Fall in love with me - S01 E13

Story 4 months ago

Fall in love with me - S01 E13

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 13


“You want me to go on an holiday with you to Paris so you can stay away?” I asked
“Yeah is anything wrong with that” He asked

“Everything is wrong mister man,I told I hate guys so why would i want to agree to stay with one for seven horrible days” I said

“plea-se Amora just one request from you as a fan” He said

“And how am I sure you aren’t going there to do something to me” I said

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of me” He said

“Of course not,I can never fear a d!¢k head like you” I said
“Then if you aren’t afraid go on a week picnic with me” He said
“Just because I don’t want to go with you doesn’t mean im afraid ok” I said

“You’re afraid of me that’s why you’ve been pushing me away it’s clear to me now” he said
“Fine j£rk I’ll go with you to prove to that I’m not and will never be afraid of a j£rk like you” I said

“Yeah that’s the spirit and get re-ady,we’re leaving tomorrow plea-se don’t change your mind else I’ll know you’re a weakling” he said before leaving.

Gosh I shouldn’t have allowed him in my house in the first place. I just have to prove to an idiot that I’m not a weakling. He’ll pay for this. I promise to put n my worst behavior that he won’t even think twice before bringing me back from Paris.

I walk into the stairs to Rosella’s room to pick my clothes she bought. Where had she been all these while? Didn’t she hear me yell?

I walk into her room and found her slee-ping. Oh that’s the reason she didn’t us screaming at each other .


I can’t believe I could get her so fast like that. Francis nee-ds to hear this. Wow I nee-d to go on a one week break from my office and from women.

I drove in high speed to Francis residence to inform him about it.

“What’s up man” I said immediately I step into his house

“Hey,what are you doing in my house by this time of the day” he asked

In case you don’t know, I don’t leave the office till it’s 6:00 in the evening but I have to leave because of Amora.

“Well nothing much……..” I said as i narrated everything that happened in Amor’s house.

“Wow wealth you are really a king of girls but you haven’t win the bet yet so I can’t give you p@rt of my wealth” he said
“And who’s talking about having your money as his. Well I just want a one night stand and I’m done” I said

“And remember this” he said as he scroll throu-gh his phone and my voice started pla-ying in the background.

That day at the office when I said I’m gonna video our S-x scene and show it to the world. Haha

“What you j£rk don’t tell me you still have this” I said laughing
“I wouldn’t want you say that you never said anything like this so I just have to record it” he said

“You’re so dumb like Elsa” I said mocking his girlfriend
“Elsa is my girlfriend man and she isn’t dumb rather you’re the dumb as-s here” he said
“Oh plea-se spare me the trash. I’m just happy that I’ll finally have the chance to fv¢k her and I can’t wait for our picnic so I could show her all the love and care and she’ll have no choice but to give in to me” I said

“You’re no longer the king of girls but king of pu-ssy” he said and we laugh.

Crazy Francis…


Wow so walter is planning on having another girl when I’m here right. Let’s see how he’ll d@t£ her when I get that audio cli-p. Oh yes I heard everything.

I just wanted to come beg Francis to help me talk to walter so he will accept me as his girlfriend back. I was almost getting to the sitting room when Francis pla-yed the audio cl!pthough I don’t know who they’re talking about but i have my way.

I’ll always find out.


“Hey bit-ch do you have an eye problem now huh” Anna said as she intentionally bu-mped into me. She just enjoys bullying people but i don’t really like trouble because I’m on scholarsh!phere in this school so i won’t want to do anything that will terminate it.
“What did I do this time” I asked
“You now have the nerve to question me right” she said proudly maybe because she’s Ryan’s girlfriend.

“Look Annabelle I’m not afraid of you,I just don’t want anything that will terminate my scholarsh!pin this school so don’t think I’m dumb” I said about to walk away but she drew me back and gave me a sl@p on my cheek.


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Fall In Love With Me - S01 E12

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