My instant miracle - S01 E18

Story 1 month ago

My instant miracle - S01 E18

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 18

“So is he tall?” Prisca asked Kimberly as she jotted down the details on her jotter.

“He’s huge.” Kimberly said without hesitation.


“Hmmm. Not so light, but will do.” Kimberly said with a shrug.

“Attractive?” Prisca asked with a slightly raised brow.

“If he isn’t super attractive we won’t be having this conversation in the first place.” Kimberly said with a grin.


“He didn’t really smile much so I’m not exactly sure yet. Either ways, I can do without that.” Kimberly assured her.


“Not at all.” Kimberly said with a shake of her head when she remembered how tight-lipped he had been.

“Good sense of humor?”

“I’m not sure about that yet.” Kimberly said with a shake of her head.

“Dress sense?”

Kimberly thought about it briefly. He had been wearing a polo with three quarter shorts and a nice pair of sneakers that all matched nicely. “Not bad at all.” Kimberly said with a grin.

“Okay….” Prisca said thoughtfully as she shut the journal.

“Hmmm, What do you want to say this time?” Kimberly asked with a sigh, knowing that Prisca was about to lecture her.

“Well, I like that you have gotten your FIRST CANDIDATE… But I still think you made your proposition to him too early. You could have asked him out on a date once or twice…”

“Once or twice? Who has the time for that? You sound like you weren’t under the same roof with me when my father said he was giving me just a week to bring the man home.” Kimberly said with a slightly raised voice which she quickly lowered when the people sitting in the next seat looked in their direction. They were both seated at the waiting area of the cinema in Surulere mall, waiting for the showtime of the movie which they had paid to see.

“Besides that guy doesn’t seem to me like the sort who would like a lady to ask him out.” Kimberly added.

“Yet you proposed marriage.” Prisca reminded her.

“That is entirely different. I made it clear it was strictly business…”

“Why do I find that really hard to believe?” Prisca asked with a slightly raised brow.

“Okay, maybe I wasn’t clear enough. But he was making me nervous and looking at me kind of strangely. See, he seems like a really proud and stubborn guy, and even though I don’t like the idea of being with a guy I can’t control, I don’t mind his pride and stubbornness, as long as he can face my dad.” Kimberly explained.

“Well, you’re right about not having much time to date around. But I still think you should explore other options while you wait to hear from him. Take for instance he calls to say he isn’t interested. That means we have wasted a day.” Prisca pointed out, “And you’re the one who has said he is proud and stubborn… I don’t think he’s going to give in so easily.” Prisca added.

“I know you’re right. But I just have a feeling that he is going to do it.” Kimberly said confidently.

“So apart from his name what else do you know about him? What if he is married or something?”

“He isn’t. That was the first question I asked him.” Kimberly assured Prisca.

“Well, we don’t know if we can trust him yet. What if he lied to you because he was expecting or rather hoping to have sex with a fine rich girl for free? Let’s look around social media. He should be on Facebook, Instagram or even Twitter.” Prisca suggested, whipping out her phone.

“But we don’t even know his username, and guys like that are really private.” Kimberly pointed out.

“Doesn’t matter. Let’s just check around for everyone called Eric King until we find him.” Prisca suggested making Kimberly roll her eyes. She had no doubt that Prisca’s search was going to be a very futile one.

“So? Have you found him yet?” Kimberly asked twenty minutes later when it was almost time for their movie.

“No.” Prisca said with a yawn making Kimberly laugh, “What is funny?”

“How can you think you’ll just find him on social media with just those names? You know say you nuh dey hear word, abi? I was just waiting for you to do what was on your mind so you will rest.” Kimberly said as she picked up her bag and stood up, “It’s time. Let’s go and see the movie.”

“I don’t know why you’re rushing to go inside, they will still spend more than ten minutes showing stupid adverts.” Prisca said as she picked up her bag and followed Kimberly.


“Why are you back so early?” Chuka asked Eric who took off his shirt immediately he walked into the house, and dropped on the bed.

“Your car is low on fuel.” Eric explained, sounding disinterested.

“Ehen? So here be like filling station? Shey if there is no fuel, you will buy fuel ni?” Chuka asked as he walked out of the kitchen carrying a pot of freshly prepared noodles.

“Shey I get money to buy fuel na im I dey here dey look your face?” Eric hissed at him before going in to pick up a fork.

“A whole you. How come you don’t have money to buy fuel? Shey na me and you calculate the money wey you hold this morning? That money was enough to fuel the car with extra change on top.” Chuka said with a frown.

“I used it for something else. Don’t ask me what I used it for abeg. I’m in a pretty bad mood already as it is.” Eric said making Chuka raise a brow.

“Don’t tell me Lagos 419 people has eaten your money o. A whole you Tunde Eric Obasan, A.K.A Eric King.”

“I already said don’t ask me what I used it for, let’s just eat, so I can sleep in peace. Today own done finish.” Eric said as he took the first forkful of noodles.

Chuka looked at his friend and could tell he wasn’t really in the mood to talk, “But you know you don’t have to really live this way sha? It doesn’t fit you.” Chuka told him quietly.

Eric glared at Chuka before dropping his fork and standing up, “Oya nuh vex. I’ll just keep quiet.” Chuka promised, but Eric was already walking out through the door.

Chuka dropped his fork and hurried after his friend, “I’m sorry na. Come chop abeg.” Chuka pleaded as he blocked Eric’s path.

They’ve been friends since their first year in the University, and knowing how much Eric had helped him from the time they had crossed paths till date, the last thing he wanted was to make him feel bad about his current predicament.

“You know you can fool yourself atimes sha?” Eric asked with a scowl.

“Ehn, I know. We both know. Let’s just return inside before the indomie will get bad.” Chuka pleaded, and grinned when Eric turned to return inside.

True to his words Chuka remained quiet as he ate while Eric lay on the bed with his eyes closed. After a while he sighed and sat up to look at Chuka who had finished eating but was now busy with his phone, “Do you know any Kimberly Abamba? I feel I heard that name recently.” He asked Chuka.

“Kimberly?” Chuka asked thoughtfully, tapping his forefinger on his temple as he tried to remember where he had heard the name, “Ehen! It’s Ali!”

“Ali? Wetin do Ali?” Eric asked with a frown, wondering what Kimberly had to do with Ali.

“Ali is the one that mentioned her yesterday when he was bragging about the rich girls he has slept with. He said he slept with Kimberly Abamba, that she is the daughter of the senator Abamba. You know how that guy dey carry dey lie sha. But wait o, I thought you were not paying attention to the conversation, so how come you remembered her name?” Chuka asked with a frown.

“I suppose it’s one of those things you pick up without meaning to. Anyway I met the girl today.” Eric said passively.

“You met her abi you met someone claiming to be her? Don’t tell me that is the person you gave your money to? Don’t tell me she gave you one of those stories about being stranded and needing transport fare to go see her father who is the senator or…” Chuka snapped his mouth shut when Eric raised a brow.

“Sorry. What happened?”

Eric handed Chuka the complementary card Kimberly had given to him, “I should probably give Ali a call and find out who this lady really is.” Eric said thoughtfully.

“Why?” Chuka who had been busy checking out the card and copying out the number asked.

“Because I find her interesting and I’m curious to find out more about her.” Eric said with a shrug.

“isn’t it too soon?” Chuka asked with a concerned expression on his face.

“I didn’t say I am in love with her. She’s just a good distraction at the moment.” Eric assured Chuka.

“Then we should probably search for her on Google or check out her social media handle. People like her usually use their real names on Instagram and Twitter, for pride sake.” Chuka suggested as he opened his Instagram app and searched for her.


Kathleen’s heart skipped a beat the moment she opened her eyes on Monday morning. Monday ordinarily was her least favorite day of the week, and she was sure almost every other worker in Lagos would agree with her. But this particular Monday was different because it would be the first time she has to go to work with her boss. She had done her best to avoid him all through the previous day, even when he had come back in the afternoon with the jollof rice from earlier, it had been Sharon who had answered the door and taken the food from him, while she had remained hidden in her bedroom. Knowing she was going to have to decide whether or not to go with him to the office in his car, or jump from bus to bus to get to work this morning made her groan.

She reluctantly took out her open heaven devotional and started her morning prayers. After praying she showered before walking over to the wardrobe to look for something to wear. Her heart skipped another beat when she realized that all the clothes were different from her usual comfortable work clothes. These ones were nicer but also a little bit sexier.

She was going to have to go to the market during lunch break or even after work to quickly shop for good undies and camisoles. Ella hadn’t given her those, and there was no way she was going to wear half of these clothes without good undies.

She picked out a charcoal colored knee-length skirt and a blue shirt, “That’s not what you’re wearing. This is it.” Sharon said from behind her, making her jump in surprise.

“Why you dey behave like ghost? When did you wake up?” Kathleen asked Sharon with a frown.

“I woke up while you were bathing so I already picked out what you’re wearing. Save that outfit for another day… probably a Sunday. Wear this one today.” Sharon said extending a biro blue colored three quarter pallazo jumpsuit with shortsleeve and a V-neck. Kathleen knew better than to argue with Sharon so she walked over to her bag to pick up her black camisole.

“Wetin you dey do?” Sharon asked when she noticed Kathleen trying to wear the camisole.

“Isn’t it obvious that I’m dressing up?” Kathleen asked with a frown.

“I hope you’re not planning to wear a camisole in that thing o. That V is not deep enough for a camisole, plus you’ll spoil the beauty of this jumpsuit if you wear a camisole. Wetin dey worry you sef?” Sharon hissed as she dragged the camisole from Kathleen’s hand and threw it on the floor.

“They send you this morning? Abi you dream see me?” Kathleen hissed angrily.

“Yes o. I dreamt that you became very old and miserable without a husband or children, so this is me trying to help your ministry. There is nothing wrong in showing off little of what God has blessed you with. You won’t die if you don’t wear a camisole.” Sharon insisted as she kicked the camisole further away when Kathleen tried to pick it up.

“I don’t like this thing that you’re doing at all.” Kathleen told her angrily.

“Na you sabi that English were you dey speak. You’ll be late for work if you don’t hurry up. I’m going to bathe so your oga can drop me off as you both leave for work.” Sharon said as she picked up the camisole and walked into the bathroom shutting the door firmly so Kathleen wouldn’t try taking it when she was bathing.

Kathleen reluctantly put on the jumpsuit and stood in front of the mirror to admire herself. The jumpsuit wasn’t as revealing as she had thought it would be, and she noticed it did look really nice on her. She combed her hair and packed it in a ponytail before stepping back to wear her black low flat shoe.

“Don’t tell me after wearing such a fine jumpsuit you want to spoil it with that yeye shoe that looks like that of a pastor’s wife. Didn’t I see some really fancy shoes in there?” Sharon asked as she walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her and headed for the wardrobe to take out the high heeled shoe.

“I should wear high-heeled shoes to the office and distract everybody from their work?” Kathleen asked with a frown.

“Wetin dey worry you sef? Abeg wear this thing let us go.” Sharon hissed at her irritably as she quickly toweled her body and dressed up.

A knock sounded on the door making Kathleen’s heart skip a beat as she turned to look at Sharon with panic written all over her face.

“Wetin happen? Go and check who is there na, abi is this not your house that God gave you? I’m dressing up, so go.” Sharon said as she applied makeup on her face.

When the knock sounded again, Kathleen hurried over to the door to check if Pete was ready but to her relief she saw Amanda standing there instead, “Good morning Kat!” Amanda greeted with a smile the moment Kathleen opened the door.

“Good morning Mandy, did you sleep well?” Kathleen asked as she looked around for any trace of Pete.

“Yes I did, Thanks. I was wondering if you could help me pack my hair up? Daddy wanted to, but he is busy and I told him since you’re here I would prefer you do it.” Amanda said with a small smile, making Kathleen take note of the comb and hair band she was holding in both hands.

“Oh! Sure. Come in.” Kathleen said as she opened the door wider for Amanda to get into the house.

“This is one of the clothes you got from Aunt Ella, right? It looks really pretty on you.” Amanda observed making Kathleen give her a friendly smile.

“Thanks. What about your father? Is he ready to leave for work yet?” She asked curiously.

“Yes, but he is busy with packing my lunchbox. He will be out soon.” Amanda assured Kathleen as she combed her hair and quickly fixed it.

By the time she was done with Amanda’s hair thirty minutes later and they were all ready to leave, Kathleen had made up her mind she was going to strike a deal with Pete about their living arrangements. She was going to find time to meet with him and offer to split his house chores with him or even do most of it. That way she would be paying for the house and could bring in whoever she wanted to live with her.


“He still hasn’t called, has he?” Prisca asked Kimberly the next morning as she drove them to the office.

“He hasn’t. I don’t even know what to make of it. Is it that he isn’t interested or is he just playing hard to get? Cause this doesn’t even make sense. I’m a complete spec o. Aside the fact that I’m very beautiful, and rich, I’m offering to pay him and give him whatever he wants just to be my husband for a year, what is so difficult about that?” Kimberly wondered.

“Maybe you should have taken his number. Why didn’t you take his number anyway? At least that way you would have been able to give him a call and find out whether or not he is interested.”

“That will be me doing too much or seeming too desperate and I can’t have that. I took the first step already, he has to meet me halfway.” Kimberly said with a shrug.

“I was thinking about this marriage thing. How real will it be, and how fake? You will be the one to give him money to pay your bride price and do those things, right? What about the other aspects of the marriage? Take sex for instance, will you sleep with him? What about pregnancy and having a child?” Prisca asked thoughtfully.

“Child ke! Why will I want to have a child? Abeg my Krish is enough for me. I don’t have strength for kids and their drama.” Kimberly said with a shake of her head.

“Krish is just a teddy bear. When I eventually get married and leave you, you will be very lonely. Your lifestyle won’t even save you from the loneliness of a loveless life and an empty house.”

“When that time comes, I’ll adopt a child. Until then I’m not ready to be weighed down with the responsibility that comes with raising a child.” Kimberly said with a shake of her head.

“You didn’t answer the sex part though. Would you share a room with him and sleep with him?” Prisca asked again, making Kimberly sigh.

“Share a room? No. You know how much I like my personal space, I can’t let any random man move into my bedroom. About having sex with him, I suppose I will, but that doesn’t mean I can’t sleep with others too. I just have to make him understand that I call the shots.” Kimberly said with a shrug.


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My Instant Miracle - S01 E17

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My Instant Miracle - S01 E19

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