Thorns In My Boot - S01 E24

Story 2 years ago

Thorns In My Boot - S01 E24

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 24

Aluta continua! I went once again to see my

C.O and I was intercepted by the R.S.M as I

entered the gate to our Unit. He chased me

out of the premises threatening me with his

swagger stick. He warned me never to step

foot into the premises again else he would

declare me a persona non grata in the

whole of the Barracks. I was shocked

because I was not expecting such reaction

from him. Where did I wrong this man? I

asked myself.

I walked back to the mammy market to cut

my hair. I entered a Barbing salon close to

the tarred road that ran behind the market

called “Ultimate Barbing Salon” the owner

was a young Yoruba boy called Ayo, he was

also a student at the institute of

management and technology (I.M.T) Enugu,

he goes to school in the morning and

returned to his shop in the evening, he had

a paid Barber that works all day at the Shop.

I was used to shining my head since I left

the depot but that day, Ayo gave me a style

that made me smile, he capped it all by

giving me a slit at the left side of my head

like that of Yinka Ayefele the popular Yoruba

gospel singer. He then washed my head and

applied “Sulphur eight ointments” the

menthol from the cream charged some

nerves in my head, I was impressed and I

paid him twice his fare.

I sat down in the small but cozy shop to flip

through the pages of a newspaper as I

ruminated over the drama that ensued

between me and the R.S.M. Amaka had gone

back to Abuja, I have no friends in Enugu to

go to, I was just alone. I then asked Ayo

how one could see the C.O apart from the

Office. He told me that the C.O plays Golf on

Thursday evenings and on Saturday

mornings at the Enugu Golf course. It was

Thursday that day so I waited for Saturday

morning. I went to a nearby beer parlour

and drank two bottles of Gulder beer before

going home to sleep.

I went to the Golf course as early as 7.00AM

on Saturday and watched out for the C.O’s

arrival. He came around 8.00am and I

allowed him to greet his friends before I

approached him and introduced myself and

my mission. He asked where I had been all

this while; he said he had sent my file to the

G.O.C through the R.S.M since last year. I

shouted ye! And I held my head with my

hands. He asked what the problem was and

I told him that the R.S.M would not deliver

the message. I told him of my experience

with the R.S.M.

Well, he said: I cannot imagine that I will

send the R.S.M to the G.O.C and he would not

deliver my message! Do you know the

consequence? He asked me: yes sir! I

replied. I told him that the R.S.M hates me

and had been stopping from from reaching

him all these while. He asked me the reason

and I said I do not know but the R.S.M kept

calling me names and had sworn to declare

me a persona non grata in the barracks!

Well, he said: I do not know where the two

of you knew each other from, so go and

settle your scores with him, all I know is that

I have sent your file too the G.O.C and I am

still expecting a feedback from him

Sir! I called him can I say something please?

Go on! Speak! He said.

If it was the R.S.M you gave my file to take to

the G.O.C, then I can bet on my life that my

file did not get to the G.O.C! it is one whole

year since I came to you in company of my

Lawyer with my exoneration letter! I was

discharged in May last year sir! This is June

1998 sir!

Yes o! You are right, he said. It should not

have been this long before the G.O.C replied!

Okay I know what to do! I know what to do

and with that, he slung his Golf Kit bag over

his shoulders and walked towards his

friends. I just stood there clueless for a

moment before finding my way to a nearby

shop to buy Coke and bread for breakfast!.

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Thorns In My Boot - S01 E23

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Thorns In My Boot - S01 E25

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