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All for Mr. Redman - S01 E09

Story 3 weeks ago

All for Mr. Redman - S01 E09

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 9

Peter: "Take those off right now! I'll be up in a minute. Giggidy."

Me: "Did you just go Quagmire on me?"

Peter: He was laughing "Oh Yeah." He did that really well" Seriously though jeans are great, just come on down."

Lets see, waited for hours for a guy I was falling for hard. Do I make him wait? Hell no, I don't do petty games. I picked up his gym bag to return it and dug out my clothes from the previous night to toss them on my bed. Guess who had his cell phone... me. Oh, I suck.

I hurried downstairs and said "I'm really sorry, I didn't realize I grabbed it. You have the same blackberry as me and I didn't realize." He busted a gut laughing. He looked at Barb and said "I am so off the hook."

Barb thought this was hilarious as well. We all got into the car and headed over to Barb's place.

She went inside to change quickly.

Peter looked over at me and leaned over and I kissed him. Yeah, it got hot fast and it was just as wonderful as the first time. He leaned back and was smiling and said "How was your day?" I must have looked kind of odd for a second.

He said he honestly didn't know of a way to get to reach me sooner and said he was sorry, He should have realized his phone was not with him. I stared at him and said "Let me get this straight. You apologizing because you didn't have your cell phone with you and didn't notice right away. Why didn't you have it? Because your girlfriend who you were supposed to call took it with her because she didn't realize she had two phones instead of one. I think your being a little hard on yourself over there handsome."

He leaned in and said "You think I'm handsome?" I kissed him and leaned back and said "I think your hot and handsome simply is not a powerful enough word."

He leaned in and started kissing my neck. Oh god he was getting me hot and my hand went to the back of his head. He said "And I'm your boyfriend? You said that too." as he slowly pulled back.

I wish I spoke with eloquence, what I stammered out was a very high school "Um, if... if.. your okay with that." I was freaking

blushing at that point. Good bye sophisticated woman seeking higher education.

He smiled at me and he said "When you blush it makes you even more beautiful and I honestly didn't think that was possible." He leaned in and kissed me again and I just felt so right. I leaned my head on his shoulder and turned my face into his neck. God that man smelled so damn good. He was caressing my hair and said "I love your hair, it's so deep. It's not black, its like it has hues of black and dark blue. It's so soft." kissed his neck lightly.

He held me there and said "Girlfriend. Hello I would like to Introduce you to my girlfriend, Sachiko." He made a "Hmmmmmm" sound and said "Yeah, you know what, I could definitely get used to that" and he leaned in and kissed me again. He pulled back and said "I would be so happy saying that." We kept kissing and all I can say is he should write or book or do an instructional video because he was reaching my soul with them.

As we were so engrossed in each other we didn't hear Barbara coming back and she opened the back door and said "Wow, get or room and treat her like a lady you creep."

We pulled apart and he said "Barbara you are so impossible." She just laughed and we sat there for a moment trying to decide where to go to eat. Peter asked Barbara what she would like to eat. She replied with one word "Japanese." The way she said it was loaded with innuendo.

I am not stupid, I turned in my seat and said "You like Japanese food?" She said "I love it. I could eat it everyday" and she winked.

Peter was staring at her. He started laughing and I started to laugh. Part of me wondered if she was just playing or was she serious.

Peter started the car and we were driving and simply decided on something that didn't require a crazy drive. Barbara leaned forward in he seat and said "You know was kidding about what I said before right?" I laughed and winked and said "Oh, you were kidding. I really was thinking he was a creep for not taking me to a room." She smiled warmly and sat back. I could tell it was weird for her to see him acting like this.

We went to Milestones and had dinner. It was really good and we chatted. She didn't flirt like that again. When I went to wash my hands she stayed at the table. I know Peter and her had been talking about something because they leaned away from each other as I was approaching. It had been an intense discussion, I could tell. Barbara got up a few minutes later to freshen up.

Peter leaned over and said "I'm sorry about that." said what and he reviewed the chat in the car. I smiled and said "I'm not offended, she was just being playful. She didn't mean anything by it." I was looking in his eyes and saw something there. I said "What is it?" He took my hand and said "It's not important and I just want to make sure your okay." I smiled and we kissed lightly.

She was much more reserved the rest of the evening. We ended up hanging at Milestones and then went to a pub that was playing live music and had dancing and it was a blast. Needless to say drinking became involved.

I was having the time of my life. I was out with Peter and his closest long time friend. He knew other people at the pub and as the group grew so did the good times. A few of the women I chatted with praised him and said I was really lucky. One told me she had dated him and it had ended well, and all she could say was that was not making a mistake and that for the right woman he would be pure gold. I thought wow, no one has anything bad to say about him. This was all good in my book.

Everything was going so well.

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E08

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E10

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