Unfortunate Love - S02 E23

Story 8 months ago

Unfortunate Love - S02 E23

Read Story: Unfortunate Love Season 2 On Zeeworld, Friday 19th May 2023 Update

We start the episode with Malishka calling her mother asking lunch can be prepared in thirty minutes when she replies that It can be made, she says she is going to call Shankar and asks if even Rishi is coming with her, but she replies she is going to take the lunch to his office, Kiran replies he is the owner of five star hotels but Malishka replies she cannot say anything as she cannot answer it just now,

then she ends the call. Malishka questions Karishma if she is ready as Lakshmi would have also prepared the lunch since she has been cooking since long, Karishma assures she is always ready to remove Lakshmi from the life of Rishi and make her come close to him, she will do anything so they both leave.

Lakshmi is with Shalu who explains that the food is smelling really delicious when Lakshmi says she can have it but Shalu replies she can eat it all but then Lakshmi says it is not that bad since she will surely take it, when Shalu replies that it is smelling just like how Maa used to make but Lakshmi replies she can never make such good food, when Shalu leaves replying she will come back after a while. Karishma also enters the kitchen praising the smell, Lakshmi asks if she wants anything when she replies she will just have water and then even picks the pot but drops it acting as if it happened by mistake however she smiles looking at Malishka, then leaves assuring she is fine. Karishma goes to stand with Malishka explaining that she has done her part and now it is upto Malishka. When Malishka now she cannot even reach his heart through the stomach since the potato have been mixed in the vegetable, Malishka explains she is going to go to his office otherwise who knows Lakshmi might even feed him the noodles, Karishma replies she would not even let her make them.

Lakshmi is cleaning the kitchen when Shalu entering explains that this is the doing of Karishma aunti who mixed both the dishes, she mentions that she heard Malishka talking with Karishma and they mentioned how it was done on purpose, Lakshmi asks if she is angry because of it, Shalu mentions that she had made a lot of effort to make it, Lakshmi informs that she knows the reason she came back is t be with Rishi because from tomorrow it is going to be really difficult for him and she needs to be with him, she knew he would not stay in the house so she decided to go and be with him in his office, but now doesnot know what to do as there are not any potatoes left in the house, Shalu informs she must not accept defeat and fulfill her purpose.

Malishka entering the office asks the receptionist to not allow anyone to enter the office of Rishi and she can even call the guards, Rishi and Aayush are enjoying the lunch when Malishka comes to stand beside him, he questions what happened asking if she brought the dishes cooked by Lakshmi, she asks Vinod to go and wait for him in the car, she questions if Lakshmi did not come when Rishi replies this is why he gave the challenge so that Lakshmi doesnot have any chance to prove herself in the court, as she claims he is always frustrated, he even questions Aayush who replies that Rishi is really sweet and must focus on eating, Malishka mentions he is also really sweet with Lakshmi when Rishi replies that he did not have anything to do with it and is even really frustrated these days, Rishi replies how they must always eat here when he even offers Malishka who sits down also praises the lunch. Lakshmi enters when Rishi replies that she finally came and Lakshmi replies that he asked her to come but Rishi says that she was supposed to come on 1:30 and now it is 1:45, so he has eaten it, Rishi asks Malishka to also praise the food since the chefs here are really good, Malishka mentions people can claim to come on time but Rishi says he wants to meet the chef who made it, he doesnot hear Lakshmi ordering them to call the chef, Lakshmi once again tries to explain, Rishi even questions Malishka about the food, she also praises it saying that the food is delicious, Rishi also eats the ladoo which were made for him. Malishka advises him to kiss the hands of the chef who made it.

The chef enters when Aayush exclaims they would have cut his hands if the food was the Taj Mahal when Rishi explains that his wife always says the food is delicious but he told her that the chefs in the hotel tend to make a lot good food, when the chef says he can kiss the hand of Mam since she is the cook here, Rishi doesnot understand when he replies that she called asking if there were potatoes and she cooked everything here but just the ladoo were brought from the house, Rishi questions if she actually cooked the food when she says he can check the CCTV camera and she explains that the food which was cooked in the kitchen was ruined so she came to the kitchen of the hotel and made it, Lakshmi explains that she has to finish some work and the laptop is faulty so can she use his laptop because she cooked such good food. Aayush also laves taking another ladoo mentioning the previous one melted in his mouth.

Malishka goes to Rishi questioning what is he doing when he replies that she is the one who was eating it and then asked him to kiss her hand, she in frustration replies that she never said he can dance with her, she leaves when he sits down mentioning the only thing good that happened in the past two days is this food.

Lakshmi reaches the office and sees the photo which they saw the first time they came to this office, she receives a call from Shalu who questions if everything went okay, Lakshmi replies that she is in his office where Shalu said that he is really handsome, Shalu questions if she is saying he is handsome when she also agrees, Shalu questions if she is calling him as handsome hero, Lakshmi tries to lie about it but Shalu doesnot believe her asking if he came, Lakshmi mentions she is alone but would start working when he comes and go back with him, she says everything is fine but she is feeling tensed that something wrong might happen so she is trying to find excuses to stay with him, Shalu mentions that everything will be sorted as he is just angry from her so Lakshmi must not worry, Lakshmi thanks her when she replies if Lakshmi thanks her again, she is going to ask her to throw it.

Lakshmi turning is shocked to see Rishi standing there, he asks that she is trying to find ways to come close to rishi, Lakshmi replies he might be mistaken but he says he heard everything, Lakshmi replies she meant they are going to stay together for the next three months, he asks her to turn questioning how close does she want to come with him, from the couch to bed he kneels she rushes away mentioning she meant just like a friend, she doesnot get that kind of feelings from him. Rishi replies even the Miss India wanted his number, she replies she will not get those feeling if he tells them, he says she doesnot get those feelings because he also did not see her when she replies she doesnot get them, Rishi slowly walks close to her standing in front of her but she refuses saying nothing happened, he says he knows because they are in the office so she would feel when they are in the house, Lakshmi starts laughing but he keeps on asking her to stop laughing however she doesnot stop, she then stumbles and is about to fall so he catches her, Malishka gets mad seeing them both when he reveals he stopped her from falling, she says buyt he let her fall and did not save her. Lakshmi is nervous while Rishi looks at her in frustration.

Malishka says he let her fall and was not able to save her, Rishi asks if Lakshmi is trying to make them both fight, she replies she is not but then he leaves in a hurry after Malishka, he is constantly trying to call her but Malishka walks after her, he thinks what is going on blaming it is happening because of Lakshmi, Malishka also turns thinking he left and did not come after her when he used to come and convince her but since he ahs changed now she is also going to involve other people in her matters especially Neelam aunti who is the one who can order Rishi.

Rishi enters the office questioning if she is happy, Lakshmi replies she desires to be happy but needs something, he asks her to stop this acting as everyone knows the real face, she enjoys irritating him when Lakshmi asks why will she enjoy it, Rishi replies that Malishka went from his office after seeing them and it is all because of her, she asks him to say it once again, Rishi replies that Malishka went from the office, Lakshmi in anger says that she is the one who should be angry because he left after Malishka, Rishi blames that he and Malishka are fighting because of her, Rishi asks her to stop it all when she replies she did not do anything and it is his fault, he replies she also has a part in the mistake because if she could have walked properly then he would not have to catch him, seeing which Malishka would not have gotten angry, Lakshmi in a state of confusion asks if Malishka went because he caught her, Lakshmi questions even then it is his problem so why did he catch her, he replies he was helping her so she doesnot feel, but instead of being grateful she is just complaining. It was a reaction of an action, she asks who does he care for most when he replies he cares for her, because if she fell then would be hurt, Lakshmi questions why is he caring when he doesnot even love her and is mad at him however Rishi replies he must take care of her for the next three months otherwise she would go and complain to the judge, Lakshmi agrees, she sits down turning on the laptop when Rishi in anger asks if she even knows how to operate it, he sits down while they both are looking at each other smiling.

Aayush comes asking if they are ready to leave, Lakshmi immediately replies she is ready but he says he is talking to Rishi, Lakshmi questions if they are not bored working from such a small office, Rishi questions if she is not bored in the house, she replies it is really big when Rishi this is a hotel and is really big so they are not bored, she replies he can say it politely but he says he doesnot want to, Rishi asks them both to leave while he will come back later, she says she will come with Rishi however he insists on coming alone, Lakshmi replies even she has some work which she needs to finish when Aayush getting frustrated with them both leaves mentioning she can leave with Virender uncle, Rishi also mentions that his work has finished when both of them leave.

Karishma requests Neelam that she must work to end it otherwise things will get out of hand, the doorbell rings when Malishka is about to open it however Neelam stops her saying she will check it, she opens it to see both Rishi and Lakshmi standing together, she rushes inside when Lakshmi asks why did she come back, she replies she will talk with her later but for now needs to talk with her son but Lakshmi doesnot leave, she asks if she has to ask her to leave when Karishma also questions if she is not understanding that Neelam doesnot want to talk in front of her. Lakshmi questions if it is about what happened at the hotel, Neelam questions what happened however Rishi says it is nothing important when Malishka questions if she is mental because he doesnot help her but just protects Lakshmi.

Neelam replies that it is because of his behavior that the divorce was not finalized and she knows he had no idea that Lakshmi will come to live with them in the house, Rishi doesnot understand what is she saying when Karishma questions if he kissed her hands, Rishi accepts that he did but tries to clarify that it did not mean anything as he only kissed her hands because she made really delicious lunch, Karishma blames that Lakshmi is making him do whatever she desires. Lakshmi asks why is she talking like this since Rishi does whatever he wishes and has even hung sumo in the room, Neelam doesnot understand, Rishi replies she is calling the boxing bag Sumo, Lakshmi explains he is the one who hung it and has even not listened to anything which she ever tried to tell him, she is also about to tell what he did to her in the bathroom, Rishi questions if she doesnot have any shame as she is going to talk about their private matter, Lakshmi explains what is to be ashamed off and clarifies that he placed a fake lizard in the bathroom and then even cut the connection to the shower. Malishka gets really mad hearing this so questions if this is how Rishi is going to handle it by fighting like a couple, Neelam asks if she is not understanding that she said she wants to talk to her son so why is she not leaving, Rishi replies she could have left if she understood it, Lakshmi leaves when Neelam asks what is he doing because if keeps on talking to her like this then she will not leave him for the next three generations. Neelam explains she knows he lives with her in the same room but must try to maintain distance from her.

Virender also walks in the house with Aayush but Neelam immediately questions why did he not stop Lakshmi from coming to the office, he replies he did not know anything about it because frankly he doesnot care as this will end in just three months. Neelam replies she knows they as parents must worry but this is getting out of hands, he must ask Rishi to not be so nice with Lakshmi. Virender explains that Rishi is a nice person which is why he acted the way he did at the court, Neelam says so he will not talk to him however Virender assures he will just for her sake, Aayush comes back after getting a call, he reveals he has to leave for Mahavirenishvar, Virender questions but he says he is a single person however everyone looks to him so he says that he has to leave because of the resort, Neelam leaves after Virender, Karishma replies she knows Neelam is thinking of something and will make sure it happens.

Lakshmi coming apologizes to Rishi since he is angry with her but she is just trying to be a good wife, he asks if this is how she becomes a good wife by ordering him, while he is the one who has to hear everything and those who are about to get the divorce are not like this as they must both sleep on different places while they are sleeping on the same bed and she explains that it is nothing to be worries about, he says that he would not listen to any order, as everyone thinks she is the one making him do everything but this is not the case, Lakshmi explains that she just cares for him, Rishi in anger asks who did ask her to care for him as he did not give her this permission, she gets stunned hearing this and turns to leave but he stops her asking why is she not replying, Lakshmi thinks how Neelam asked her to leave but Pandit Badrinath said that she must always stay beside Rishi as her Kundali can help end the Markeshdosh. Rishi comes close to Lakshmi asking if she is not feeling anything but she keeps on refusing even when he holds her hand and walks close to her, yet she still keeps refusing she has felt anything when he asks if she is not feeling the heart beats and says even, he is not feeling anything, they both look each other in the eyes when someone knocks on the door, they both leave each other correcting themselves. Aayush is standing there, he gets stunned but then Rishi leaves.

Virender is standing in the room, Neelam comes to the door when he asks what happened, she says that Rishi can also do what Aayush has been trying as he can lave to finalize the deal as then he would have some time to end the tension, Virender agrees when Neelam thinks that if Lakshmi is away from Rishi then would not be able to instigate him.

Aayush is following Rishi asking why was he so tensed asking if he fought with Lakshmi, Rishi replies it is not that but he feels some problem is coming his way, Aayush questions what other problem can come other than Lakshmi, Rishi questions if he came for something, Aayush mentions he is going to finalize the location for the resort so would not be able to attend the meeting, Rishi enters the room of Aayush to rest, he wonders why did he feel it after going close to Lakshmi when there is nothing between them, he thinks it is all wrong. Lakshmi also wonders what if Rishi finds out what she felt when he came close to her, she thinks he must never find out the truth while Rishi wonders why does Lakshmi not feel anything when they are close, he doesnot know how he would be able to correct the current situation but would have to find a way, they both are really tensed

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Unfortunate Love - S02 E22

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Unfortunate Love - S02 E24

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