Lust Next Door - S01 E52

Story 4 months ago

Lust Next Door - S01 E52

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 52

The Moon and Oceans Dance


Serena had absolutely nothing to wear to tonight's party, and that thought dawned on her only after she finished watching Connor's game and realized she should probably start getting ready soon. Subsequently, after that epiphany, she realized she didn't have anything to wear.

She lived nearly entirely in grass-stained denim and old cotton t-shirts. Serena couldn't remember the last time she went clothes shopping, and the few times she can remember it was Goodwill and not Chanel.

The only good dress she had, she wore to his last party. The nerves and her lack of time to get ready were setting in now, making Serena jump up to her feet and sprint to the stairs. Her sudden movements sent Mayo scurrying out of the living room and to the next open door.

She nearly tripped on her way into her closet, still a mess from the last time she tore through it. Serena scoured every nook and dark cranny in her wardrobe, holding up dress after dress, each uglier than the last.

She held up a frilly pink tutu and her face twisted in confusion, "I still have this?" The tiny thing was from when she was forced to do ballet, at five years old.

Serena let out an exasperated sigh, she found relics from the past before she could find a decent thing to wear. She made a mental promise to herself to go shopping after this, apparently never learning her lesson after the other times she tore this sorry excuse of a closet apart.

She was losing hope at this point she'd find anything when Serena spied Mayo making biscuits on her pile of discarded clothes.

"I'm a glutton for punishment, Mayo, what woman my age doesn't have more than one party dress." Serena sighed to her fluffy white cat. He only trilled in response, strutting past her and into the absolute disaster of her closet.

She watched as he pushed and nuzzled his whole body into a white shoe box, wedged into the back corner of the small space. Serena narrowed her eyes at the box, "Huh..." now questioning what it even was. She never remembered seeing it in her closet before, but it was also quite possible she unearthed it at one of her recent outfit search parties.

Serena leaned up onto her knees and crawled over to the box, dragging it into her lap. She opened the lid gingerly not sure what to expect. For all she knew there could be cursed dolls or more forgotten ballet tutu's inside.

All of her assumptions were incorrect, staring back at her was breathtaking glittering fabric. The forgotten piece of clothing caught the light, drinking it up as if it was a living breathing thing thirsty for attention. It sparkled and reflected the light so beautifully, filling the room with specks of light and quite literally making Serena's mouth fall open a little.

She narrowed her eyebrows together and gingerly picked up the fabric, and it cascaded down, revealing its full length and champagne color. It was a dress, and one Serena absolutely recognized now.

"Oh wow..." She marveled at it, turning it over to see if it was damaged at all. Much to her delight, no moths had gotten to it and no mysterious stains presented themselves.

This was Serena's 18th birthday dress. She remembered the day she got it so clearly, and unfortunately, she remembered why it was in such perfect condition. She never got to actually wear it for her birthday. She was supposed to, but the second Peter caught sight of her wearing it he screamed at her. Told her she bought a dress like this to attract other men, that she wanted to cheat on him with it.

Now, It astounded her how he came to these sorts of conclusions. She barely left the house or left his sight to be able to talk to other men. He made her pay for buying it though, faintly Serena reached up and touched her cheek as if she could still feel the dark bruise he left there. She didn't even end up celebrating, maybe that was his goal all along.

Serena squeezed the dress to her chest and took a deep breath. The only thing that could stop her from wearing this now was if she didn't even fit in it anymore, which was quite possible, she bought this a little over five years ago.

She jumped up and over to her mirror, stripping down to her pale pink matching set. She stepped into the shimmering fabric and after a little maneuvering and some less-than-tasteful curse words, she got it on.

It was definitely a little tight but in all the best places. The cup was a size too small, making her breasts pronounced, and it squeezed tighter around her hips now. Defining her waist and the plumpness of her rear. But what Serena loved most, was she felt exactly how beautiful she did five years ago when she first tried it on.

Serena did her makeup and hair as quickly as possible. She did a very light and shimmery eye look to match the dress, adding on a black wing and some mascara. She blow-dried and curled her hair, hearing music start going and voices over at Connor's place filter through her open window while she finished up.

Her phone pinged, and when she looked over at it she saw Connor's name on the screen.

Connor: Josh said they're starting up things now, don't go over yet I'll come to get you shortcake. Almost there.

She couldn't help the smile that tore across her face as she typed back.

Serena: Perfect timing, if you would have come any earlier you might've discovered me dead in a pile of my ugly clothes.

Connor: I've been trying to tell you since I met you that you dressed like a grandmother.

Serena rolled her eyes, clicking her phone off. It wasn't even a minute later until she heard Connor's unmistakable loud engine rolling into her driveway.

She got up from her vanity, slipped into some short sparkly heels, and walked over to her window. He parked behind her car (his driveway was already full along with most of the street parking) and she watched as he stepped out of his car. She smiled and lifted up the window, leaning out of it slightly to call down to him.

"I don't dress like a grandma, by the way."

Connor looked up at her from the driveway, a slow smirk sliding across his lips that seemed to slide flames along her body. He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and looked over her body, very slowly. Clearly admiring whatever he could see of her outfit (which was a lot of cleavage.)

"Why don't you come down here and prove it to me shortcake." He yelled right back. The notes of his smooth velvet voice did unexplainable things to Serena's body. It filled her with excitement and rushed her full of so many endorphins she thought her head might go fuzzy.

Laughing as she shut the window, Serena rushed down the steps as fast as she could in heels and a tight dress. When she swung open the door Connor was already standing on her porch.

The rush of wind from the opening door blew her bouncy hair behind her shoulders and flushed her with a gust of Connor's cologne. But before she could even fully register him, Connor's mouth was hanging open and his gaze drank her up head to toe.

"Yup, I officially take it back, you do not dress like any grandmother I know."

She stood self-consciously on her feet, aware of every stroke of his eyes over her body. Being under his intense gaze made Serena feel like her legs were butter and someone was holding a flame to them. Any more of it and she'd become a puddle beneath his feet soon.

Her face heated up and she looked away. Serena walked past him and as she did reached up to place her palm under his scratchy jaw, snapping it shut, "You're gonna catch a fly...let's go."

As if her actions snagged him by surprise, he watched her for a moment while she walked away from him, then made a couple of long strides to walk evenly with her.

He looked down into her face, her whole body keenly aware of his possessive nature looming over her without even having to return his gaze. She felt hot, she ached between her legs and her breaths yearned to be exhaled into his mouth.

"If I didn't already say this-" His large hands found the small of her back and snacked around her bouncing hip as they walked. The feathery touch made her heart sputter into her throat, "you look absolutely stunning in this. Serena Jade you are never allowed to get rid of this, till I breathe my last breath I wanna be able to see you in this."

Without warning Serena felt a flooding burn behind her eyes, and she had to bite her lip to keep herself from smiling like an absolute idiot. He would never really know just how much those words meant to her, not even if she tried to explain it to him. Five years ago she paid hell to wear this dress, and now this man who played hockey and teased her for a living was worshipping her in it. It felt good, and admitting that to herself felt even better.

His compliments carried her weightlessly over to his house, she didn't let the loud voices or clamor make her nervous. It was pretty hard to feel that way when Connor's fingers were squeezing around her hips and slowly pulling her into his side.

When they got to the steps, he turned to face her, standing between her and the door.

"Before we go in, I need to tell you something."

Her poor heart almost fluttered if it wasn't for the serious edge on his face.

"Yeah...?" She said slowly and nervously, raking her brain for every reason he could want to talk to her. All of them weren't good.

"Don't be freaked out, I just figured I'd warn you."

"I'm getting freaked out, Connor." She felt her heart fill with lead in her chest after every one of his words.

He quickly offered a small smile and held her face between his calloused hands. She pulled her closer to him so that their breaths mingled and his eyes were the only things she could focus on. Strangely, she felt instantly better. He always seemed to know exactly what to do to ground her.

"I can't throw a party celebrating my team without inviting my whole team. So, Liam will be here. But Josh already spoke to him about some ground rules and he's gonna be cool. I didn't want it to surprise you when you saw him." He brushed a thumb over the apple of her cheek, looking over her face now. "Just ignore him and he'll ignore you."

It wasn't the worst news Serena conjured up in her brain, but it also wasn't the best. By the way, Connor spoke and the sincerity beneath his light grazes, she trusted he had this handled. She could have fun, this would be fun. She kept telling herself that, trying to get the idea to really stick to the walls of her brain.

Most importantly it touched her that he thought this far ahead, she could tell he was trying his best to make this go as smoothly as possible. Serena felt her heartache in her chest.

She gave him her best smile, trying to tell him everything she was feeling through it. "Thank you, really thank you for everything, Connor."

She leaned forward and kissed his lips softly, enjoying the way she felt his breathing catch and his lips silently plea for more. He leaned forward as she leaned back, and now they were both smiling at each other.

He opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but the front door opened and Josh was peaking his head out.

"Oh hey, I was just coming to look for you." He nodded over to Connor, then his eyes fell on Serena. He registered her for a moment, clearly taking in their close proximity. He smiled a second later, something knowing flashing a bright look in his eyes. Serena was mind was too occupied at the moment to decipher exactly what that meant.

"You two coming in?" He followed up, opening up the door wider.

"Yeah, Rena have you ever met Josh?" Connor raised his eyebrow as they all moved inside of his home. Serena looked over at him, ignoring the ecstatic beats of her heart that whispered in her head 'he's introducing you to people.' She had met Josh before, sort of. She saw him at the very first party she went to (more accurately, the party she shut down) and saw him in passing at the games, but they never had a formal conversation or even introduction before.

"Not exactly," She replied offering him the same friendly smile he was giving her, "My name is Serena."

"Josh, if you need anything let me know. I'll grab you two a drink hang tight." Josh said and stepped away, disappearing between bodies and into the kitchen.

The hands returned to the small of Serena's back, slowly guiding her forward with him deeper into the house. His heavy arm snaked forward to drape around her hip, pulling her protectively into his side to keep her from bumping into anyone. It sent welcomed chills all throughout her body, making her center feel warm and a wistful smile creep onto her lips.

So far Connor kept good on his word. This party looked less like a flash mob compared to all the others. People weren't nearly back to back, she could see the ground, and there were clear paths to all the exits. People were drinking and laughing in groups, others were outside in the pool or playing drinking games. She wouldn't consider this small, but it was by no means unbearable for her.

Connor leaned down close to her neck to speak over the music, "Not too bad?" His tone sounded curious as it tickled against her skin. She found herself leaning into that intoxicating comfort, the heat of his body leaking into hers.

Serena close her eyes and shook her head, "Not at all," she turned and opened her eyes to look up at him, and found him staring back deeply at her. Their lips were so close so suddenly it stole the breath from her lungs. She forgot about the party, forgot about everyone around her. The way his eyes stared at her made her feel like she belonged to him like he might never let anyone gaze at her again. His smile fell, and his arms wrapped around her tighter pulling her body flush on him.

She swallowed hard, her throat dry and her chest aching with desire, "Thank you." She finally finished.

Josh cleared his throat, and as if remembering they weren't the only two people on the earth, they looked over at him.

They pulled apart awkwardly, Serena's face darkened red and she looked aside. Pretending like the painting on the wall next to her was very intriguing.

"Got those drinks." He handed them to Connor, who thanked the other male and nodded. "I'll be out back." Josh excused himself, leaving them both alone again.

"Here shortcake." Connor handed her a red solo cup full of beer. Not her first choice but it would be okay for now.

"Thanks." The air was filling with loud silence between them. She could tell there was so much to be said about them, so many sorry's and explanations for the way they treated each other in the beginning. So much uncertainty about what they even were now. But no one wanted to tread in these tempestuous waters, they were built on cracked foundations. Serena was terrified to be the one to make the shaky house they built crumble.

She clutched the cup and took a strained sip. He was watching her so closely, his eyes almost predatory. He took a step close to her as she dropped the cup from her lips, reaching out he swiped his thumb slowly across her top lip cleaning the foam from there.

She had to keep herself from reacting as much as she wanted to from that touch. Now things seemed to be a game, who would crack first and talk about whatever the fuck they were. Serena knew she would be a winner because there was no way in hell she would confess her unrequited feelings. She would rather crave her heart out of her chest and lay it in the middle of the road to get run over.

Luckily, none of them had to speak. One of Connor's teammates broke their damn-near police interrogation stare.

"There you are fuck-wit," The man (Serena recognized now as Luca) said, swinging his arm around Connor's neck to hook him into his side. "Come outside and get in the pool with Daddy." He said proactively.

Serena made a wince, he's charming. She thought sarcastically, disguising her laugh into her cup.

Connor groaned and pushed the shorter man off him, He shot him a glare before slowly turning to her. "Did you bring a bathing suit?"

Serena nearly laughed at him, "Does it look like I could fit a bathing suit under this dress?"

Luca chimed in now looking her up and down once, "No it does not." He breathed out with a flirty smirk.

Serena didn't have time to be embarrassed, all she could really feel was sorry while she watched Luca remember who was said that about and subsequently who he was next to.

Luca retreated into himself and tucked his imaginary tail between his legs. He winced and slowly turned to meet Connor's raging glare.

"Deluca, did I ever tell you that your eyes just sparkle in this lighting?" luca squeaked, clearly aware he was fucked.

"Still up for a swim?" Connor replied darkly.

"Not particularly no."

Connor swiftly swung Luca over his shoulders like he was a sack of potatoes, holding him there despite his thrashing and protests. Serena followed behind them both laughing, she couldn't pretend she wasn't enjoying this. Mostly, she was just grateful it wasn't her this time.

It wasn't until Connor was standing at the edge of the pool that Luca stopped and accepted his fate. With a huge splash, he slung Luca off his shoulder and into the pool. There were about ten people outside to witness it, and when they saw Luca's head pop out of the water, not one of them looked surprised. Serena gathered the man and pushed people's buttons, frequently.

When Connor turned around and rejoined her, Serena flashed him a smirk, "Was that necessary?"

Connor only smirked and shrugged a little, "I promised you that you wouldn't be bothered tonight."

Serena couldn't help but notice her slight pang of disappointment, of course, he did that because of their agreement not because he was jealous.

"Right." She nodded, hiding her embarrassment in a sip of her beer.

The whole pool incident was proving to be the most eventful thing that happened that night, which Serena was entirely okay with. She was enjoying the relaxed party more than she thought she would.

After a round of beer pong with some sweet women that had invited her to play, she was nursing a pleasant buzz. She lost, but that was alright because the whole time her teammate (named Anna) was gushing over her dress. Serena liked to blame their loss on the fact they were both distracted talking rather than her complete lack of skill at the game.

As the hour went by, Serena felt more and more comfortable. Connor's team treated her as if she was the twenty-fourth player, they were all pretty buzzed and convinced they could make her a star NHL player overnight.

Dean (who Serena more accurately called big friendly giant) got one of his sticks from the car and was coaching her on how to hold it while Josh explained what 'high sticking' was. Serena looked at both of them like they were speaking an alien language. They put a helmet on her and strapped it on, but it was four sizes too big for her. Connor was sitting on the sidelines, silently laughing and sipping his beer. Clearly amused by it all. She turned to look at him and the top of the helmet slide down and covered her eyes.

"She needs a smaller stick that's all, then it's game over for the Houston Bullets. Mark my words." Dean reasoned, sitting back down.

"I second that." Anna, who was laughing too, said raising her beer.

"I'm more likely to become a popstar than be good at any kind of sport." Serena ignored the irony that she already was famous, and started shedding all the gear they piled on her.

"I'm going to go get a beer, does anyone want one?" She called back to the small group she found herself settled in.

They all shook their heads, and Serena walked back inside and to the kitchen. She ended up taking longer than she expected because of course she was the one to kill the first keg and spent another ten minutes trying to get the second one going.

She finally filled up her cup, staring down into the liquid with a stupid shit-eating grin. She felt so full of life right now because inside, there was a broken younger version of her herself that was getting exactly what she craved so long ago. Friendship, love, unity. She felt the furthest thing from being alone, from anxiety, from the fear, from all the things that kept her locked up in her house.

She walked back over to the sliding glass, laser focus on not spilling her very full cup as she opened and shut it.

When she finally lifted her eyes and opened her mouth to announce herself again, her world came crashing down on her.

Connor was standing there in the distance, talking, and laughing with two new late arrivals to the party. One of these people was Liam, the other was a face she only ever hoped to see again in her worst nightmares.

Peter, her Peter, her demon, her ghost, was standing there with them. He didn't look any different than the last time she saw him, in court. There were only some darker bags under his eyes and his five o'clock shadow looked more like a seven o'clock one. He had the same peppered black hair, electric blue eyes, and prestigious air about him she fell in love with so long ago.

Connor laughed hysterically at something Peter said, the three of them standing in some sort of demented trio. Talking, laughing, and shooting shit as if they were old-time friends.

At the immediate sight of him, Serena's heart started hammering inside her chest. Her body was completely frozen in that perpetual state of fear she recognized from years ago, she could never forget it. Her hearty tore in half, both pieces falling to the floor, along with her cup in which her shaky hands had finally dropped.

Her fingers and limbs felt like tv static, she couldn't even really be sure she was standing there at that moment. Not until the sound of her full drink colliding with the stone ground made everyone turn to look at her.

Not that she really noticed anyone's eyes but one pair. The second those tragically familiar eyes set on her, tears welled up in Serena's eyes making everything look like a haze.

To his credit, when Peter saw her, his whole face fell and his mouth hung open like he was seeing a corpse, a ghost.

"S... Serena," Peter mumbled in disbelief.

Her body recoiled at the sound of her name in his voice.

People were now starting to look between the two of them, waiting for someone to talk or someone to snap. No one was talking though. It was completely silent.

Serena was hyperventilating now, her lungs felt like they were collapsing in her chest and her throat was closing. She shook so violently that she had to put a hand on the wall to stabilize herself, and she had to leave. She was crumbling there, Peter was watching her crumble before him again. That thought tore at her skin, burned her right to her core.

Helpless, she was utterly fucking pathetic.

She had to kick herself out of freeze and into flight.

Serena turned on her heels, putting her back to everyone. She placed a hand over her mouth, hopefully keeping the bile that was burning the back of her throat at bay.

She stumbled forward, she felt as if she was caught in the middle of a bomb only hearing a piercing ring in her ears and muffled voices yell behind her as she lept into a hobbled run.

Serena ditched the heels, running as fast and as far as she could from him. She looked at her car in her driveway stuck in front of Connor's car, and broken sobs fell from her lips. Her whole body flinched when she heard her name yelled from behind Connor's house.

She winched and ran up her street, her tears streaking the desolate air as she did. This fear wasn't new, this response, running away in fear from him wasn't new at all. It was a strategic dance she learned long ago.

Her body knew it like the moon knew to bring the tides of the ocean in and out.

Serena only slowed down when she reached the top of the street. She took a shaky breath, looking around for signs of anyone. When she saw no one, when the only thing that surrounded her was the labor of her breathing, she started to calm down a little. Enough to finally wipe her eyes and reach for her phone.

Shakily, she opened the Uber app on her phone and ordered a car to pick her up.

Her head was pounding, her chest felt hallowed out, and her heart was left torn in two back at Connor's.

The only clear thought she could form was how could Connor and Peter be friends.

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