Don’t hurt me I’m a virgin [Completed]

Story 3 months ago

Don’t hurt me I’m a virgin [Completed]

I’M A vir-gin💦



Just around the corner there are few women in lingerie, br@s, corsets and miniSk-irts standing and waiting.

So swallowing what pride I have left, I move closer to them wishing and praying that I am discreet.

I stand to the far end, putting a distance from them. As the wind b!ows, my nose is met with the pene-trating smell coming near the dumpster where we are standing next to. The stench is mixed with the smell of smoke and a faint tint of cheap perfume.

I wrinkle my noise in disgust but I tell myself to get used to it for I will be coming to this place often.

Written By: Authoress Ricky


Don’t hurt me I’m a virgin - S01
Story | 3 months ago

Don’t hurt me I’m a virgin - S01