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A Crazy Love - S01 E19

Story 3 weeks ago

A Crazy Love - S01 E19

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 19


The pair of woman and man immediately laughed at Kizy’s cute question.

“Did I ask something wrong?” Kizy asked a bit embarassedly.

“No Miss Kizy. Sorry for laughing like that.” the woman immediately spoke up.

“You don’t have to be sorry. Actually i never apply makeup so i don’t know much about this.” Kizy said honestly.

“Miss Kizy actually we need to set your hairs first so that the hairstyle will look perfect. As for the dress, sometimes your dress may get smudged with makeup therefore it is safer to do makeup if you are not wearing a dress which has narrow neck opening.” The woman explained.

“Ok i will follow your advice.” Kizy said.

The three of them then went inside one of the rooms for preparing her.

After exactly one hour, Kizy stepped out of the room with a completely different vibe.

“Miss Kizy you have the most flawless skin i have worked on until now. Plus I must praise your looks. Usually I am proud of my makeup skills, but today I didn’t have to do much as you are a natural beauty.” The man said.

“You flatter me.” Kizy said a little embarassedly.

“Young Miss you look beautiful.” Jessy, the maid who was assigned to take care of Kizy, said sincerely.

“Thank you Jessy.” Kizy replied.

Soon the driver arrived and Kizy checked out everything for the last time – Her attire, whether all three gifts were perfectly wrapped and lastly reminded the bakery for timely delivery of cake after sending the address.

6.15 pm.

Evans Mansion was very lively today. All the big shots from business as well as underworld were here to congratulate the Elder Madam, Jennie Evans for her birthday.

Markus and his family usually kept a very low profile, making them seem even more mysterious.

Thus a banquet of this huge scale was a rare opportunity for people to have small talks with the extremely successfull Evans family members, especially there youngest heir, Markus Evans.

The mansion was completely sealed from media. Only people with invitation cards were allowed inside the banquet. But the most important part was security.

Bodyguards wearing all blacks suits were seen standing at few distance. But only few of the guests knew that Markus had placed his trusted men dressed in guest attire between public.

Afterall being the biggest mafia gang also meant that they had a lot of enemies. And the last thing Evans never wanted to happen today was an accident.

Celebration was held in main hall of mansion while. The square hall had a vintage touch. A huge chandelier was present in the center of hall, lighting up the entire area. Round tables covered in red velvety clothes with golden embroidery were placed at equal distance, with five chairs placed around each table.

Guests were prohibited from wandering around to other rooms, thus all these people were busy trying to gain themselves some useful connections.

All the guest were busy talking amongst themselves when a commotion could be heard from the main gate. All the pair of eyes turned towards the entrance.

All major members of Evans family were already present in the hall, thus everyone was curious regarding this person who could evoke such a commotion here.

And there entered the lady whose beauty defined what ‘a face that could bring nations down’ actually meant.

Clad in maroon off shoulder gown, Kizy, the center of attraction at present moment, elegantly stepped inside the hall. Her princess style gown could reached till ground, sweeping the floor as well as all attention with her.

Her hairs were curled and secured with diamond accessories, making it look as if they were decorated with stars. The maroon diamonds on her earrings and bracelet made a stark contrast to her fair skin.

Alas someone dropped there glass in awe, the cracking sound making all people awake from there dazed state.

“Wow who is that beauty? I seriously want to know her.”

“I have never seen such an innocent yet captivating aura.”

“God i was so mesmerised that i forgot to breath for a minute.”

“Hey isn’t she the new PA and the childhood friend who was all over the hot searches last week.”

“How can such random people arrive in such high profile manner? I seriously hate her guts.”

“Sshhh.. Don’t talk anything bad about her. Mr Markus sued more than half of our city for defaming her.”

Thus all types of comments were immediately thrown at Kizy. But the person involved was acting completely unfazed.

Kizy walked in a poised manner and arrived before grandpa.

“Good evening grandpa. Sorry for being late.” Kizy instantly apologized.

“Child you look so beautiful today. I am sure no other woman can match that stupid grandson of mine more than you do. And off course young people like you should take time on your appearance, we don’t mind it.” Grandpa said with warm smile.

Though both of them were talking in a voice audible to only both of them, anyone with eyes could see the warm and doting behaviour grandpa was showing towards her.

Kizy then took out a box from the bag she was carrying before presenting it to grandpa.

“Last time was a sudden meet so I didn’t have any time for preparing a gift for you. So I brought it this time. Hope you will like it.” Kizy said sincerely.

“But today is my birthday. Why is this old man receiving a present instead of me?” Nobody knew when elder madam had came behind this pair of grandpa and grand daughter in law.

“Look at you, still so immature. What will my grand daughter in law think?” Grandpa quickly retorted.

“My?? Say our okay. She is mine as well, how dare you say ‘my’.” Grandma then turned towards Kizy.

“So you are Kizy, what a pretty girl.” A sudden change of tone from complaining to gentle.

“Happy birthday grandma. Wish you a long life filled with health and happiness.” Kizy said politely.

“Ohh girl, you are so good natured, unlike some rude brat..” Grandma said while looking past Kizy.

Kizy immediately turned behind and as expected, Markus was standing there with his mom. She smiled at him as grandma was scolding him just moments ago.

But Markus was suddenly captivated by that smile. He could feel that his heart was beating a little faster than usual and a different kind of feeling was coursing through his entire body, especially since he had seen Kizy enter the hall.

“Yeah yeah, have this girl for yourself then.” Markus said after clearing his thoughts.

“Can’t you be a little more polite and respectful?” Markus’s mom, Mary said from the side.

Though it seemed that Mary was complaining, but anyone could see that all she had was only affection for Markus.

“Good evening mom.” Kizy immediately greeted her.

“So you are the one who stole my son’s heart. Though i wanted to complain, but after looking at you i feel contented. I just wish you both live a happy life.” Mary said.

“Thank you mom.” Kizy said.

Kizy turned back towards grandma before taking out another box from her bag.

“I know this isn’t much, but I did not know your choice, thus i chose this one. Once again a happy birthday grandma.” Kizy said.

Grandma immediately opened the box before saying.

“Old man be quick, help me put this on.” Grandma said while pointing towards the jade pendant.

Kizy was a little shocked at this as she never expected that grandma would like her present so much that she will wear it on the spot.

Similarly Kizy gave the purple dress to Mary.

“Oh my god, you are good at choosing. Such a pity that I am already wearing this dress. But don’t worry, i will definitely flaunt this dress on some other occasion.” Mary said.

All those present in the hall were already green with envy. For the entire time, they were cracking there brains to come up with some unique bootlicking skills so that they could have some small talks with these four eminent figure of Evans family.

But Kizy was easily able to garner attention of all these members without even trying. All these Ecans were praisning her non stop.

And what was more shocking was, Jennie Evans had immediately wore the locket she bought, whereas all those gifts from influential families were still piled up on the side table.

Kizy suddenly received a call. She accepted it and listened to the other side for a minute before going towards Markus.

“The people delivering cake are here. But they do not have access to this banquet, allow them in.” Kizy said.

Markus nodded before calling Joel to follow his commands.

“Grandma, the cake is here. And i think that most of the guests have arrived. So should we start with cake cutting? After that the starters could be served.” Markus asked.

“Yeah sure lets do that.” Jennie said.

With that, everyone present in the hall stood up for cake cutting. Only Kizy, Markus, Mary, Jennie and her husband Mike Evans were present at the centre table.

The huge three tier cake was bought inside and placed before Jennie. The cake was purely white in color, decorated with edible silver pearls. All three layers were filled with flowers in shade of pink and white.

Overall the cake looked perfect. Everyone clapped while Jennie took the knife and cut the cake.

She took out a small peice of cake to feed her husband when suddenly…

“STOP DON’T EAT!!” Kizy shouted loudly from the side.

The entire hall was instantly silent after her sudden shout. Many of them were waiting for a drama now. Kizy’s appearance had made them feel insecure and finally they had the opportunity to criticize.

“Who does she thinks she is? Stopping elder madam like that?”

“Finally this girl will know her place now.”

“I wish someone would throw her out of this banquet.”

“Haha I salute her guts. How dare she shout this loudly in front of Evans?”

“I think this shameless woman wants to court her death.”

The guests started whispering in low voices. Even grandpa, grandma, Markus and his mother were confused at Kizy.

Kizy went near Markus and whispered in his ears.

“There is something wrong with the cake.”

Markus turned to look at Kizy who had a worried look on her face. Then he looked at rest of his family members who were waiting to continue. Off course they didn’t mind Kizy from stopping them, they just wanted to know what was wrong.

Markus cleared his voice before speaking aloud.

“Sorry for interupting the celebration. Miss Kizy had also ordered another cake for grandma but due to some issue it was not delivered yet. She thought that the cake would arrive by the time we start celebration but it has still not arrived.

But she recieved there call saying that they will be here in five minutes, so I ask all the ladies and gentlemen to please wait a little for Miss Kizy’s cake.” Markus explained.

He secretly signalled Joel who understood the matter and went to make preparations. Afterall Joel was present with them to buy cake, so he knew that this cake was booked by Kizy. Therefore there must be some issue and hence Markus wanted to order another cake.

After exactly four minutes, the door to main hall were opened once again, and this time a six tier cake was wheeled inside.

“Sorry for not arriving on time. Chef John has sent a few delicacies along with cake as apology. Please accept this young master.” The man who bought the cake inside said.

“Thank him from us.” Markus paused before turning towards audience.

“Lets continue now.” He said.

All these people were stunned at the newly arrived cake. And that was beacuse the cake was from ‘WQ Heaven’. If ‘Blue Dream Bakery’ was known for there taste and selling cakes all over country then ‘WQ Heaven’ was known for its luxury.

They only sold one cake per week which should be booked before an entire month. Even then it was not sure if you will recieve te order. No amount of money or designation could buy you there cakes.

It was harder for common people to even afford a single pastry from them and now Kizy had bought an entire six tier cake for grandma’s 60th birthday!

Not only that, they also recieved some delicacies as a form of apology from Mr John! The best baker in country!!

Grandma smiled before cutting this second cake and everyone congratulated her again. Soon the starters were served. Evans family members went back to talk with the guests.

The incident where Kizy had stopped grandma was long forgotten and the gossips were all about how Kizy had ordered that cake, and how she brought gifts for everyone.

But Markus who was done talking with a few people went back to Kizy and secretly dragged her to second floor.

“Markus what are you doing?” Kizy said while struggling to release her hand from his grip.

But Markus just ignored her the entire way and finally pushed her against the wall after locking the door behind him.

He roughly pinned her between him and the wall before pinching her chin.

“How did you know? I asked my men to check the cake and it was poisened? Explain this right now?” He shouted at her.

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A Crazy Love - S01 E18

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A Crazy Love - S01 E20

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