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The Marriage Battle - S01 E11

Story 2 years ago

The Marriage Battle - S01 E11

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 11

One year Later, Adaobi was rushed to the hospital where she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named Kunle and Mami was called to look after them.

After Ayo left for work leaving Adaobi under the care of Mami one fine morning, Mami walked up to her angrily in her bedroom.

Mami: ‘Come Adaobi’ she said angrily ‘am I your maid in this house that every morning, all I do is wake up and prepare food for you and your husband?

Adaobi: Good morning Mami but I thought you said that is what you will be doing till I get better since I gave birth through CS?

Mami: Are you the first woman that gave birth through CS? Is it not your mate that gave birth and are still up and doing?

Adaobi: I am sorry Mami, I promise you that I will take care of my home and husband without involving you.

Mami: You better do because I am not your maid and as such, you should treat me accordingly.

Adaobi: Yes Mami.

Mami: Good. Now go to the kitchen and prepare pounded yam and pepper soup for me.

Adaobi: What?

Mami: Are you deaf? I said go to the kitchen and prepare me pounded yam and pepper soup.

Adaobi: But Mami, I was told not to indulge in anything that will stress me, I haven’t healed properly.

Mami: Does it look to you like I care? Go to the kitchen this minute before you see the other side of me.

Adaobi: Okay, let me attend to my son first and put him to bed and then I will do what you requested for.

Mami: ‘You better hurry up’ she said and walked away.

Few minutes later, Adaobi went to the kitchen and prepared what Mami requested for while Mami was in the the sitting room watching Zeeworld for it was the station she loved so much.

Adaobi: Mami, your food is ready and is at the dinning.

Mami: Good. Now I have some dirty clothes for you to wash and they are in my room,get them washed and ironed properly.

Adaobi: I am sorry Mami, I am too tired and don’t think I will do that now, maybe tomorrow or next.

Mami: And when did this nonsense start?

Adaobi: What Nonsense?

Mami: When did you start saying you can’t do what I asked you to do?

Adaobi: I am sorry Mami but I thought you came to help in looking after me and your grandchild not the other way round?

Mami: Oh! So because I came to look after you that means that you won’t do what I asked you to do, is that it? For one week, I have been bathing, cooking for you and looking after your child while you recover, isn’t that enough?

Adaobi: and I thank you but right now is not the time for me to stress myself for I am not completing healed from my injuries. Mami, remember that I was stitched?

Mami: And so? Listen here Adaobi, I wouldn’t have allowed my son get entagled with you and just because you are his wife doesn’t mean that I will love you just the way you want me to. I am his mother and will forever be and you to me, you are Adaobi the igbo girl he should never have married.

Adaobi: With tears in her eyes said ‘ why then did you agree to come take care of me if you hate me this much?

Mami: Because I don’t want to lose my son.

Adaobi: kept quiet for a few minutes and said ‘I will go and wash your clothes Mami’ and walked away.

Later in the evening, When Ayo returned from work, Mami served him dinner and while he was eating he asked who prepared the meal.

Ayo: Wow! Mami who pounded this yam, it’s so smooth and it feels nice and who prepared this soup?

Mami: Hmmm My son, I have been so busy since you left for work.

Your wife told me she wanted to eat pounded yam and pepper soup and I thought why not prepare yours along. As I am talking to you now, my whole body is paining me because I had to pound yam twice for she said the one I prepared was too small.

Ayo: You! Mami, pounded this yam?

Mami: Yes my son,you know I cant allow her pound yam because her body is still not so strong.

Ayo: You must have been through a lot and I am sorry.

Mami: that is the reason I am here now, what are you sorry about? the only thing I want you to do is tell her that the stress of looking after her and my grandchild is too much. She shouldn’t be adding more to it.

Ayo: Sorry Mami, I will talk to her.

Mami: That is all I need.

Ayo: This food is so tasty Mami, at first, I thought it was my wife that prepared it.

Mami: Hmmmm… Prepare what? I did joor. I even cleaned the house, scrubbed the floor… hmmm, my body is aching me badly.

Ayo: ‘Sorry Mami’ he said and after he finished eating, he went to his room he shared with his wife.

Adaobi: Hope you enjoyed your dinner.

Ayo: ‘I did and I do not like what you did’ he said frowning.

Adaobi: What did I do again?

Ayo: How can you allow my mother to pound yam for you and requested she do it again, telling her that the one she made was not enough?

Adaobi: Excuse me, what did you just say?

Ayo: Listen, I know you and my mother do not get along but that does not give you the liberty to treat her the way and manner you like. Treat her just the way you will treat your mother and not the way your treat slave.

Adaobi: But sweetheart…..

Ayo: Stop please! You have no excuse for what you did and please don’t do it again for I won’t take it from you if you treat her badly.

Adaobi: it’s obvious you don’t want to listen to what I have to say.

Ayo: There is nothing there for me to listen to. I have seen the way my mother treats you and my son, it is enough for me to say that she loves you, just go out there and apologise to her.

Adaobi: alright she said for peace to reign and went to apologise to Mami who was acting all up ‘Mami, I am sorry if I have offended or wronged you in anyway, please forgive me’.

Mami: if my son had not told you to come to me and apologise, so you wouldn’t have done that?

Adaobi: ‘Mami, I am sorry again’ she said trying to control her anger.

Mami: ‘From now on, if you want to live in peace in this house, you better do as I say’ she commanded ‘You are forgiven, you can go now’.

Adaobi: Looked at the woman whom she thought she was beginning to love as a mother, shook her head and went to attend to her son.

She didn’t bother to tell her husband that she was the one that prepared the dinner he ate ‘seems Mami will lie to achieve her goal’ she said to herself.


The following day, as Adaobi was busy preparing Lunch for the family, a knock was heard at the door and she went to check who the person was.

Adoabi: When she opened the door, she saw Kemi smiling at her with her luggage ‘Hi Kemi’ she said and hugged her ‘please come in’.

Kemi: ‘Good day Adaobi and hey Mami’ she said as she went to her.

Mami: How are you my daughter?

Kemi: I am fine Mami and the house is so boring without you, I thought it will be nice to come and spend some time with you people here.

Adaobi: Errrm, sorry to interrupt you Kemi but why didn’t you call that you were coming?

Mami: What do you mean why didn’t she call?

Adaobi: Mami, I am sorry but I thought she is supposed to call if she is coming to my house? Look at her luggage she said as she pointed to them ‘she is coming to stay here for a very long time.

Mami: And so, what if she is staying here for a long time? Isn’t this house my son’s and her brother’s house?

Adaobi: But Mami, it is my house too. If any of my family members were to visit, they will have to let me know not just barge into my home like that.

Mami: That is your family and not us. There is a difference between us and them for this is my son’s house.

Adaobi: Mami please…..

Mami: Don’t Mami me please, she is here already and there is nothing you can do about it.

Adaobi: Okay but Kemi, next time when you are coming to my house, do let us know before time.

Mami: ‘Adaobi you must be very stupid for uttering such nonsence to her in my presence’ she said as Adaobi looked at her again and walked away leaving mother and child in the sitting room.

Kemi: Mami! It seems the tension in this house is too much because I can feel it.

Mami: Don’t mind that stupid girl, she is trying to lord over me. Go to our room and freshen up while I ask Adaobi to get food ready for you To eat.

Kemi: ‘Yes Mami’ she said and went to her room.

Adaobi served Mami and Kemi their meal and after they finished eating, Mami called Adaobi to come clean the table and wash the dishes.

Adaobi: ‘Mami, I can’t believe you called me here to clear this place’ she said feeling perplexed.

Mami: and what is wrong with that?

Adaobi: Because I can’t and will not do it while Kemi is here.

Kemi: Adaobi, I do not like the way and manner you talk to my mother.

Mami: I am happy that you are seeing that for yourself my daughter,that is how she has been talking to me ever since I came to this house.

Adaobi: ‘When you are done with whatever you are doing, Kemi clear the place and wash my dishes’ she said and was about to walk away again when Kemi stopped her.

Kemi: ‘Adaobi’ she called out ‘you don’t dare walk away from my mother’.

Adaobi: ‘Kemi, this is my house and my home, I will not allow Mami rule over me here. If you or Mami are looking for who to lord over, not in my own house. I can’t be scared of you or anyone in my own house na, it is not done and never done’ she said as she looked at them boldly.

Mami: So you have the nerve to walk away the first time and want to do it again abi?

Adaobi: Mami, I don’t want to talk or say anything about you or anyone to my husband but all these things you have been doing to me lately has to stop.

Mami: ‘How dare you’ she slapped her ‘how dare you talk to me that way.

Adaobi: ‘Mami you slapped me’ she said touching her cheek..

Mami: ‘and what will you do? What will you do’ she asked standing firmly and looking straight into her eyes.

Adaobi: if not because you are my mother, God knows that I would have retaliated but I am respecting you and this should be the last time you lay your hands on me.

Kemi: Are you threatening her?

Adaobi: turning to Kemi said ‘Kemi, I can tolerate your mother doing anything to me, I won’t complain but I won’t tolerate anyone or anybody laying his or her hands on me not even if the person is family, I won’t. Turning to Mami again ‘this should be the last time you lay your hands on me for there won’t be a second time else…..

Mami: Else what? No! Complete your statement.

Adaobi: ‘I won’t say anything again until you try this stupid act of yours again then you will know what will happen’ she said and walked away.

Mami: ‘Shame on you! You were nothing when my son brought you into this house oooo, you were nothing when he married you and now you want me to worship and bow down for you, it won’t happen Adaobi and there is nothing you will do to me. You see this house, it will not contain me and you from now on; did you hear me, it won’t contain both of us and I will make sure of it. Stupid igbo girl’ she said.

Kemi: But Mami, did you have to slap her? That was too extreme.

Mami: Didn’t you see the way she was talking to me? She does not have respect or regard me as her mother in law and I will deal with her.



Chaiiiii,can you feel the heat or I should on AC?

If you’re Adaobi, what will you do at this junction?

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The Marriage Battle - S01 E10

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The Marriage Battle - S01 E12

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