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My crush is a gay - S01 E16

Story 3 weeks ago

My crush is a gay - S01 E16

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 16


Angela stood at a corner taking a peck at Mike who was chatting and laughing with his friends.

“How can someone be so cute and charming at the same time? It makes my heart flutter seriously…” She grins.

“Who?” Jeffery asked behind her.

“Mikey…” She replied unconsciously.

“Ahh… Mike?” Jeffery said and that’s when Angela came back to her senses she looks back and gasps lightly.


“Hey Mikey?” Jeffery called Mike’s attention ignoring Angela walking up to him. Angela quickly ran after him trying to stop him.

“Xup man” Mike shook hands with him.

“Good! I was coming back from the library now and decided to get some drinks to quench my burning thirst but then I saw this little rat squeaking around stealing glances at you” Jeffery points at Angela and Mike looks at her.

“Hi … Mikey…?” Angela greeted embarrassingly.

” How can someone be so cute and charming at the sam_” Jeffery was fast but Angela quickly cover his mouth with her palm.

“Stop it….” She whisper to him whilst he nods his head.
Angela remove her hand however Jeffery completed his statement.

“…same time it makes my heart flutter’ that’s what she said”Jeff said while Angela steps on his toes.

“Hey!” He pushes her away.

“Why are you here?” Mike asked

“I? … nothing… just_”

“To see you of course.. why do you have to ask it’s obvious” Jeff interrupted.
Angela glares at him.

“I was wondering if we could have lunch together…”

“She wants a date” Jeff grins.

“I can’t…I have a plan. See you” Mike said taking his bag as he leaves with his friends.

“He dumped you. Within three seconds… without thinking twice. He dumped you Angela” Jeff mocks while Angela glower at him.

“Do you wanna die!”

“Have a wonderful lonely lunch…dear Angela” Jeffery pat her shoulder before hopping off.

“That goat…” Angela gritted.


“Hey… isn’t that Mike?” Celine Angela’s roommate said pointing to Mike who came into the restaurant with a guy.
Angela and Andrea looks over.

“He’s with Fred again…I guess they are eating together” Celine said again.

“What’s this? He dumped me for him…” Angela said.

“But don’t they look good together?” Andrea teased.

“Hey… stop it” Angela warned her.

“In my own opinion…that guy definitely likes him” Andrea opined.

“What if they start dating?!!” Celine quizzed.

“HEYY!!” Angela yelled diverting everyone’s attention to them including that of Mike who saw them.

“You think this is funny? Stop it…” Angela warned in a low tone.

Celine waves at Mike who ignored her and face his food.

“That jerk…” Celine mutters.

“Angela….do you still think he’s a gay?” Andrea asked .

“I’m…I’m sure he’s not!” She snapped standing.

“I’m gonna leave first” she took her bag and left the restaurant without taking a second look at Mike and his perhaps friend.

“Is she okay?” Celine mutters while Andrea shrugged.


Angela sat at the field staring at nothing when Mike joined her sitting beside her.

“What happened earlier?” He asked giving her a drink which she collect.

“It’s nothing” she replied opening the can.

“Are you okay? You look pale” Mike asked Angela who is forcibly opening the can.

“OH MY GOSH!” she Yelp when the drink splashes over her.

“Eish…how annoying…” She cleans her clothes while Mike sighs bringing out an handkerchief.

“You think you’re still a baby? When will you learn how to grow up?!” He chided offering the handkerchief to her.

“Psst…I don’t need you to lecture me” she wipe herself Mike collected the handkerchief back and wipe the split drink on her face while she just stares.

“What a waste” she mutters.

“The drink?” Mike asked.

“You” she replied.


“Mike you know I like you right?”

“And I think I’ve heard that so many times already… seriously how can a girl say that so easily?”

” Why? If you like someone you should let them know… what’s the use keeping it. It’ll only hurt you”.

“How wonderful would it be if you like your books the same way? You know the semester is coming to an end? Are you preparing for the exams?”

“Ah! That darned exams! I hate it to the core. If I could get two wishes my second wish would be to cancel anything like exams”

“And the first?”

“For you to date me of course”

Mike knock her forehead.

“Why…???” She whined rubbing it.

“Get ready for class….” Mike stood up whilst she did also.

“Wait for me!” She runs to Mike who was already leaving.


“studying is hard…or am I the only one like that?” Angela asked with her palms supporting her jaws.

“Not only you…I find it difficult too but it’s okay…I can still manage” Andrea replied.

“What about you Celine?” Angela asked.

“You know me. I’m half intelligent mm quarter dull and a bit clever” Celine respond.

“Right? You’re the cunning one among us” Angela said.

“Exams are nothing just a paper with some rubbish written on it. Why would we stress ourselves over that?” Celine said again.

” You say it like it’s nothing…the lecturers already made it clear…no mercy one mistake you retake the course”

“Then ask Mike to tutor you”

“Yeah ..I think it’ll best to ask him too” Andrea added.

“Well… though I don’t want to disturb him…it seems I have no other way out. No choice… I’ll just go to him”

“Isn’t that what you wanted?” Celine asked.

“Studying with him can be fun” Angela grins.

“Sure… whatever… good luck on that”

“But Angela there’s something I don’t understand. You always don’t like law…why go for it?” Andrea asked

” That’s …is a short story of mine…”


“Mike what do you wanna be in future?”

“Future? I haven’t really given it much thought”

“I must say you’re really…. unpredictable… for a genius”

Mike snicker.

“What about you?” He asked.

“Me? Mine is quite simple…I’m gonna follow your steps. I’m gonna be anything you wanna be”

“I must say… you’re really unpredictable for a…”

” A what?”

“What do you think?”


“But why?”

“You know too…my IQ is kinda low…”

“Not kinda…but truthfully low”

“Whatever… I’m not that intelligent but I feel I can do it as long as I’m with you… you helped me before remember? You are good at that…so I’m gonna stay by your side and help you in anyway I can also… that’s my dream”

“No personal feelings attached?”

“Of course there is…I want to be with you always…you may not like me much now but I assure you as time goes by you’ll fall hard for me…I have a special way of changing people’s mind you know…I’m good at that”

“The only thing I know you’re good at is taking what’s not yours… taking other people’s things without their permission”

“If that’s what you think that’s great also. Since I’m good at that then don’t be surprised if I take your heart without your permission also. I’m gonna steal it don’t you let your guard down”

Mike only snicker.

“So if you wanna become a doctor I’ll be your nurse…if it’s a banker I’ll be your accountant…

if it’s a celebrity I’ll be your manager and if it’s a pilot I’ll be your stewardess…I’m gonna stick by you and support you with all I’ve got”

“And you sure you won’t regret it? You shouldn’t decide your future because of some tricky feelings. They change… people also…I may not be able to reciprocate those feelings. You should do things because you love it not because the person you love love it…change your dreams… not others”

“I’ve thought about it. I admit I’m still immature and making a reckless decision…but who cares? That’s what my heart wants…I really wanna help you by your side” she said with finality and Mike signs.

“Don’t feel bad no matter how you try to stop me it won’t work. That’s my final decision I don’t have a specific thing I wanna do. You know good at nothing”

“If that’s what you really want I won’t try to stop you anymore. It’s your life and you can do whatever you want with it”

Angela smiles.

“But don’t you really have something that caught your interest at all?”

“I do have one but I’m not sure of it yet”

“What is it? Tell me” she opted immediately.

“I do hate injustice”


“No…I want to defend people”


“What do you think?”

“Ohh…” She trailed off itching her hair

“Why law of all things out here in the world…. it’s hard…” She mutters to herself.

“You don’t like it?” Mike asked noticing her hesitation.

“Uh? Ohh…I…I love it. It’s so cool. As expected you thinking is really great. Don’t worry I’ll be your pa…para… what is it called again?”


“Yeah that… right? You’ll really look cool in the gown”

“Lawyers don’t wear gown”

“Uh? Of… course they don’t…I know that… just saying…” Mike smiles hugging her.

“Thank you Angela…thank you really…”

She smiles.

“You’re nuts Angela…” She said within.


“I must be crazy…what do I do now!”

“I wish you good luck” Andrea said.

“But you’re really surprising Angela…how can you decide your future because of a guy… you’re really unbelievable…I can never do such a thing” Celine said also.

“Don’t blame her… remember she’s immature” Andrea said.

“You guys are only saying that cause you don’t know what I feel”

“We’ll said miss love expert”

“Don’t you guys have anything better to do?” Jeff asked joining them.

“Why are you here again?” Angela frowns.

“To hear the latest news” Jeff replied simply.

“What news? Do we look like broadcasters?”

“Nope but you’re gossip casters. Do you wanna know why you guys are still single? Because no guy in his right senses will ever wanna be with a gossip like you girls”

“Count me out! I’ve been in many relationship” Celine said proudly.

“And you were dumped by all”

“That’s not true…I dumped them!”

Jeff shakes his head.

“One have been in many relationship without any positive results… another is chasing a guy who will never like her around…and the last one is…” He paused looking at Andrea.

“She has been single since day one she’ll probably die an old maid…eww…” He shudders.


“That’s my name miss forever alone” he smirk.

“Why don’t you get lost already?”

“I don’t want to”

“It’s better you do before I lose my cool” Andrea gritted.

“I wouldn’t want that. You pouring out your frustrations on me….no no no…bye girls I gotta go… keep… gossiping” he giggled before hopping away.

“What a goose!”

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E15

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E17

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