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My crush is a gay - S01 E18

Story 3 weeks ago

My crush is a gay - S01 E18

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 18


“NO WAY! I’m ain’t gonna do that!” Angela disagreed.

“Yes way you’re gonna do it. This not the first time Angela we know you well” Celine argued.

“Exactly. You act like this in the beginning but before we know it you’re already running after him again. That’s who you are” Andrea chimed.

“This time will be different” Angela affirms.

“I can even guess the next line” Andrea rolled her eyes.

“I’m serious girls. He really hurt my feelings this time there’s no way I’m gonna talk to him first”

“We shall see about that. Andrea I give her till tomorrow”

“Angela just give up on him all together”

“Why would I do that?”

“I thought you hate him now?”

“I don’t am only angry..”

“So you’re eventually gonna beg him back?”

“I’m begging no one…I’m just gonna let him feel the pain of losing a very great person”

“I’m not sure a about someone else but if it’s Mike then you’re deceiving yourself. I saw him. He looks quite happy with Fred.”

“That Fredrick of a guy. He’s really a di-ck. I’ve seen his type a lot. A lot of girls have tried to come between Mike and I but failed. Does he thinks he can win?”

“But he’s a guy” Celine reminded.

“And I think his chances are very high” Andrea added.

“We’ve faced many challenges do you think I’ll let a mere guy like him take him away? I’m Angela…no one dares takes what’s mine. No one! Not even some di-ckhead”


“How is it?”

“As usual…he doesn’t seem to be care. He’s happy with his friends” Celine said to Angela who was spying on Mike from a corner.

“Why don’t you just swallow that your so called pride and talk to him first” Andrea said to her.

“He doesn’t seems to care about me at all. He doesn’t talk to me nor tutor me anymore. I must mean so little to him”

“So, will you finally give up now?”

“You know what I can’t take this any longer” Celine said

“What are you gonna do?” Andrea quizzed.

“It’s begining to get annoying you see…I’m gonna end this shit right now” she took Angela by her wrist and pulled her towards Mike while Andrea quickly followed.

“Hey what are you doing? Let go!” Angela tries to release herself from her grip.

“Hey girls!!” They heard a voice behind them and they look back to see a guy walking towards them
Celine let go of her immediately.

“Isn’t that Angela?” Fred points to her while Mike looks up to see her.

“Wow…Andrea do you see that?”

“Celine…this one is a hunk”

“He’s coming towards us” Angela said.

“Hi girls” the guy smiles cutely as he came to them.

“Hi…” Both Celine and Andrea gushed smiling Sheeplessly.

“Hey Angela I’ve been calling you since a far but seems you didn’t heard me”

“Do…you know me?”

He chuckles.

“It’ll be weird if I don’t” he replied and Angela looks at her friends who were busy drooling over him.

“I’m Williams from the economics faculty” he stretches his hands forward for a hand shake.

“Oh…I’m…Angela” Angela tries to take his hand but he suddenly pulled her in for a hug instead. Angela went berserk.

“Oh my gosh!”

“Unbelievable!” Celine and Andrea watch in surprise.

Angela quickly pushed him away.

“Oh…sorry…i was too fast. My bad Angela” the way he called her made her feel very helpless to resist him.

“What do you want?”

“Can I be honest Angela?” He asked and she nodded

“I want you. I’ve always wanted you” he smiles.


“I’ve liked you for some time now…I really do. And I wanna get closer to you.”

“You like me?” Angela asked as if that’s the most absurd thing she has ever heard in her life.

“Can you lend me your phone?”

“My phone…?..oh. It’s here” she gave him the phone not even understanding what’s going on.

He did something on the phone then give it back to her.

“I’ll see you again Angel…have a lovely day. Bye girls…” he smiles at Celine and Andrea then wink at Angela before leaving.

Angela stood there in a daze.

“Wow…what just happened?”

“Angela you’re being asked out by an handsome freak!” Celine shakes her.

“Asked out?…me?” She finds herself smiling.

“He says he likes you girl” Andrea cooled.

“I thought I was hearing things” Angela said.

“You’re really lucky girl…you’re lucky!” Celine said as they leave together with her.

Mike and Fred stood watching not saying anything.

“Wow…I must say Williams really have some guts man” Fred said while Mike said nothing.


“Hey the news of Williams asking Angela out is a over the school” Fred said joining Mike where he sat alone watching the activities of various people.

“Who spread such rumors?” He asked.

“It can’t be considered as rumors since it’s indeed true and he did it In front of many. You saw it too”

“Have you seen him today?”

“Williams? No…not yet. But I’m really surprised as to how he coulisse a girl like Angela and even do that in public. Everyone knows how close the two of you are”

“It’s not like we’re dating”

“But that Williams guy really got some guts”

“Hey guys” Williams called walking towards them.

“Speaking of the devil…hi willly man”

“Hey Freddie…hi there Mike”

“Hi Williams” Mike greeted.

“I came to see you guys…especially you Mike”

“Is this about Angela?” Fred asked.

“Oh…yeah…” Williams itch his hair.

“Do you reallike her or you’re just playing around?” Fred asked again.

“You sound like her brother right now?”

“Just answer the fu-cking question Williams”

“Alright…I really like her. I’ve liked Angela for a while now. Initially I thought Mike and her was together that’s why I didn’t made my move but I’m happy to find out they her not so I decided to come clean” Williams replied.

“You’ve liked her for a while?” Mike asked and he nodded.

“That’s why I need your help Mike”

“Hey don’t you know their relationship? You shouldn’t be saying that to him”

“Mike…I’m free to date her right?”

“I have no right to stop you from doing whatever you wanna do. It’s up to her if she wanna date you or not” Mike replied.

“As expected…that’s why I like you Mike. You’re always clear about things. That’s brings me to say this…you’ve been together with her for sometime now. I heard you probably know her best. Can you help me with some tips on how to win her heart?”


“GUYS! GUYS! HE…HE….HE CALLED!!” Angela shouted as she rushed inside.

“Angela keep your gob shut I’m trying to get some freaking sleep here” Celine groaned.

“Celine! Andrea…he….he wants a date!”




“No…it’s Williams! He just called me for a date”


“Oh you lucky brat!”

“That’s crazy Angela!”

“When is the date?”

“This weekend. What do I do guys?!”

“Don’t worry…you’ve got us” Celine smiles.


Angela walks into the restaurant Williams was asked to meet.

She sigh for the umpteen time not sure if she’s doing the right thing.

Everything is happening tol fast she thought.

Her friends had made special effort in grooming her up. They told her not to let go of the special opportunity and held unto him. But she’s not sure. She’s obviously smitten by this Williams guy but can she really forget Mike?.

She’ll have to try. She spots Williams sitting somewhere in the restaurant looking dashing.

“I can do this” she mutters to herself before walking towards him.

“Em…hi” she said awkwardly on getting to him. Williams looks up from his phone and wowed.

He stood up not taking his eyes off her.

“Why? Do I look weird?” She asked uncomfortably with the stares.

“I really need to make you my girlfriend Angela…you’re gorgeous” he complements and she blushed.

“Sit angel” he pulled out the chair for her and she say smiling.

“I’m late ain’t I?”

“It’s okay…that’s the proper thing…I’m really glad see you Angela. You made my day” Williams smiles a d she couldn’t helped smiling also.

Throughout the day, they went to different places and had fun.

Angela wouldn’t dispute the fact that she really loved this Williams’ company. He’s such a fun guy.


“Wow…look at those…how pretty…” Angela cooled looking at the meteors.

“Yeah…really pretty…” Williams said looking at her.

Angela looks at him and smiles.

“I’ve only saw this on TV…I can’t believe I’m actually seeing them real…it’s so fascinating”

“Really…that’s awesome isn’t it?” He asked and she nodded smiling.

“I heard we should always make a wish whenever we see a shooting star” she closed her eyes and made a wish.

“What did you wish for?” Williams asked.

“Something…I’ve always wanted” she smiles

“What about you? What did you wish for?” She asked

Just then Mike and Fred also came in sight. Williams spots them and smiles.

He pulled Angela to him suddenly placing his lips on hers.

It was sudden.

Angela’s eyes went wide.

Mike’s eyes grew bigger.

Fred’s mouth dropped.

She quickly stepped back looking displeased.

“I want you Angela…I know this is all too sudden and fast for you. But I’ve liked you for sometime now. I couldn’t approach you cause I thought you were someone else’s. Trust me Angela…I really want you to be mine…” He completed and Angela just stood there not knowing what to say.

“Williams?” Fred called gaining their attention.

“Mike?” Angela mutters.

“Hey buddy…what you doing here?”

“Project stuffs” Fred replied.

“Guess you are on a date?” Fred asked and Williams smiles putting his arm around Angela who looks at Mike.

“You look different” Mike said and she nodded.

“You two seems to be getting along really fast…you two were…you know” Fred said and Angela squirm uncomfortable where she was.

“I told you like her”

“Then Angela do you like him already? You know don’t answer that it’s between you guys”

“It’s good you two are getting along well…at least you’ll stop being a nuisance” Mike said staring directly at her.

“Was I a nuisance…to you?”

“Thought you knew”

“Then why did you agree to tutor me then?”

“I told you…you were being a nuisance”

“I’m sorry…for being a nuisance. I won’t disturb you anymore…about the lesson also…I’m sorry for the pains I’ve cost you” Angela said while Mike keep quiet.

“Ohh…you guys don’t be like that. Angel how about I tutor you instead? Exams is near” Williams opined.

“It’s okay…I don’t wanna be a nuisance to you”

“Oh no no no…I don’t mind. I fact I’ll be happy to do just that. Mike you don’t mind right?”

“Suit yourself…I’m out of here” he saidand turns to leave but Williams stop him.

“What do you think…about us?” Williams asked.

“I wanna hear your opinion…after a you two are close friends since high school” he added.

“You look good together” Mike said.

“Do you….mean that?” Angela asked.

“I have no reasons to lie. You look great together Williams…enjoy your date. Hope it last…I’m out of here” he said taking his leave.

“See you guys later…enjoy your date” Fred said before running after Mike.

“Angel I have one more place to tak_”

“Williams take me home…I’m exhausted”


“Thank you for today Williams…I’ll go inside now” Angela said about leaving but he stop her.

“Wait Angela! I have something to give you” he quickly went inside his car and brought out a bag for her.

“What’s this?” Angela asked checking the bag.

She brought out a panda teddy.


“I thought you might like it…” Williams itch his hair.

“It’s strange”

“What? The teddy? You don’t like it?”

“Come to think of it everything is strange. Today…you brought me food I like take me to places I wanna go and did practically everything I like. Now you are giving me my favorite teddy. How do you know Iike panda teddy?…tell me the truth Williams This can’t all be a coincidence”

“Ermm…actually you’re kinda right? I asked Mike for a tip” he scratches the back of his head.

“You what? Mike told you all these?”

“I just wanted to do my best in impressing you”

Angela sigh.

“There’s something I need to tell you. I_”

“Take your time to think about it Angela. I rooms you wouldn’t regret being with me. This is how I really feel Angela. I’ll be good to you.” He moves closer to her and kiss her cheek.

“Sorry for startling you earlier…goodnight and dream of me” he smiles at her while Angela couldn’t say anything.

“I’ll get going now” he walks towards the car.

“Williams!” Angela called and he looks back.

“Drive home safety…bye” she waves while he waves back before entering the car and drove off.

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E17

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E19

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