inside bathroom when Markus entered the bedroom. He placed his mobile aside and sat on his bed, deep in thoughts.

Kizy came out of the bathroom after ten minutes. She saw Markus but went on with her usual routine, completely ignoring him. Finally Markus could no longer tolerate her attitude and pulled her toward himself before placing her on his lap.

“Where were you?” He asked the same question but his voice was even colder now.

“Who are you to question me?” Kizy said while trying to break free from his tight embrace.

“Is this how you talk with your ‘beloved’ husband?” Markus asked with gritted teeths.

“Yeah the ‘beloved’ husband who has no brain to think clearly and accuses his ‘beloved’ wife for poisoning there own family member.” Kizy replied while rolling her eyes.

“You surely have some guts little lamb. I feel the need to discipline you properly.” Markus said before removing his belt.

Markus forcefully tied her hands to the headboard of bed before sitting leisurely infront of her.

Kizy was totally enraged by now. .

“Do you have no shame? First of all you doubted me for poisioning grandma. Forget about appreciating me for finding those evidence but is this how you behave with someone who saved your grandma from being poisoned?” Kizy shouted on the top of her voice while tears threatened to fall out from her eyes.

The first thing she did after waking up in the morning was take Nina’s laptop and check her email. Though she knew that it was difficult for Harry to finish task in one night, she still hoped that he would have done it.

And she was right, Harry had sent her an email at 4.43 am with all those photos attached with them. She didn’t even replied or thanked him before getting up.

Though Nina insisted to drop her, she firmly rejected her, making Nina a little sad. But she promised to meet her again and borrowed money for cab and rushed back home.

But this was how she was thanked after saving grandma, being accused for poisoning, cracking her brains to decieve Joel, contacting Harry from a public telephone booth which was way too risky, fighting those brats in middle of road and running back home with all evidences.

She was both physically and mentally exhausted from all this and Markus’s action only triggered her emotions, finally making her break down.

“Ok ok calm down. Why… why are you crying? Stop crying. I.. I am sorry. Okay?” Markus was a little flustered after watching Kizy cry.

Afterall they had been fighting, throwing insulting words at each other for almost a decade now. But this was his first time witnessing Kizy cry.

But instead of calming down, Kizy started bawling her eyes out. Markus was so frightened from her sudden outburst that he didn’t even knew how to console her.

He instantly freed her hands from his belt grip and rushed out of the room, only to return with a glass of water.

Markus passed the glass of water but Kizy refused it, still crying. Finally left with no options, Markus awkwardly hugged Kizy in a tight embrace.

He rubbed her head with one hand while moving his other hand up and down her back to comfort her.

After almost twenty minutes, he felt that Kizy had stopped crying and was only sobbing a little. He cleared his voice and said.

“I am sorry for accusing you. I didn’t mean to do that, but I am unable to control my temper when my family members are involved. But I promise I won’t repeat it again.

And I was angry because you had suddenly disappeared without informing anyone. You might not understand this Kizy, but I have a lot of enemies. I don’t want them to harm you in anyway.

Your phone was switched off and none of us could reach you. I was angry for your safety. On top of that I saw the video where those boys stopped you on road. Even if you were able to fight them, we don’t know what type of person you will face next time.

So I know that this is not the right time to scold you but please promise that you will never leave alone like that. Even if you are angry with me, let Joel follow you, at least that would relieve me.” Markus said gently.

Kizy who had composed herself by now never expected that Markus would have this gentle side to him. She wiped her tears before lifting her head to look at him.

But that one glance suddenly made Markus unable to continue further. Kizy was all red after crying hard and she was looking at him with those swollen but innocent puppy eyes, making him gulp his own saliva.

She was still wearing her maroon gown from yesterday, though the gown had been torn at places, but that gave her an even more enchanting appearance.

Markus had been suppressing himself since yesterday evening, the moment she had entered mansion hall. Now that she was comfortable nestled in his embrace with that look, he could no longer stand it.

Suddenly Markus removed his hand from her head and placed it behind her neck before bending down to kiss her.

Kizy who was still recovering from her rollercoaster of emotions felt as if she was thrown on an even more dangerous adventure ride. Her heart was beating so fast that she felt it might pop out of her chest at any moment.

This kiss was the most passionate of all kisses till now. Finally when she thought that this was already too much, Markus entered his tongue inside her mouth.

But this time something unexpected happened. Instead of remaining shocked and stiff as always, Kizy’s tongue fought with Markus, trying to win this fierce yet hot battle.

Markus who was still trying to fight his inner beast was unable to control himself against her wild temptations. Though Kizy was still inexperienced in kissing, her initiative was more than enough to turn his body on fire.

He pushed her against the headboard, while slowly lowering his body on top of hers. His right hand encircled her waist while left hand was still supporting her nape, left thumb grazing her skin.

His tongue fought with her, giving her chance to battle him, even when he could have defeated her easily. This went on for a a few minute.

Finally when he could no longer take the slow teasing, he increased his pace, making Kizy breathless. He kissed her hard and rough, only breaking to let her breath.

After this attack Markus broke the kiss, only to land a kiss on her collarbone which earned him a moan from Kizy. This incited him to continue his passion, while Kizy was unable to form any proper thoughts by now.

Markus kept teasing her body, making it a slow torture when suddenly his other hand encircling her waist, slided inside her shirt.

A sudden hot touch against her cold bare skin made Kizy jolt awake.

“Stop” Kizy exclaimed.


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A Crazy Love - S01 E21

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A Crazy Love - S01 E23

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