7 Years Blindness

Story 3 years ago

7 Years Blindness


I woke up two months ago and saw a man sleeping beside

me. “Where am I and who could this man be?” I wondered.

I looked at him straight in the face for about 30 seconds.

…Who Is Wale? – Sade asked.

…On my way out, a boy of about six years old rushed out

and hugged me. “Good morning mum. You’re looking so


I told him I felt better. He hugged me and waved goodbye.

…I am sorry,” he pleaded. Everyone was shocked to their

bone marrow while I burst into tears. He says he has

repented. What do I do?

…. An educative story to show you how life is full of wickedness. Though short but Invite everyone.

7 Years Blindness - S01
Story | 3 years ago

7 Years Blindness - S01