A Crazy Love - S01 E12

Story 1 month ago

A Crazy Love - S01 E12

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 12

As soon as the car halted in front of his house, Markus climbed out of the car and went to the opposite side to open the door for Kizy. Though stunned, she stepped out of the car only to be carried by Markus in princess style at the end.

“We will have our dinner after fifteen minutes” he informed the butler and chef without stopping in his tracks for a moment. By now Kizy was suddenly feeling a little fear towards Markus. She could still win if they were to fight with words, but considering there physical strength, no matter what punishment it will be, she was sure to lose.

Markus entered his room effortlessly while carrying Kizy all this time. He closed the door behind him with a kick and walked towards the bed. He sat on the bed, still carrying Kizy that she was sitting on his lap right now. He encircled his arms around her, one around her shoulder, supporting her neck and the other wrapped around her tiny waist.

“Now Little lamb, i will start a timer for five minutes. In those five minutes, no matter what i do, you are not supposed to make any noise. No matter what it is, just make sure you don’t create even a single sound.. Or be ready for a second punishment for breaking the first one. Is that clear?” Markus asked in a little husky voice.

“What do you mean by ‘no matter what i do’? What will you exactly do?” Kizy asked, a little shocked at his deep voice and those predator like eyes.

“You will find out soon” he smirked.

Markus bent a little closer to Kizy, so that she could feel his hot breath on her skin.

“Now take out my phone from my chest pocket” he whispered. Though a whisper, it sounded more like a command.

Kizy did as he said and took out his phone. Markus unlocked the phone and asked her to start the timer and place it on the side table, so both of them can take a look at the remaining minutes and seconds.

The moment timer started, Markus started slowly kissing Kizy’s face. He started from her face, placing small but sensual kisses all around his path. He kissed her eyelashes, the tip of her pointed nose, her rosy cheeks, the corner of her lips, her pointed chin and so on.

While this entire time, a weird sensation was making its way through Kizy’s body. She was dazed at the sudden sensational kisses, and her mind was a total chaos.

Markus was already kissing her jawline by now and then paused. Just when Kizy naively thought that the punishment was done as Markus had kissed all her face and no place remained on her face to kiss, he suddenly dipped his head in the space between her neck and shoulder and started placing kisses all over her neck.

Kizy could no longer form any proper thoughts and was too overwhelmed by this certain attack from the devil.

Whereas Markus on the other side started loosing his control. Just like last time, he had wanted to punish her, but ended up craving her more and regretting his choice later.

His breathing was shallow and he had a hard time controlling his urges. But since he wanted Kizy to know that he was punishing her, and it wasn’t affecting him the least, he continued suppressing his desires.

But he was so lost in her scent and pleasure, that he didn’t realise that his small kisses had turned into dominating ones. Suddenly a small moan escaped from Kizy’s mouth.

Markus was so turned on by her voice that he forgot his initial plan of only kissing her and suddenly bited the skin where he had placed a kiss just now. Kizy opened her eyes wide at the sudden pain and the timer beeped at that exact moment.

Kizy pushed Markus and went running inside the bathroom. Though they always fought over stupid things and were not affected by there physical touching, it was her first time being this intimate with any man in her entire life.

The last he kissed, it was too sudden and she only wanted to push him away that time. But this time she experienced weird feeling coursing throughout her body, and though she didn’t wanted to admit, but she wasn’t diliking it. It was just that she couldn’t understand what excatly was happening to her body.

She turned to look at her own reflection in the bathroom mirror, where she could see her face which had turned completely red. She was still reminiscing there kiss when she noticed the only hickey which was contrasting her fair sking. She immediately forgot all those sensations and furiously walked out from the bathroom.

Markus has loosened his tie a little while he running his hand through his already messy hair. Nobody knew but he was completely turned on by that single moan from Kizy and lost his cool.

Even he was stunned at his collapsing self control which he was always proud about. Being the most eleigible bachelor for two years, there wasn’t a beautiful face that he had never seen. Though he had never been intimate with any other woman, but that was because non of them could spark his desires. But for Kizy, he felt as if she was that dangerous fire, which he couldn’t stop touching. Though he knew that he might get burned, he was more than ready to go for it. He was still dazed in his thoughts when Kizy shouted at him.

“You… you… what have you.. done? What is this… how.. you tell how am i going to erase this?” Kizy said while gritting her teeth.

Markus suddenly looked at the hickey that Kizy had pointed. Though he didn’t wanted to admit, but he was liking that mark on her pale neck. But at this moment, he needed to come up with something and his brain was running at maximun speed. And he recieved the solution soon.

“Thats your second punishment babe. Don’t you remember?” Markus asked while raising his brows.

“What remember?” Kizy asked in an aggravated tone.

“That small moan you made. I already warned that you were not supposed to make a single noise. But since you broke the rule, thats what you recieve” Markus said shamelessly.

“You… you.. when did i? I never did anything?” Kizy said after remembering what she had done.

“You don’t remember? Should we try doing this again then? Initially i thought of punishing you hard if you dared to break the rules, but since you were pleasured from my punishment, i changed my mind and finalised on hickey” he continued.

“Who said that was pleasure?” Kizy asked.

“Your moan” Markus said before standing up.

“Now change into something different and come downstairs for dinner. That is if you don’t want others to see my mark. But if you like it, we can go down like this now” Markus lifted his phone from the dress and stood near the door, waiting for her reply.

“Who likes this? This is the worst thing i have ever seen on my body? I don’t want it to remain on my body for another moment. You go down, i will change and have a bath to clean my body properly before i eat anything” With that Kizy stomped her foot hard and went in the walk in closet to find another dress. Markus just shook his head and smiled at her back before going down.

Kizy tried to behave for the time being, knowing that the devil could be scary at times. Thus the dinner went on peacefully before both of them returned to the room.

Markus was bathing while Kizy had just unlocked her phone after a completely tiring day. She was scrolling her phone when she shreiked loudly.


Markus who was still having his hot bath immediately wore a bathrob and hurriedly opened the bathroom door, water droplets still dripping down from his freshly showered body.

But all he saw was Kizy, busy scrolling her phone, though with a darkened face.

“What happened?” He asked cautiously.

“These people seriously have some guts! How dare they say that i am ugly and fat and call me names?” Kizy said while gritting her teeth.

“And what type of dumbshits are these people? Telling me to leave there male god. Can’t they see, its there stupid male god who has forced me into this. Useless blind people with no brains. And this!!! Haha… me and a gold digger?? Punks don’t make me curse your eighteen generations now!!!” Kizy continued shouting angrily.

Markus went walking towards her and snatched her phone away and checked what made this dumb woman boil with anger. It was nothing more than comments from netizens on there video from afternoon, where Markus had carried her worriedly before getting inside the car. ‘But the comments are hilarious’ he thought to himself.

“How can such an ugly woman be carried by my husband. Don’t take my hubbies kindness for granted”

“Look how fat she is? Poor Markus, he had to carry her!!”

“Yo woman get away from my man and don’t let me see you or i will definitely shred you to peices”

“Another gold digger here. I am getting kinda bored in there ways to snatch attention. Male god, be wary of such gild diggers, they are only after your money”

And all sorts of negative comments were posted below the video. Afterall Markus was there male god, the most eligible bachelor of country. Till now, he was never seen with a girl. This had made all those young girls happy. But today suddenly there ‘Man’ was seen with a female, not to mention he even carried her princess style!!

Since they didn’t had the heart to scold this male god, the only target was Kizy. On top of this, Kizy was such a beauty that they were feeling envious of her. Thus all sorts of bad remarks were made for her.

“Stop shouting unnecessarily over these small things” Markus said while returning her phone back to her.

“Unnecessary? People are cursing me and i should remain calm and smile at them, is that what you want then?” Kizy argued.

“You just don’t have to pay them any attention. You have me, that is why they envy you” Markus said with a smug expression.

“Whats so good about having you, all i do is get cursed by the public” Kizy pouted before turning her head away.

Just then Markus recieved a call from his grandpa, which he picked up after a lot of internal debate.

“Brat are you even a man? Your wife is being scolded by entire nation and yet you are doing nothing. I want all those comments vanished by tomorrow morning or i will personally come out to clear things up regarding my granddaughter in law, which you definitely don’t want it to happen right? Finish this by tomorrow morning or you will see how far this old man can go” With that his granpda ended the call, without giving his precious grandson a moment to speak.

Markus just kept his phone aside before climbing the bed. He placed his laptop on his lap before opening some documents and started typing something. After he finished typing he called Joel telling him to check the mail he had sent and work on it.

Kizy was laying on the bed. She had heard what grandpa had said to Markus on call. Though she didn’t wanted to admit, she felt happy knowing that at least there was someome who genuinely cared about her as a family. She was still feeling happy when she suddenly remembered something.

“Markus” she called.

Markus who was busy reading some other document on laptop, simply hummed in response.

“What about my job now? Since all of the employees would have definitely seen my face, how am i going to continue my job now?” Kizy asked directly.

Markus finally closed his laptop before turning towards her

“Do you want to continue doing job?” he asked seriously

“Yes. I want to” Kizy said.

“Why?” he asked.

“To live a wealthy life” Kizy answered.

“You are living one right now” Markus retorted.

“Okay i will be truthful. I don’t like depending on others. Even if not for you, i had already decided that i will never depend on my husband for my expenditure. Now that you are my husband, the same rule applies. Even if i have a low salary, i want to live my life independently” Kizy said with a rare shine in her eyes.

“Fine, since my wife wants it, i will make sure that you have your job sweetheart” Markus said dramatically.

“Don’t fool me. How can i continue working?” Kizy said while puffing her cheeks.

“Leave that ardous task to your beloved husband dear. You just have to be good at your job, once you go back to the company with me tomorrow” Markus said.

And this way, the couple had there first polite discussion unknowingly. Who would have known that these two knew how to properly sit and talk things out with each other.

Next day, Markus asked Kizy to change her outfit style and wear proffesional dress. Kizy questioned him, but Markus ignored her. Alas she obediently followed his advice and both of them had there breakfast together before leaving for the office.

All the maids and servants were surprised at her outfit today. Wearing a white blouse with black pencil skirt, paired with those black high heels, Kizy looked every inch like an independent professional business woman.

Unlike other days, the driver didn’t stopped the car nearby the office and directly went to parking lot.

“Why don’t you let me get down at the previous street. Anyone can recognize me like this, especially in this unique outfit. And why don’t you tell me why you made me wear this? Its not like your company has uniforms for the employees” Kizy complained.

“Just shut that overly talkative mouth of yours and follow me” Markus said and walked out from the car. Since Kizy had no other option, she followed behind him.

Unlike other days, Markus didn’t take his elevator and walked towards the employee area. Kizy was having a bad feeling about this, but she unwillingly decided to trust this Devil once.

All the employees immediately stopped working after watching there boss who came walking towards them. They saw Kizy following behind him and wanted to criticize her, but since there boss was present, they decided to take it out on her later.

“I have an announcement to make” Markus spoke after finally stopping in the middle. This statement successfully diverted all the attention from Kizy to him.


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A Crazy Love - S01 E11

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A Crazy Love - S01 E13

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