100 days girlfriend - S01 E119

Story 1 month ago

100 days girlfriend - S01 E119

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 119



“You may now ki-ss the bride” The priest finally said after pronouncing them husband and wife.

Whitney and Jayden smiled shyly at each other. They were richly dressed in elegant suit and fashionable wedding dress respectively.

Whitney spread out her white furred fan and concealed their faces and behind the scenes, Jayden devoured her li-ps in a short while.

He held her hand and caress the ring on her finger, looking at it.

“I love you, Whitney” He whispered, now facing her.

He had tears in his eyes already.

“I love you, Jayden” She whispered back.

Everyone was clapping and making happy sounds. Michael was so happy, he was the happiest that day.



And with that, Whitney threw her flowers, while backing the ladies. She giggled and turned to see Maureen holding it.

She wasn’t even expecting it. Of course. they clapped for her since she got it.

Maureen smiled at herself and slowly turned her ne-ck to see John staring at her.

He smiled, and sipped from his glas-sbefore looking away.

She shook her head and went to him.

“We never went on a responsible date since our arrival here” She said.


“We came for a date, John”

“You weren’t joking earlier? I thought you accepted cause you needed my help to be in Germ-

Maureen held his face and ki-ssed him.

“I don’t need your help, thank you” She said, and left.

John gasped and covered li-ps.

“Wow,,, that was so…uhmm…nice” He swallowed.



“Guess what, Jade?” Desmond chuckled, looking at the screen. They were on face time.

“Go on” Jade whispered.

“I became the CEO of my branch!, Jayden has other banks to take of, so he gave me that particular one”

“Wow…Happy for you”
“How’s Whitney and Jayden by the way?” She asked.

“Sweet and happy, I know”
“What of John and Maureen?” Desmond asked.

“Just received their invitation yesterday. They are holding their marriage in a month time” Jade replied.

“What about you?, Won’t you get married”

“Nah,,, not my thing. Awwn…and here’s Beauty and her sweet mum” Jade smiled seeing the duo walk in.

“Hello Jade” Prisca smiled, waving.

“Hello, Prisca…”

“Oh, I heard something from Natalie yesterday. Is it true?” Prisca asked.

“Yes. Clark has been chosen to be a minister. His good life has been paying off lately” Jade smiled.

“Oh Wow. I guess this is a happy ending for all of us?”

“Yeah” Desmond smiled, taking little Beauty to his th-ighs.


“Easy baby” Jayden whispered, taking a heavily pregnant Whitney into the car.

Michael looked on. He was asked to stay at home and read since he didn’t wanna go to school. He claimed he had a headache. Liam and Shannon was in the other car, ready to leave to the hospital.

“Bye Dad. Bye Mum” He waved.

“Bye son” They both answered.

“Can we hurry. Gosh” Whitney whispered, gr-unting.

“Sorry babe..Lets go now” He said, and started the engine.

“Baby?, Do you think its gonna be a girl this time?” Whitney whispered.

“A girl. A boy. As far it’s from you, Whitney,,, I’m gonna love and care for the baby right” He whispered and she smiled.

At once, the car drove from sight.

Meanwhile, Michael quickly took out his phone.

“Hello Sara. You can come now… They just left” He giggled.

“Get outta of my phone, you bad boy!!!” Sara shouted at him, and hung up.

“Gosh” Michael scoffed and went into the house, jamming the door.

“One of the hardest girls I’ve ever met…”


I stared at the sweetest little girl on my arms. She looked chaste and humble. I touched her face and her body shook.

I held her balled palms and stole a glance at Whitney who smiled weakly at me.

Just like that, I became a father to Gold as well. Then, I remembered something, I remembered someone, precisely….

Whitney; who turned from a 100 days girlfriend to my FOREVER WIFE…

It really happened. Ask those that read our story…


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100 Days Girlfriend - S01 E118

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