My crush is a gay - S01 E06

Story 1 month ago

My crush is a gay - S01 E06

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 6

“Good day sir. You must be Mike’s father?” Angela greeted Mr Dion who seems confused of the unfamiliar girl in his house.

“And you are…?”

“I’m An_”

“She’s here to see me?” Mike cut Angela off descending from the stairs.

“Mike” Angela grins waving at him.

“Let’s go in” Mike held her hand taking her to his room.

“Wow…is this your room?…it’s really…soooo….plain”

“Sit I’ll go get some drinks” Mike pointed to the chair next to his desk and went out.

“I can’t believe I’m in Mike’s room…” Angela grins

“I should take some pictures” she brou-ght out her phone and started taking pictures.

“What’re you doing?” Mike asked stepping in with a tray of drinks in his hand.

“Oh Mike…come let’s take a picture together” she shuffles closer to him.


“Stop with your nonsense and sit already” Mike said dropping the drinks on the desk.

“He spoilt the picture with his frowning face…but I still manage to get a picture with him.” She chuckles.

“Won’t you sit already!”

“Oh sorry..” She took her sit and brou-ght out her books.

“I brou-ght everything needed”

“What are those?” Mike points to the small box she brou-ght out her bag too.


“Are you here to eat or study?”

“You don’t understand…eating chocolate whilst studying helps the brain retain new information easily…well you could say I’m killing three birds with a stone. Since I’ll be enjoying it also”

“It’s two birds not three”

“No…I’m also spending time with you alone…it’s actually three” she beamed.

“I should have known…you’re Angela…”

“You want some?”

“Move that thing away from me…I don’t depend on useless things”

“I don’t depend on useless things psst…” Angela mimicked and Mike glares at her.

She grins and eat the chocolate.

“How sweet…”

“We’re starting with mathematics”


Mike took her maths textbook and was about opening it but then she suddenly stops him when something came to her mind.

“No! Don’t open it!” She screamed suddenly making Mike flinched.

“What’s your problem?” He glared and Angela hug-ged her maths textbook to herself.

“English then” he took the English textbook

“Not that either!” she did the same.

“Hey!!!” He hollered at her and Angela packed all her textbook.

“Can’t we just use yours instead?…please…” She said innocently while Mike just sighs in frustration.


“737 + 957

__ if we add it together…”
7 7

Mike keep explaining while Angela just look at him smiling uncontrollably at the same time.

“Then 1697

____ Will be 242, which means our T7 + T9 is what?”


“T7 +T9 will be what?”

“T….7? Uhhh…?” She itch her hair.

“Hey!!” Mike howl making her flinched.

“Were you listening all along?!”

“Sorry Mikey…but can you recap….everything?” She said with a puppy face while Mike slammed his desk angrily.

“I’m not doing this again! I WON’T!!”


“Our T5 will equal to 9+ 4d then it’ll be 11 + 4…what is our d_” Mike stops when he looks at Angela and finds her sleeping. He drops the pen and sighs.

About thirty minutes later Angela woke up not finding Mike in the room anymore.

“Oh no…O can’t believe of slept off…Mike will be so mad at me…” She packs her stuffs hurriedly and went out the room only to find Mike watching TV at the sitting room.


“You’re awake” he said not looking at her.

“Sorry…I didn’t know when I slept off. I must have been so tired…my brain can’t take too much stress that’s must probably why i_”

“You should get going…it’s late” he interrupted her.

“Oh sure. .I’ll take my leave now”


“I’m going…aren’t you gonna see me off?”

“Why should I?”.

” I’m still your girlfriend even though it’s fake. And the world is dangerous now what if something happens to me on my way home?”

“I doubt anything will happen to you…don’t worry you’re dangerous to danger…it won’t dare come near you…goodbye” he said flatly and Angela sighs.

“See you tomorrow then…” She pouted leaving.


“I’m back…” Angela announced on coming inside the house.

“So…we should lay down the red carpet to welcome you or what? ….loser” Abby said folding her arms.

“I don’t have time to argue with you…” She went to the sitting room and slump on the chair.

“Oww….I’m tried”

“Oh…dear…you’re back? How was the lesson?” Mrs Antony asked coming from the kitchen.

“It…was good” she replied with a twitch.

“Mom don’t you know her good means bad?”

“Hey if my good mean bad does that means my bad means good?”

“No your bad means worse…loser”

“You seriously…”

“Enough you two…Angela are you putting it off well?”

“I’m trying I’m best mom…don’t worry I won’t let you down”

“You’ve already let us down that I don’t think we can go up anymore loser” Abby replied her.

“But why do you keep calling me that? You’re really disrespecting you know”

“Why? It’s say so on your forehead”

“What?” She took her phone and check herself on the phone screen.

“Call me loser?” Was written on her forehead.

“I like your tutor…he knows the kind of person she is…loser” Abby sneers leaving.

“Mike seriously…”


“See you later loser…” Abby smirk as she branch to the direction of her school.

“I told you to stop calling me that! That brat.” Angela stood in front of the school gate holding her school bag firmly. She looks at the school and sighs.

“You…just what on earth are you? Who discovered you to this world and make me suffer like this!” She quizzed pointing to the school.

“Horace Mann” Mike said simply standing beside her.

“Uh?” Angela looks at him.

“Go to his grave and lash at him not the poor building. And also he created it not discover”

“Show me the way” Angela requested and Mike looks at her confused.

“To his grave” she completed making Mike scoffs.

“Freak…” He shook his head leaving.

“Hey! Wait up! Mikey…” Angela ran after him.

“Thanks for not seeing me off yesterday. If you had people would have insulted you for walking with a loser and you’d have been pissed off”

“Learn how to keep your eyes awake next time when learning then”

“So you wrote. ‘Call me loser’s all over my face as a punishment?”

“It was only on the forehead”

“Wow…you’re unbelievable Mike…thumbs up hmph!” She huffed while Mike just shook his head.

“Angela?” She heard someone called and looks back.

“Her again?”

“Hi Mike morning” jacq nodded and went inside the clas-sAngela made to walk inside too but jacq was quick to stop her.

“Oh no…not this morning jacq…I’m really in a good mood so please don’t ruin it spare me okay”

“You…don’t think I’ve forgotten our bet I’m only keeping shut cause of your black night”

“Give me a break okay? Black night my foot”

“Just let me warn you..I still hate you more than the word hate itself so it’ll be better if you stay out of my sight”

“How can I when we’re in the same school and even cla-ssmates. Also you approached me first didn’t you? You should be the one staying out of my sight girl”

“You’re really cheeky aren’t you?”

“So what?”




“What’s going on here?” Edward asked joining them.

“Oh nothing…jacq was just apologizing for the other day…it’s okay jacq I’ve already forgotten everything. Let’s go Edward” Angela said putting her arm around Edward’s shoulder and leaving with him while jacq just scoffs.



“The 9th term of a sequence is n-6n-4….the sum of the 3rd and 4th…” Mike keeps explaining while Angela sighs. Obviously pissed off Mike dropped the pen and faced her.

“What’s really your problem?”

“Mikey….sorry but…can we start all over again?” She asked innocently.

“Hey we did this in clas-searlier today. How can you not remember anything”

“Not that I can’t remember but…can we just go back to the origin…I think that’ll be better”

“I should start explaining again?”

“No…I mean…the Genesis”

“Don’t tell me…”

“Uh if we do that I may catch up”

“Forget it I’m not doing this again…I give up”

“Thank you Mikey”

“Hey this is the eight topic and exams is approaching soon…how will you meet up?”

“I promise I will…please…save me uh?” She begged with puppy eyes making Mike sighs.

“Have some…” She offers him some chocolates making him glare at her.

“Move that thing away from me…”

“Sorry…” She mutters eating it.

“Why did I have to meet you in my life?” Mike lamented.

“I’m happy I did…”

“I’m not so open your book now”

Mike sighs resting his head on the chair. They had to stop the lesson cause Angela had to use the toilet.

“How did I get tangled with that girl…?” Mike murmurs to himself then his eyes caught her textbooks on the table. The other day she refused to use her textbooks flashed throu-ghhis mind and he grin to himself.

“What was she hiding…why was she so sensitive about this?” He took the first textbook and opens it just to see a lot of things scribbled on it.

‘Wow..I can’t believe I met an angel on earth’

‘Mike is exceptionally cute today’

‘He may act cold but I know he’s soft inside’

“What’s all these..” He close the textbook and open another.

‘My crush is a g-ay …what am I going to do?’

‘I’m going to change him…my mission is to make him mine…’

‘Until when do u have to wait…?’

‘Will you ever look at me Mikey?’

‘Mike is always dashing…’

‘Let’s get married Mikey!’

“She’s crazy!” Mike close the textbook and didn’t even bother to open another one.

“What a wacko…”


Angela sighs for the umpteenth time as she picks on her food.

“Hey…hey” Angela called on noticing her trouble face.

“Uh? What?”

“You seems lost…are you okay?”

“I am…I should be…”

“What’s the problem now? Is the lesson not going well? Is he making it ha-rd for you?”

“No….I’m the one making it hard…Mike is really trying his best but sometimes he can be…”

“Is Mike giving you a ha-rd time?” Andrea asked.

“Mike is giving her a ha-rd time!” Edward quizzed popping out of no where.

“Hey! You scared me” Angela hits him.

“Angel…is Mike picking on you? He’s bullying you right?”

“He’s doing noth-”

“That punk seriously…I knew I can’t trust him an he’ll surely get it from me today” Edward threatened dropping his food.

“Hey! Hey Edward! Where are you going?” Both Angela and Andrea quickly ran after him.

“Mike you! What’s up with you? You really like seeing angry don’t you?” Edward said in a high pitched tone but Mike ignored him and continue eating.

“I’m talking to you punk!” Edward flew into rage locking his shirt.

Mike looks at him and hits his spoon on his head.

“Hey…I hate it when someone disturb me when eating”

“Are you saying that food is more important than my Angel uh!” Edward gritted while Mike only sighs.

“Let go”

“And if I don’t?”

Mike kicked his leg and Edward let him go immediately crying in pain. Mike took his sit and continue eating not minding him.

“Ouch! Ouch…”

“Edward stop now” Angela pleaded but he turns deaf ears.

“That pompous bastard…” Edward took his food from him pouring it on the floor now this really got Mike angry as he yelled at him.


“What…what are you gonna do?” Edward mocks. Mike took some food on the floor hitting it on Edward’s face.

Angela couldn’t help laughing.

Edward became really annoyed and took the food he saw nearby. He was about hitting him with it but Angela got in the way and was hit instead.

“Oww…my eyes”

“Angel! You…you’re dead” Edward charge at Mike but he twisted his hand behind him.

“You…you..let go right now” Edward gritted but Mike wasn’t ready to let go as he twisted it more. Edward got the tray with his free hand hitting it on Mike’s head.

“Stop it Eddie!” Angela got between them trying to stop them.

“What a show…” Andrea shook her head watching them along other students.


They heard an angry voice making them stop.


As their punishment, they were made to clean the school for six hours after being lambasted by the principal.

“Shit! This is all because of you!” Edward threw the towel on the floor angrily.

“That should be my line!” Mike gritted also kicking the bucket and dropping the mop.

“You’re seriously getting on my nerves do you want ne to teach you some lessons uh!” Edward glared rolling up his shelves but Angela was quick to stop him.

“Don’t even dare think of it Edward you’re already serving one punishment do you want more! You dragged me into this mess and now you wanna created another! If you’re done with that then follow me…both of you!” She pointed at them before leaving.

Edward picked up the towel and made a ‘I’m watching you’ sighs to Mike while Mike just carried the bucket and mop following Angela.


“Owww….I’m so worn out!” Angela said stretching.

“We did everything…you did nothing” Edward retorts.

“Watching over you two was a work on his own. We’ve been working for six hours aren’t you guys tired?” Angela asked while Mike just wash his hand at the tap.

“A warning to you two…no more fights I really don’t wanna witness an embarra-ssing scene of you two fighting over me anymore” she went over the tap washing her hand also and Mike snap his face to her.

“Are you high? Who’s fighting over who?”

“Psst…of course you are” she splash water on him.

“Hey!!!” he hurled.

“What?” Angela asked innocently splashing another.

“You seriously…” He did the same.

“Oh you!”

“Stop it now” Mike glares.

“You stop it I’m getting w-et” Angela continues splashing it while Edward just stood watching them.

Mike took the hose pipe and released the water on her making her flinched a little.

“Hey….hey stop…” She runs to Edward for protection staying behind him new the water was rushing on Edward.

“Hey! Mike you…” Edward took the other hose pipe releasing the water on him.

“You’re all dead!” Mike gritted as he chased them around with the hose pipe.


“I’ve really done some stupid things in my life because of you” Mike said to Angela who only grins broadly.

“Isn’t it fun?”

“Aish….I should have known you’ll infect me with your stupidity”

“Why don’t you have good words at all? Are you born like that?” Angela glares at him and he shook his head.

“I’m w-et… I can’t go home like this…mom will kill me” Angela complained checking her clothes.

“That’s what you get for being stupid” Mike poke her forehead as she pouted Mike was about going as he noticed Edward staring at Angela.

“That fool…” He mutters and went to his locker taking his sport wears.

“Here! Wear those!” He threw the clothes at Angela which she took.

“Snap out of it guy” he hits Edward on the head.

“Hey!” Edward snap at him.

“We’ll be waiting outside…change” Mike said to Angela before dragging Edward out of the cla-ss.

Angela smells the clothes and smiles.

“It smells like Mike….” She beamed.

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E05

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E07

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