June break - S01 E52

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June break - S01 E52

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 52

It has all been strong will, determination and persistent for me to finally finished my first year in school.

Yes, I have nailed it and grades were good too.

I’m doing great with this University thing and the most important part is how proud Phil will be when he sees my overall results for my first semester.

At least he will be happy that his money is well spent.

I’m already proud of my good self because I put in so much to be able to achieve this great score.

I feel good and can’t wait to see Phil tomorrow evening
That’s when he will be driving down to pick me so that we can hang out.

Returning from school after a long time, my apartment appears new.

I kept looking around, wondering if it was still my apartment.

Everything appears new, even the walls, the tiles and even the ceiling.

I have been gone for about seven months, I stayed in school all this while, my room back in school was very comfy
Phil makes sure of that.

I enjoyed my stay and aside the comfort, and the lecturer, the course mates were very nice, friendly and helpful.

They teach with kindness and ready to guide and correct when there’s a setback.

It could have been a little difficult attaining this good score that I’m currently holding, my present grades makes me real happy.

I don’t know how the second year will be but looking at how this first one went by gives me confidence that the rest will be awesome.

I breathed calmly as i unpack my bags, and after I was done unpacking, I began to clean up my apartment.

Dusting, sweeping and washing.

I was very tired by the time that I was done with the entire chores.

I showered and stepped out to look for what to eat.

I stopped at my neighbor’s house to check up on her and she was very delighted to see me.

The baby was big compared to the last time I saw him and he had already started school
I promised to get him a gift when I was leaving for school of which I couldn’t, not because I forgot but there was no children shop around me back in school.

I told her that I haven’t forgotten my promise to her child and I will definitely do the needful.

I stepped out to get what to eat, maybe by tomorrow I will do proper grocery shopping.

As I was going back home after getting the things I needed, I ran into John, he was coming over to visit his sister for the weekend

We both began to walk back home together

“My run away girlfriend is back..” John said laughing.

I chuckled a bit “who’s your girlfriend? Hope you aren’t referring to me..”

“See the seriousness on your face, i was only joking before your fine rich boyfriend will send boys after me..”

I chuckled again

While John continued

“…is good to see you again April, I heard you’re schooling in one of the biggest University in the country. How’s school treating you..”

“Good, infact great. I’m enjoying school Life…”

“Obviously, is written all over you. Look at how fresh your skin looks and you added extra weights, especially around the waist. It’s now more round and charming.. organically carved, no surgery or artificial added to it…”

I suddenly began to laugh. “John, please leave me alone. With this mouth of yours many ladies, nurses and patients in the hospital that you work will be after you, like how ants are attracted to sugar..”

“Never, work is work, I don’t mix it up with pleasure. But outside work, we can do as we please. Is you that I’m targeting, April you’re the skeleton in my laboratory. Uh hahaha! I want you, especially now that you’re looking hotter than fire. Who wouldn’t k!ll just to have you..”

“Thanks for the compliments John, is good to see you too…” I said, trying to dismiss him as we approach the gate.

“Can I come over and visit later? He asked

“No.. no, my boyfriend will be around. You remember the last time he saw you at my place, war broke out and I wouldn’t want the second war to happen again..”

“That your fine rich boyfriend is a jealous lover indeed. Alright, I will see you whenever you’re outside, at least I have all through the weekend, is being a while I saw my sister. About three months, that’s why I insisted in visiting them after her long plea. I will get to see more of you around, that’s if your fine rich boyfriend will allow you…”

He paused and then continued.
“…one of my friend, I call him Lu, he will be coming over to visit tomorrow, we have an event we will be attending. I told him I will be at my sister’s place and I already sent the address to him. Is a wedding ceremony of one of my guy which I would’ve love if you come with us but I guess your rich boyfriend won’t let you step an inch close to another man…”

I scoffed loudly but didn’t say a word.

John continued

“… you know what I said is true. Your boyfriend placed a restriction order on you, you can’t go to anywhere without his permission. Another man is not allowed to love you or go out with you, look at how pretty you are, he only wants you for himself alone, that’s not fair..”

“…. Did you know that this my guy, Lu.. I mentioned earlier, who will be following me to a wedding ceremony, he used to have a girlfriend who’s name was April, I never met her but my friend told me so much about the girl. this particular girl ditched him. She emptied his apartment and cart away with all his things… including his money…”

“… He came back from work one day and met an empty house, the girl was gone like the wind, Lu said that the girl sold all his things before running back to her old lover whom she was secretly cheating on him with. Some Ladies are not to be trusted at all…”

I turned to my apartment to go without knowing what to say concerning his friend’s case
John said again

“…I know you are full of life and a very lovable, free spirited soul. Don’t let your fine boyfriend cage you, or place an embargo on you. You know, like trading restrictions in economy. You can’t do nothing of your own accord untill he approves. You always wanting to please him at all times even when you know deep down you’re not happy or satisfied with some of his decisions. I know he is super rich and that’s the power he has over some of us that are still working our a$$ off round the clock to be able to make it too…”

I had to interrupt him at this point.

“I’m not dating Phil because he’s rich, I’m not without choice in my relationship. I make decisions too which he respects and does not impose anything on me. I don’t understand anything you’re talking about because I can’t relate to any. I’m sorry to say but You don’t really have what I need in a man or maybe because our mind works differently. Phil understands me and he brings out the best in me. You will get a woman some day that will cherish you but don’t carry out your annoyance on my man, he is actually not your problem..”

I began to walk away

“I was only looking out for you April, you’re too pretty for one man to hold you down with either money or influence. I want you to be happy and free in any relationship you find yourself. I’m just a concerned friend..” John said behind me.

“Thanks John for your sincere concern, but I never complained to you..” I replied before walking into my apartment.

Are they thinking that I’m being caged in my relationship because Phil is rich.

That’s absurd
Phil is the last man that will do such.

And I’m glad that he found reasons to come back again to me.

I wonder how life will be for me without Phil in it.

John mentioned his friend, Lu or something. Can’t even remember the name he called him who had a girl friend that ran away with his things and went back to her secret lover.
I can’t relate to such and who knows what made the girl do such to him.

I could have related it to me and Louis story but theirs a huge difference.

I don’t have secret lover, I didn’t empty Louis house or stole his money. I picked only what was mine and left his own properties for him without touching them.

If I had such mind like the girl had I would have really emptied his house but even at that it wouldn’t be enough for all he took from me.

Well, life has been good to me, Louis is a past tense, I disposed everything about him into the trash can.

I don’t want to think or bring up his case for any reason and pray never to see him ever again.

Bringing back those sad memory and letting his thoughts hurts me is the last thing I want to do.

Indeed, I’m in a better place.

Phil changed all the narrative and he brought flood light to my life.

I can’t thank him enough for that.

John and his Lu friend, that has a girlfriend that’s my name sake are less of my problem.

John even generalized women that they’re not to be trusted.

He added that I’m being caged and shouldn’t let Phil’s influence or money to keep me trapped.

That was very annoying to say, yet I kept my cool and didn’t react like I intend.

I’m glad I maintained my dignity and walked away.

John was only bitter because he knows clearly that he can’t have me and he can’t measure half of the man that Phil is.

I look forward to seeing my Phil tomorrow, nothing else matters to me anymore.

I don’t have any business with John, neither can I relate to anything he said

It’s a mere coincidence that John’s friend who will be attending wedding with him tomorrow has a girlfriend who happens to bear the same name with me.

I don’t know her or the Lu.
She’s my name sake doesn’t make us the same.

I went about my day without a second thought about John or whatever he said.

After the long kiss, he took my hands into his, massaged it gently, he looked at me and said the exact words that I so much longed to hear

“I’m very proud of you April, you deserve a special gift for your beautiful performance and I will definitely get you one and if you keep up like this, trust me you will be getting gifts from me at all time…”

I love gifts, especially coming from Phil, it’s always outstanding.

It has been a great time out with Phil and I enjoyed everything about this evening.

He picked me up like it was agreed on, took me to one finest foreign restaurant where we get to eat some continental meals.

After which we drove to a sit out steak joint, we were served with a cooked, garnished potatoes and a well marinated steak.

I thought we will be going home from there, but Phil was not done spoiling me with food.

We went to a cocktail port to have a drink and stayed for over an hour talking and laughing like new lovers.

As evening approached, I thought we were finally heading home but he drove me to a sea food kitchen, where all manners of sea food were prepared

The food presentations were outstanding, it came in a round mudded local plate

The whole new way that we were served was beautiful, the face of the sea food was beautiful to behold, seeing it alone I began to salivate, the taste was worth the packaging.
I consumed it all gladly within few minutes

By the time we left, I was too filled up.

It feels like I won’t be able to eat any other thing for days but I doubt it, this will only last for tonight, by morning I’m sure hunger will wake me up.

“,I had massive fun, you overfed me Phil, if I don’t watch it, I will bløw up in no time. I’m overfed, I feel really heavy I don’t want to grow fatter than my actual size. I want to remain smart and beautiful for you..”

He tickled me and smile while I began to laugh.

“I will try not to overfeed you next time. I’m glad you had fun and more fun are loading for you and your gifts too will be delivered. Is a beautiful thing to watch you laugh, to know that you’re happy and safe, the most important is to know you’re mine again…”

I blushed

“… there’s still matters of importance that you’re forgetting.

I rolled my eyes, trying to think what exactly he meant and what could be that important.

“…we had an agreement that you will be visiting home soon, to right the wrong that was done in the past. You said after a whole semester is over, that’s the only time you can go..”

I heaved a heavy sigh “yeah, is true”

“So, what’s the plan? When do you plan to go?

He was still talking as we parked opposite my house gate, when the gate opened
I can see the gate from where I sat inside the car, while Phil was backing the gate
His main focus was me as we were talking

John stepped out, followed by another person, a young guy who was talking to John.

My heart doubled skipped as I saw him fully.


Jesus Christ. What in God’s name is he doing here.

How did he find my place

That’s when I remembered that he was the one John was referring to as Lu.

So I was the April that stole everything he got and ran away with my lover

My jaw dropped as it all began to dawn on me

How can he fabricate such lies without any iota of guilt.

None of what he told John and maybe several others was true.

I stared at him as they came out of the gate and began to walk down.

Phil try to turn to see what got my attention that much, that I wasn’t listening to him anymore.

Before he will turn back, I cupped his face and gave him a kiss.

I can’t just afford him seeing Louis

He will think otherwise, he may think I might be seeing Louis in secret, because what better explanation do I have in defense for this?

How come Louis knows where I’m staying? The same Louise that brought so much problem to Phil and I.

He deceived me, stole from me, manipulated me, he even try using me as a blackmail to drain Phil

He wanted to destroy my life but I escaped before he could execute his plans.

Louise is ev!l and shouldn’t be seen around me ever again

I don’t want another problem that will make Phil to distrust me, anything that will make him not to trust me again like it happened the last time, I don’t want any part of it.

I have to do everything I can to protect this second chance I have with Phil.

“What could be the thing taking all your interest, you’re not even paying attention to anything I’m saying..”

Phil said, not understanding my reaction.

“Nothing serious, I was just thinking it all through. Yes, I will go. By next weekend I will be on my way. let me use this week to prepare for the journey. Alright?

He agreed.

After spending few more minutes with him, we bid each other goodbye

I rushed inside, as I went to refresh for the evening, I heard a knock on the door.

I went to the door and saw John.

“Hey John..”

“Fine girl, I saw your rich boyfriend’s car outside earlier, I know he’s the one. Is he a car dealer, always changing cars…”

“Is that why you came knocking on my door? I asked quietly

“Not at all, I wanted it to sound like a compliment, I’m sorry if it sounded rude or annoying. my friend and I stepped out earlier but we’re back, he will be going soon and I want you to say hi to him please, hope you don’t mind? I was boasting to him that I have a pretty neighbor and he wish to say hi..”

I began searching for the right excuse but couldn’t think of any at that moment.

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June Break - S01 E51

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June Break - S01 E53

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