
Story 4 months ago



If only I felt comfortable around other people, then I'd be able to do as she wanted. Truth was, I preferred to be alone through everything that I had to get through in life. Without anyone holding me back or becoming a distraction. People just sensed my vulnerabilities and used them to their advantage.

Honestly, I would've preferred a dorm room by myself. But that wasn't an option, much to my dismay.

Still, I wanted to ease her worries, even if I was lying.

I forced a smile before turning around, disguising it by going back to packing. I didn't want to lie directly to her face either.

But even with my back to her, I just couldn't do it. "You know I like to be alone, grandma," I slowly reminded her. "Besides, I'm off my medications now and my doctor told me I just had to keep myself busy," I tried my best to ease her worries without having to lie.

Written By: XthatONEchicX

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Roommate - S01
Story | 4 months ago

Roommate - S01