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The blue love story - S01 E33

Story 2 years ago

The blue love story - S01 E33

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 33




JAJA’s Point Of View


I look at Ben who was on sweet sleeping.

What happened earlier is really brain

draining and shock killing. I believe Ben

that he didn’t mean what he have done to

me. The question that keeps on bugging

me these past few days is does Ben have a

mental problem? He is not Ginny, he don’t

have DID.

I touch Ben’s face. “I love you, heart. I love

you very much even you’re like that. But

I’m afraid that one day, it was yourself

you’re going to hurt.”

I rise up and pick my phone on the bed side

table. I dialed Dad’s number. After two

rings, he answered the call.

“Jaja? Why the sudden call me late at

night? Is there something happened?”

Dad’s voice is full of concern.

“Sort of, Dad. It’s about Ben.” I look at Ben.

He furrowed his brow again like he’s angry.

I massage his brow to make it at ease.

“What happen to him?”

“Dad, Ben is acting strange. He acts like he

have mood swing. But I think he’s sick. He

just don’t tell it to me. He’s experiencing

severe headaches and sometimes he feels

like he want to vomit. Ben.. sometimes he

lost control and hurt everyone around him.

Dad, I don’t know what to do. I want to

bring back the Ben that I met.”

“Did he hurt you?” Dad’s voice is now


“Ye-yes, Dad. But it’s not too much. He just

lost his control in jealous.”

“Why? Did you make something that made

him jealous?”

“He saw a picture of me hugging my old

friend, Dad. I explained it to him but he

didn’t listen. Dad, he’s my friend. Nothing


“I believe you, Jaja. Ben just love you very

much and got scared. Don’t worry, I’m

going to talk to him tomorrow. Jaja, stay

away from him as you can. We don’t know

what’s happening to him. I haven’t seen

him these past few days after the party

that’s why I don’t know what’s happening

to him.”

“Okay, Dad. Sorry for disturbing you.”

“It’s okay. Thank you for letting me know

Ben’s condition right now. Sleep now, Jaja.

Good night. If ever Ben had awaken, make

him drink a glass of milk and give a

sleeping pills on it. It’s better to be alert.”

“Thanks, Dad. Good night.” I ended the call.

I return from lying down and faced Ben. I

hug him very tight. “Have a sweet dream,



BEN OPENED the door when someone

buzzed the bell.

“Dad, what are you doing here?”

I look at the door from the kitchen. I

smiled when Dad look at me.

“I’m here to check you and Jaja.” Dad came

in. They walk towards the kitchen. “Ben,

are you okay?”

“Yes, Dad. Why’d you ask?” Ben look at me

like he was saying did-you-tell-it-to-him?

I smiled at him apologetically. He hold my

hand and smiled.

“I heard what you did on the company.

Ben, you’re getting too much rude.”

“I’m sorry, Dad.”

“Let’s have a check up.”

Ben look at his Dad, confused. “Why?”

“I want to make sure you’re not acting like


“I don’t have a split identity,” Ben seriously


“Heart, me and Dad are concern about your

condition, please don’t make it bad.”

Ben sighed and look straight into my eyes.

“I am just afraid to know what’s my



I AM WASHING my hands on the lavatory of

the girl’s comfort room of a restaurant.

Momsh is so excited that she even invited

me and the whole Colleen family in the

restaurant. We’re going to receive the

result today.

“So you’re still not contented with Ben.

You’re looking for another guy to ease your


I turned to face the lady who speak. It was

Olga. She just enter the comfort room. Only

the two of us is here inside.

“Oh! What happened to your cheek? Did

Ben slapped you because of the picture?”

I knitted my brows. “So it was you who

sent the picture.”

“Of course. Ben must know that his

girlfriend is having an affair with a resto


I smirked. “Well, you’re wrong, lady. I have

no affair with others. It was only Ben. I am

loyal and not a b*tch who cheats.”

Olga’s stare is like slicing knife. “Gold


I laugh. “It’s better to be a gold digger than

to be a s--t that make out with another.”

“Are saying that I am s--t?!”

“Of course not. Why? Are you affected?”

“If you think Ben loves you very much, well

you’re wrong. I’m going to take back

what’s mine.”

“What’s yours? You dumped him and I

picked him up. Now, he’s mine. You have

no rights to make him yours because you

have thrown him away.”

Olga laughed. “You like things that I

already thrown?”

“You already thrown it, but you’re going to

pick it up? What are you? Are you getting

poor that’s why you’re picking back what

you have abandoned? Too desperate.”

“You’re the one who’s desperate here. I am

Ben’s first love.”

I laugh again. “Lady, let me tell you

something that I know you don’t know.

There are four stages of love. First stage is

the First Love, yes you’re his first love and

indeed, you still have a spot in his heart but

it is just a spot. Second stage is One True

Love. Third is One Great Love. And last is

Hopeful Love, the unexpected love that

arise from an unexpected time and scene. I

am his hopeful love, lady. Hopeful love is

very special.”

“I am his one true love.”

“Are you sure about that?”


“One true love? Come on! You lost it, Olga.

You lost Ben since the first time you cheat.

Ben deserve to be love, not to be cheated.

You broke him. You made his life miserable

and now you have a courage to return to

his life? Where’s your shame?”

“Don’t assume too much, darling. Don’t

dream too high, you might break your own

self if you fall.”

I smirked at her. “Move on, lady. You are

now just Ben’s past.”

“This past will surely make your life


“Do it. I can live with how miserable that is.

I’ve been through a lot of miserable times.

Do not threaten me because I am not the

kind of girl who get easily threaten.”

“You are just his rebound!” she shouted.

Now she lost her poise.

“Better luck next time, lady. You lost your

chance to be with Ben for the rest of your


I left her in the comfort room and return to

our table. The Colleen family isn’t here yet,

only me and Momsh. But Momsh said

they’re coming here once we saw the

results and was confirmed that one of


“What took you so long, darling?” Momsh

asked as I sit on the chair.

“Just cleared someone’s mind, Momsh.”


::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::

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