Dark Magic - S02 E01

Story 2 years ago

Dark Magic - S02 E01

Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 1







. The door opens slowly as Cora enters inside as its closes back, they was a table with different herbs placed on it, they was some big pots which were burning furiously, Cora walk up to it as it smell the ingredients that was in it, she perceived it and smiled, a man walk up to him which reveal himself as Michael, in his hand was a plate and a spoon, he dish the ingredients into it.


Michael: “How was it?”

Cora: “Successful uncle, where’s my sister?”

Michael: “She went out but she’ll soon be back.”


By saying that the door leapt open as Betty walk in, a deer was in her hand as she placed it in the table.


Betty: “You’re back so soon?”

Cora: “Yeah sis!”

Betty: “So how was it?”

Cora: “Successful, we even kiss.”

Betty: “That’s good, i told you he loves you.”

Michael: “But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re here to protect him.”

Betty: “I know my duty so you don’t have to remain me of that!”

Cora: “Sis, can i asked you a question?”

Betty: “Yeah, go ahead.”

Cora: “If Smith got to find out that you’re my sister, how are you sure he will; i means still love me?”

Betty: “Love is pure, if both of you sacrifice a lots then no matter what might happened Smith will still love you.”

Cora: “I hoped so!”

Michael: “C’mon, we need to eat and sleep before the next day.”






. The light keep glowing as the pot bubbles, someone comes out which revealed no other one than MARA. The four witches Cecelia, Milky, Monica and Lucy were still chanting silently. The sacrifice was successful, she’s now stronger and she can roam around on her own, this is time to visit Den the dark witch whom she held captive for centuries ago, she seems not afraid or dismay about herself, her dark outfit overwhelmed her with her dark hat on her head, he straight out her hand as a broom flew in as she climbed into it and was ready to flew away when the four witches shouted at her.


Monica: “Wait Mister!”


She alight from the groom and faced the four witches.


Mara: “What’s the problem this time?”

Cecelia: “Den is not whom you think he’s?”

Mara: “I know more about him.”

Milky: “You don’t Mister, if you’re in haste of capturing him again then you’ll lose the battle, let concentrate on the HOUSE of DOOM only?”

Mara: “I have someone that will already lure him to me.”

Lucy: “Fine, you may go but do not forget that we didn’t warn you!”


Mara pounce on her groom as she flew away.


Cecelia: “She’s will be back soon!”

Monica: “I hoped so, the sacrifice hasn’t yet unlocked some of her powers.”

Milky: “We try to make her stay back but she just proved stubborn.”

Lucy: “Den is out of our control which means that he will be now powerful than ever.”

Monica: “The HOUSE of DOOM is restricted to Dark Magic which means Den is the only one who’s possessed and also protecting them.”

Cecelia: “No, i disagree to that, it seems like Den has another master he’s now serving?”

Milky: “The HOUSE of DOOM!”

Lucy: “No!”

Monica: “Then whose next?”


A grift of silence stood among the four witches as they couldn’t detect the corresponding answer which will help them stress it out as they kept looking at themselves and wondering, at last they gave up.


Cecelia: “The HOUSE of DOOM is his only master that its his services now.”

Milky: “Yeah and it will not be so easily for Mara to break the breached to get him.”





. The cave was very dark, candles were been lit of different angles of the cave, an ancient handwriting of different languages were written all over the wall, a casket was laying on top of an ancient stone proudly written in some ancient words, they was a pipe connected down to a big tunnel and down to the casket and it was making some sound like bubbles, a man which his face was veil walk in kneeling down and facing the casket as he speaks.


Man: “Master!”

Master: “My humble servant, what did you find out?”

Man: “Dora the intruder is threaten the chosen one.”

Master: “About Cora?”

Man: “Yes master, what will we do?”

Master: “Not worry, Dora is walking to her own grave.”

Man: “What about Cora; should i warn her or her sister the slayer guardian?”

Master: “Don’t do such! Let it be a surprise to all of them; Cora must die to prepare a place for Dora, it’s fate.”

Man: “I don’t understand master?”

Master: “Hahaha, Cora must truly die for Dora to take her place and also prepared her own grave.”

Man: “Master if Cora die, the chosen one won’t allowed Dora to step into his life.”

Master: “This is DARK MAGIC my humble servant, the chosen one doesn’t have any choice than to accept Dora into his life so CORA MUST DIE.”


The darkness covered as the light of the candles ceased.


¹. Who’s this master and his humble servant?

². Why will Cora the white witch die?

³. What fate did Smith and Dora holds?

ANSWER to unlock next Episode


©Dave Sun. July 2020.

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