100 days girlfriend - S01 E115

Story 1 month ago

100 days girlfriend - S01 E115

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 115



“B!tch!!! Its been Fu-cking 9 years!!!!!” Maureen cried out, walking fast to Whitney.

Whitney got up from the sofa and hug-ged Maureen tight.

“I hate you. I never planned to hug you” Maureen sobbed.

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry but you’re quite late, you know” Whitney sniffed, breaking the hug.

“Sorry, I and John were having Issues with my flight”

“Yah. Nat gossiped about the catastrophe you caused at the airport with some big candidate while he was on campaign. You were almost banned from taking flights to Germany”

“Ugh. I don’t even wanna talk about it. Wait. Nat is here?”

“Yup. Clark and the twins too. They’re so cute. They came yesterday” Whitney smiled.

“Wait, What of John?”

“He’s on his way. He went to get presents for Desmond’s little beauty. Where are they? I wanna see them!!” She yelped.

“Come….Come” Whitney giggled.

“So,,, by the way…Have you seen…uhmm…have you seen..

“Who?” Whitney cut in.

Maureen faced her and for-ced a nervous smile.

“Never mind. By the way, I wanna see Michael”

“That kid…Uff!” She snarled.

“I know he’s cute”

“Don’t tell him that, before it gets into his empty head”

“Guys!!!” John voice echoed from back and they turned.

“C’mon, We were just about to see the baby” Maureen gestured.

“I ain’t dreaming, huh?” John hug-ged Whitney when he came closer.

“Not at all. Whitney Kennerson in town” She reciprocated the friendly hug.


“Why is that guy winking at us?” Georgia whispered to her twin.

“Who cares?, Stop showing him attention” Georgina said sharply and took her face away.

“Liam. Liam” Michael smiled, tapping him.

“Darn!,, What’s it??” Liam growled, taking half his concentration from his phone.

Liam looks matured and more handsome now. He’s just 15 but he has a very nice manly height.

“I need to leave now since I’ve given you grandma made dishes” Liam said, standing up.

“Liam…look at those twin, pretty huh?” Michael smiled.

“Just imagine dating one. It would be so easy too cheat”

Liam looked at him and shook his head.

“I rebuke you from being my nephew”

“Anyways, tell your mum I left already”

“I won’t tell her a thing. I thought you rebuked me already and I won’t help you with the love thingy you said you had for Winifred”

“Oh c’mon. I’m sorry, okay. You’re the best nephew ever” Liam chuckled.

“Better” Michael rolled his eyes.

“Awwnnnn!!! Is this him?? So cute!!” Maureen said, coming closer. John was right beside her. Whitney followed too.

“Oh gosh. Here we go again” Michael sighed.

“Sis, I’m leaving now” Liam said.

“Sure… send regards to mum” Whitney smiled.

“No qualms” He nodded and left.


“So, what about Jade?, How’s she faring?” Whitney asked.

“She’s cool. She got released 5 years ago and now, She is a charity chugger” Natalie said.

“Ohh wow. In some of this days, I would love to pay a visit to her”

“I know her residential address so it won’t be that ha-rd getting there” Natalie smiled.

“Does…she live alone?”

“She has a foster child so I wouldn’t say, she actually stays alone. Jade changed a lot too, you know”

“Hmmm…So, Is she aware I’m here right now?, I’m quite…sad she didn’t come over too”

“She must be busy with the charity stuff she is into. Its not an easy task you know”

“I guess you’re right. Oh! I’ll stop here” Whitney quickly said.

Clark pulled over immediately.

“Okay bye guys” Whitney waved, coming down from Clark’s car.

“See ya” Natalie smiled, waving too.

Michael winked at the twins, and Georgina gave a cringy stony look while Georgia took her face away.

“Your place isn’t far from here, I hope?” Asked Natalie.

“Not at all. Its just across” Whitney smiled and she nodded before Clark drove off.

Whitney inhaled de-eply and held Michael hand. The street light was still at red. The moment it shone green, she held his hand tighter and they slowly walked with the other pedestrians on the zebra crossing.

Whitney felt a strange…

Something…No, Someone strange but,,, familiar just walking in front of her. She inhaled de-eply and her eyes blinked effortlessly.

The person was wearing a cape like suit, long black deluxe trousers too, with black shoes. He had mittens on his hands, and his hair was long, it even reached his shoulders.

“Jayden” Whitney whispered, inhaling his wild black cherry scent as soon as he walked past her.

“Baddie..” Her thought reminded and a very chill wind blew across her face, sending her hair flying…

“Mum?, What’s it?” Michael asked, softly feeling her frosty hand.

“I saw him…” Her eyes turned misty, as she scanned around. He wasn’t there anymore. Was it just her imagination??.

“Who’s that mum?” Michael asked again.

Whitney swallowed. Her nose tip turned red. Her face turned pale. Her head ached. Her heart itched.

“Her bad boyfriend” Her thought reminded again.


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100 Days Girlfriend - S01 E114

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100 Days Girlfriend - S01 E116

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