Fate - S01 E39

Story 1 month ago

Fate - S01 E39

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 39

⏩I walked downstairs to meet Chloe… she seems happy.

“Erica.. you’re back,” she said then moved closer to hug me.

“i should be the one to ask you this.. where are you coming from? i asked while she smile then brou-ght out her phone and show me some images.

“it beautiful right? whenever you’re free we can tell me so we can go their,” she said while i smile.

“seems you’ve enjoy your day? i asked while she nodded.
“the garden is so magical…,” she smiled.

“were you with someone? i asked curiously.

“yes.. but it was just a concindence i meet Ethan… and he even drive me home,” she said while i frown.

“he did.. and he couldn’t even come in to say hi to me atleast as friends,” i asked while she held my hand.

“sorry Erica.. i guess he’s in haste,”

“busy… if he’s busy he wouldn’t bring you here,” i said so pissed off already.

“he promise to come tomorrow.. i told him how Mr. Sebastain helped us.. are you mad at me? she asked while i smile then hug-ged her.

“am not mad at anyone.. i still want to be friends with Ethan and i can’t wait you two to get along,” i said while she smiled.
“okay then.. i need to go and sleep,” i said to her while she nodded. I hurriedly went to my room then threw myself helplessly on the bed. I can’t believe i was with Francis all this while… well it time to play a little game on Jasmine.


Karen’s POV?

“Breakfast is ready,” Hanny annouced while i ask Sean to call Jasmine. I look at our bed and notice Anton still asleep, i went over to him and notice he wasn’t sleeping he seems to be lost in his thinking… i just hope is not what am thinking.

“breakfast is ready if you want i can bring your breakfast in bed,” i said then sat close to him.


“Karen i just need some time…i need to think… i need some rest,” he said in harsh tone.
“so what are you trying to say.. am too disturbing or what? i asked getting angry already… he has been like this for almost two weeks… he don’t want to talk to me again he always avoid me as his wife. He’s no longer the Anton i used to know.

“Karen… i guess you of all people should understand me,” he said then stood up from the bed.

“then why are you acting this way towards me.. am your wife and you suppose to tell me everything,” i yelled and my eyes were starting to get teary.

“Karen i think i need a break from you,” he said while i walked out angrily slamming the door behind me.. i was surprise to see Sean and Jasmine standing at the door.

“is this what you kids do.. hearing my conservation with your dad? i yelled at them then walked pa-ssed them.

“dad.. if you ever hurt mom i’ll never forgive you,” I heard Jasmine said to Anton before storming downstairs to see me i guess. I sat on the couch feeling so angry about everything. I guess i know the sudden change of Anton.. he hasn’t been himself ever since Jasmine told him about Camille, Sean also told me everything Anton told him about Camille. Is he now starting to have regret? or is he trying to find where Camille is now?

“mom,” i heard Jasmine called me while i hug-ged her then wipe off my tears.

“are you okay? she asked while i nodded.

“this the first time am seeing you and dad quarell,” she said while i nodded.

“i don’t know why he’s mad at me all of a sudden, i feel like he doesn’t love me anymore,” i cried the more.

“am not gonna allow this… this family will not gonna be ruin for anything mom. I know the value of family,” she said while i smirk. I need to act fast before Anton get to find Camille or get to regret what he did.

“i lose my appettite.. you and Sean should just go and have your breakfast,” i said then stood up and went to my room.


Chloe’s POV?

I open the invitation card sent to us by Sebastain then read throu-ghit.

“he’s gonna celebrate his success and achievment in his company after twenty years, i can’t believe we could have someone more successful than Mr. Anton,” Erica said then giggle.

“it such a great success an we are all going to support him, right mother? i asked mom while she nodded.

“i guess this the reason why the Santagio winery company want to patnership with him…” Erica said while i just nodded.
“the party is gonna be great… but Chloe.. i thought you said Ethan was gonna come here today? she asked while i nodded.

“yes… maybe he’s busy.. i don’t know,” i said while her phone rang.

” i need to pick up this call,” she said then walked away.

“did you meet with Ethan? mom asked while i nodded.

“but why will you have to.. Chloe.. don’t you think we need peace for once, we need to be happy for once in our lives… i don’t want Jasmine to hate us and now you know Erica has something for him,” mom said.

“but mom… i can’t seems to forget about him. I love him so much.. i have never felt this way towards anyone before. Aren’t you happy that your Chloe has finally fall in love… aren’t you suppose to be happy for me and support me, but it seems you’re pushing me away from the one i love. I wish all this will be a nightmare mother but i can’t help it.. i can’t control that feeling mom … i love Ethan so much and try all i can forget it but i can’t. But it okay if this what will make you and everyone happy so be it..

am willing to do everything for my you,” i said then wipe off my tears and hurriedly went to my room, i heard mom calling my name but i ignore her… i think i want to be alone for now. I walked to my room then laid down on my bed…what the heck is wrong with me. I know mom was only trying to protect me but i can’t help it.. i don’t know why i have to fall for Ethan in the first place, Declan might even be angry and i don’t want to cause the separation of these brothers just the way i don’t want Erica and i to quarell over this issues.

Chloe,” i heard mom voice then sat up as i saw her walked in, looking so sad.

“i didn’t mean to hurt you.. i was only trying to protect you.. i don’t want you to end up like me,” she said then sat down at the edge of my bed.

“am not mad at you mom am just angry with myself for not falling in love with Ethan… am hurt because non of you understood me,” i said then moved my hair back and wipe away my tears.

“of course i do understand you so well Chloe.. i was just worried am sure you saw what happen to Erica she was almost killed and we all know it all because of Ethan,” mom said while i looked at her.

“don’t worry mom i will try to get over this whole thing..’ i said then stood up to leave.

“Ethan is also a good person and am not against the love you have for him nor the one he have for you… i have always want you to be happy Chloe… we might get the money now but this isn’t what am after for.. i just want to see you happy,” mom said then stood up and hug-ged me.

“thank you mom,” i sobb.

“don’t worry Chloe… i hope everything turn out for our good,” she said while i smile sadly.


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