A Night With Him - S01 E98

Story 1 year ago

A Night With Him - S01 E98

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 98


“Thank you so much Irene,i can’t even imagine what would have happened to our only son if you had not made that plan” Mrs Marshall said as they walked Irene to the car.

She was about leaving,it’s late alre-ady and Damien has been texting her.

“I don’t like the fact that everyone keep thanking me for that, Harold has helped me too.” Irene said.

“You risked your life for him. I wouldn’t have asked for a better woman for my son” Mr Marshall gave Irene a side hvg and she smiled.

Ivory was holding her hand, swinging it happily as they finally got to the limo Harold had told his driver to prepare.

“I believe we’re going to meet you here when we get back from school tomorrow” Allysia said.

“Of course” Irene nodded.

“Don’t worry,I’ll get your dress re-ady in two days” She added and Allysia giggled happily.

“Seems we have to store the refrigerator with strawberry and strawberry jui-ce” Mrs Nola said and they laughed.

“I’ll be ordering packs of them tomorrow” Harold said, grinning happily.

The light glowing in his eyes could not be compared to anyone else.

“We know you’re going to take care of that Billionaire Harold Marshall” his father saluted and everyone laughed again.

“Okay..we nee-d to allow her go now, Damien and Mrs Neave will be expecting her alre-ady” Harold said, opening the car door for Irene.

Irene hvgged everyone one after the other and she was surprised when Mrs Marshall gave her a k!sson the cheek and then whispered in her ear “you’re a rare gem and i hope you remain p@rt of this family forever”

Irene was stunned,she felt honored hearing that from Mrs Marshall.


She waved them bye as she got into the limo with Harold.

He’s going with her to ensure she gets home safe.

“Did you hear Ivory call me Mum?” Irene asked Harold as the car was moving on a free road.

“Yeah i did” Harold smiled.

“I felt goosebu-mps but then i thought she might not really mean it”

“She does, i don’t think Ivory would say something she doesn’t mean” Harold said and there was silence.

“Irene, i just don’t know how else to thank you for saving my life while putting yours on the line, it’s just so…” Harold sighed and Irene held his hand.

“Harold you seriously nee-d to st©p thanking me or i would start thanking you for all you’ve done for me too” Irene said.

“Okay, I’ll st©p” He chuckled.

“You look more beautiful today and i had it in mind back at the hospital that even if you do not want to return to me,I’ll have to drag you along with me” Harold said and she laughed, throwing back her head.

Her laughter was one of the things he missed also.

“Do you know how happy i am right now? I’ve never felt so happy and fulfilled in a long time” Irene smiled as she placed her head on his che-st.

He stroke her hair wondering how his life would have turned out if he hadn’t met her.

We surely meet people in life for a reason or the other and he didn’t regret meeting Irene, he only wished the world would have more of someone like her..

She’s a gem he doesn’t want to lose and would never lose.

“k!ssme again” She whispered to him and he chuckled.

Her head was on his legs and she turned her face to him, pointing out herl-ips.

He laughed.

“Com’on” She pouted and he bent his head to engage theirl-ips in another sizzling k!ss.

“Irene” Damien screamed, running into her arms as he opened the door,not knowing what was in stock for him.

“Ouch!” He frowned after getting a knock from Irene who made her face look stern as she walked in.

“What was that for?” Damien rubbe-d his forehead as he closed the door and walked after her.

“For taking my packs of strawberry jui-ce like you own it! You deserve another knock” She said, turning to fulfill her words only to see him dashed past her into the kitchen where their Mum was cooking.

“I can’t believe she welcomed me with a knock on the head!” He complained loudly to Mrs Neave and she laughed.


it” Damien sighed after she finished her narration.

Though she had excluded the p@rt Ethan was involved with their father.

“Irene,that was a dangerous mission” Mrs Neave said worriedly.

“Yes it was, though Mr Harold is worth it but what if something had happened to you” Damien said, knowing he would never be able to cope with it .

“Well..i guess i was lucky enough to come out unscathed” Irene smiled, chewing fries.

“When did you turn so br@ve? I’m proud of you” Mrs Neave said.

“Thanks mum” Irene smiled.

“You really made me proud by bringing the bad guys to book,high five sis” Damien said and they both raised their palms before ma-king it cli-ck together.

“It’s a shock to know there were two spies in Harold’s house for years and they are even planning on killing him, despite how nice he has been to them” Mrs Neave shook her head and sighed.

“They are just ungrateful fellows, attracted to greed and heartlessness” Damien said.

“Exactly!” Irene nodded her head in agreement.

She yawned..”I really nee-d to go to be-d”

“Morning detective Irene” Damien tea-sed as she walked into the dining room still dressed in her pajamas,she had only brushed her teeth.

Irene scoffed pla-yfully at him and he grinned.

He was fully dressed in his school uniform, and she know he’s going to gr-ab his backpack immediately after breakfast and leave for school.

“Good morning Mum” Irene said loudly,so her Mrs Neave who was in the kitchen could hear her.

“Good morning Irene” Mrs Neave replied.

Irene sat across Damien and took a bite out of his toast.

“I’m glad you helped Mr Harold but don’t ever do that again,i would never be able to cope if something had happened to you.” Damien said looking at her worriedly.

“I’m lucky not to have gotten hurt or killed and don’t forget I’m detective Irene” She said with an air of pride that made him laugh.

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“I love you sis” He said and Irene stood up to k!sshis cheeks.

“I love you more Dam” She said.

“Am i missing something?” Mrs Neave asked with a smile as she walked into the living room.

“Mum” Irene went to hvg her, burying her head in the crook of her n£¢k.

“I can’t believe you’re acting like a baby while one is in you or…is the baby in you using your face by any chance” Mrs Neave g@sped dramatically and they laughed.

Irene stepped out of the car Harold had s£nt to pick her from home.

He had told her he’ll be staying home today just for her.

She had called Christiana who was on her way with their luggages and Ryan.

They will be here in no time.

“No, don’t bother. I can lift it myself” Irene said to one of the maids who tried to help her with her luggage.

“Mr Harold said not to allow you carry anything,he’s going to get pissed at me if i leave you to it ma’am” The maid said.

“Ohh” Irene said and allowed the maid carry her luggage into the house.

She walked after her in a pink short go-wn that showed off her small ti-ght bu-mp.

She had made her hair fall down to her w@!st today without styling it.

She said hi to the workers as she walked past them, looking forward to seeing Harold again like it’s been years they last saw each other.

He was waiting in the living room and he swooped her into his arms immediately she walked in.

They both giggled like kids that had just been bought candies.

“I can’t believe I’m here,I’ve always wanted to work in Harold Marshall’s mansion,it has been on my mind since the day i c@m£ for the interview” Christiana said, looking excited as she stood beside Irene in her workshop.

Irene smiled, glad to have resumed sewing.

She experimented the ideas that has been in her head and they c@m£ out fine.

She has lot of orders waiting but she started with Allysia’s dress first.


watched her with enthusiasm.

Irene was so perfect in every thing,the way she traced and cut the fibres before putting them together amused Christiana.

So fast and efficient.

“I so much missed the sound of my scissors ‘snip-snip” Irene chuckled.

“What do you want me to help you with?” Christiana asked.

“Nothing,for now” Irene smiled,there was still excitement written all over Christiana’s face and she had screamed when she shook Harold’s hand, ma-king everyone laughed.

She had helped Mrs Nola in cleaning the kitchen and also @ssisting in preparing meals.

They all loved her.

And Ryan also who was pres£ntly with Harold getting filled about his work.

“Christiana,sit…you’ve been standing since we walked in here” Irene said and Christiana shook her head.

“I think I’m still so excited to sit” She grinned.

“And i want to thank you so much, without you. I wouldn’t be here and to think I’m even going to be earning much more,i was shocked when Mr Harold mentioned the amount of my salary. Thank you so much ma’am” Christiana said.

“It’s fine” Irene said.

“I just wonder how Mr Ethan’s employees would cope” Christiana sighed.

She had told Irene and Harold that the police c@m£ to search Ethan’s building today and they told every worker to pack their things and evacuate the building because the owner might not be coming back anymore.

“You won’t believe some of the workers took a lot of money from Mr Ethan’s room and also some expensive jewelries from Carrle’s room” Christiana said.

“Wow!” Irene sighed and shook her head sadly.

“Irene!” Tom excited voice pierced into her workshop even before he walked in.

“T, what’s going on?” Irene asked.

“Mr Harold just gave me one of his mansions! Two cars and..i can’t even mention the amount of money he gave me. He gifted them to me for my upcoming wedding and he even promised to sponsor the whole event..i..i don’t know how to thank him” Tom said in tears.

Irene hvgged him and she was moved to tears also.

Ivy Royals

“You said you had something to tell me” Marlene said to Damien as they ate their lunch.

“Yeah” Damien said,he could feel his heart pounding.

Irene’s back home safe and now he’s re-ady to make Marlene his girlfriend.

Allysia feigned a cough and stood up knowing what it is all about. Damien had told her about it.

“I’ll be back” She said as she walked out of the cl@ssroom.

“Marl” Damien started with a shy look.

He’s surprised Marlene could make him feel this shy.

“I like you” He blurted out and Marlene stared at him with an expression he couldn’t fathom.

If only he could place his hand on her che-st and see how fast and h@rd her che-st was pounding.

“Marlene,i have feelings for you, strong feelings that i’ve never even felt for anyone. Knowing you is p@rt of what made me change my bad lifestyle, meeting you, getting to know you, being your friend, developing strong feelings for you has been nothing but a great joy and peace to me,you fill up my heart Marlene,you make my heart pound without even ma-king effort to,i look forward to seeing you everyday because you complete me, I’d do anything to see and hear you laugh,the sound of your laughter has a way of ma-king one feel alive. The roll of your eyes always make me want to crack my ribs with laughter. You’re simply one of the best things that has ever happened to me, I love you Marlene,i love you so much and I’m sorry to have taken this long to confess my feelings to you. Let’s share laughter and tears together,let’s soothe each other’s pain,let’s cry together and let’s stay happy together. I want you to be my girlfriend Marlene” Damien said and he couldn’t even believe the boldness that had possessed him until he was done.

Marlene’s eyes were filled with tears by the time he was done.

“Damien” She sobbe-d, hvgging him ti-ghtly.

He held her in his arms and inhaled her sweet scent.

“I love you so much,my heart beats for you too” She said and Damien sighed in what seems like relief.

She loves him also.


“I’ll gladly be your girlfriend Dam” She said and saw that he looked stunned before hisl-ips broke into a smile.

“Marl, really?” He asked, searching her face to be sure.

“Of course, you didn’t think it’s a one sided love right? I equally love you” She said and looking at him,she knew this was the right time to tell him about her.

She can’t let him get too happy without revea-ling her true identity.

“I have something to tell you,I’m not sure you’ll still want me to be your girlfriend after telling you this” She said as he wiped her tears.

He looked at her,puzzled.

“Go ahead,but i just want you to know there’s nothing that’ll make me leave you, forgiveness is one of the main keys in a relationsh!p,if i don’t forgive you then it means i do not love you,go ahead let’s solve whatever it is together” Damien said re@ssuringly and Marlene felt so happy to have such a guy like him in her life.

He amazes her,his intelligent talks sometimes astonish her, Damien speaks so wisely.

“I’m a princess, princess Marlene Louis of King City” Marlene said and saw his eyes wi-den.

“Damien, I’m so sorry to have hidden this from you,i swear i didn’t mean to. I’m just someone who doesn’t like my true identity getting revealed because i want to be treated like a normal person,I’m tired of having people who are old enough to be my parents bow to me,I’m tired to having dozens of maids at my beck and call,im tired of being treated like a god, school is the only place i don’t get all that and that’s the reason i hid my surname,that’s the reason Mr Natalie allows me eat in cl@ss. Damien I’m so sorry to have kept this from you for long,i was afraid you’ll start treating me differently and i don’t want that. I’m so sorry Damien,i promise never to hide anything from you again” Marlene said, looking into his eyes pleadingly.

He stared at her,lost for words. He was surprised,she could see it in his face.

He didn’t even look a bit angry.

“My girlfriend is a princess” He laughed, surprising Marlene who had expected questions like.. ‘why did you keep it from me? Didn’t you trust me enough to tell me? Why the hell did you do that?’

“You’re not angry?” She asked.

“Angry? No,I’m excited to know that my girlfriend is a princess and i had loved her even when i was unaware of her Royal status. This is so thri-lling” Damien smiled, pu-lling her close to him.

Marlene was stunned,she blinked ra-pidly, trying to see if her mind weren’t pla-ying tricks on her.

“Little wonder you look so beautiful” He chuckled and k!$$£d her on the forehead.

“You still want me as your girlfriend?” She asked.

Damien laughed “of course, com’on babe,you had a good reason for concealing your identity,I’m intrigued there’s still a princess who prefers a normal life. Though,i would have been a bit pissed if i had found out myself. And, don’t bother about me treating you differently,i would treat you like i normally do except with more affection and r0m@nç£because you’re now my girlfriend” He said and she grinned, blu-shing h@rd.

“Thank you Damien,for being so un-derstanding,i never expected you to take it without h@rd feeling, you’re just full of surprises aren’t you?” She tea-sed, pushing his nose with a f!nger.

He laughed.

“Dam, do you know as a royalty,I’m not to have a relationsh!pwith someone who’s not royal but to hell with that rule, Its going to end from me” Marlene rolled her eyes and Damien laughed.

“I can’t believe that tradition still exists, well.. we’re going to put an end to this together, we’re in this together” Damien said, cupping her cheeks with his palms.

“How about you come over to the palace this weekend,I’m going to invite Blaine and Allysia also” Marlene said.

“Really? I’m going to meet the King and Queen?”

“Yes” Marlene smiled.

“Wow,I’m getting nervous alre-ady. What if they order someone to throw me out for stealing the princess heart” Damien said and Marlene laughed.

“My father loves Harold Marshall so much and if he should know your sister is carrying his baby, he’ll give us his blessings immediately” Marlene said.

“Woah…i think it’ll be better if Mr Harold follows us instead,then your father is going to make us get married immediately” Damien said and they both laughed.

Their laugh quieted and they looked at each other with eyes full of affection.

They willingly drowned in the fog of love clasped over them.

Both grateful to have found each other.

The sound of noises made their serene moment come to an abrupt end.

They saw students walking towards them with angry looks and eyes full of questions.

Well.. they’ve found out she eats in the cl@ss and they are not planning to take it lightly with her.

How dare you eat in the cl@ss!”

What audacity!”

You just broke one of the school rules”

You’ll be punished!”

I’m going to inform Mr Natalie of this immediately!”

“Marl,i tried to st©p them” Allysia sighed and Marlene nodded .

She and Damien were so engrossed that they didn’t knew lunch break was over.

She saw Damien trying to stand up to address the students but she quic-kly st©pped him.

She stood up instead.

“Well,i didn’t mean to reveal this this way but has anyone ever wondered why my last name is concealed ?” She asked.

Because your father is an infamous safecracker of course, and you’re so ashamed of his last name” One of the students said and the rest bur-sted into laughter, agreeing with her.

Marlene also joined them in laughing and Damien and Allysia knew the students were in for it.

“Well..that infamous safecracker is the reigning Prince of King City, automatically ma-king me a princess. I’m princess Marlene Louis of King City” Marlene said boldly,she has never felt so proud announcing her Royal status.

The students g@sped in shock and before Marlene could utter another word,they all bowed to her in great respect apologising like their lives depended on it for.


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