Sexx Ville - S01 E09

Story 3 years ago

Sexx Ville - S01 E09

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 9


Balance in life is very necessary and without it the world would fall into chaos and Chaos is my game, I love seeing Chaos take control and that is what to happen to both the Jones and the masons.


Jones So you’re saying that Mason is f-----g his niece…. How despicable.


Ivy The b---h is even pregnant, I heard them loud and clear.


Jones She’s pregnant!? We can’t have this… And what did mason say about that?


Ivy He wants her to abort the pregnancy but she refused, she wants to keep the child.


Jones No! No! NOOOOO! we have to do something… If people find out she’s pregnant our plan will fail, we can’t let her give birth to another heir to the Mason’s wealth.


Ivy So. What do you suggest we do?


Jones Its simple! We kill her….


Ivy Agreed! I’ve been waiting to get rid of the b---h.


Jones but make sure you ditch the body where it won’t be found, or traced back to us.


Ivy Don’t worry love, I’ve got it covered.


Weeks went by since the incident with Lucy, I couldn’t talk to her and so did she, whenever I came to Dad’s house, she would walk pass me as if I wasn’t there!

It was my fault for being short tempered, clobbering her innocent brother really pissed off Lucy! What a d--k I was.

I’ve been staying in my home feeling miserable and the house wasn’t as the same as it was cause Lucy did all the cleaning and maintenance of the house, I wanted to go I apologize but somehow I couldn’t go and I didn’t know why.

I tried calling her but she wouldn’t pick my calls in fact she completely blocked me from calling her, I don’t really understand women, Okay I did make a big mistake but I didn’t know it was her brother any guy would have acted the way I did, pure and simple.

Out of desperation, I called Josh for help to tell me what to do about Lucy, I really would hate to lose her. As soon as we met, I told him about what happened between Lucy and I.


Josh Guy! See your problem, your short temper has got the better of you!


Peter I know, I know….. Besides anyone would have done that.


Josh Nope! A reasonable person would ask who the guy was before throwing punches at him.


Peter Man, what should I do? I don’t want to lose her.


Josh Have you tried apologizing to her?


Peter I tried calling her but she wouldn’t pick my calls.


Josh You really are hopeless, you should go to her house and apologize.


Peter But I don’t know her house.


Josh Try to follow her, surprise her with gifts anything, just let her know you’re really sorry about what you did.


Peter Thanks, I’ll try.


Sooner after that, i went home got dressed and went to the mansion to wait for Lucy, I waited and waited but she didn’t show, maybe she had went to the saloon.

As I sat waiting for Lucy, Janice walked in looking miserable, she had a black eye and she looked scared. As she saw me, she rushed at me sitting close to me, she grabbed my arms with her shaky hands, one look at her face I knew something was wrong.


Janice P – peter, you have to help me.


Peter Easy Janice, what’s wrong with you?


Janice I need to get out of here… No.. I need to disappear for a while. Please peter.


Peter Why? Is something wrong?


Janice N, no I’m fine… I just need to relax for a while.


Peter You’re lying…. Look I know what’s going on! You’re pregnant and its for that bastard of a father.


Janice (shocked) how did you……


Peter It doesn’t matter, you look miserable, is something wrong, you look scared.


Janice Peter, my life is in peril, I’m not sure but I can feel it, I need to leave immediately.


Peter Look, nothing is going to happen.. You’re just imagining things..


Janice Please I beg of you.. Please peter.


Janice’s hold on my arm had gotten tight, I looked at her eyes and saw fear and desperation, though we haven’t gotten along well, I felt sorry for her, and if there is something one has to trust is your instincts, Whatever that gave her that feeling sure has to be serious and I have to help her out, after all, she’s family.


Peter do you have cash?


Janice Yes, yes, I have cash.


Peter What about transport?


Janice No, no I don’t.


Peter Alright, I’ll go get dad’s car keys from his room, wait here.


I ran upstairs quickly and went into Dad’s room, I checked his drawers and saw the key to one of his Mercedes, I took and left the room, as I was about to get down the stairs, I collided with Ivy.


Ivy Peter, its been a while, what are you doing here?


Peter I just took a car key, that’s all.


Ivy But you have your own car!?


Peter Yes, you see… There’s something I have to tell you, but promise me you won’t react.


Ivy Sure, what is it?


I told her everything that happened between Janice and my father and the outcome of It, I saw the look on Ivy’s eyes and it wasn’t a good one, she was pissed, I talked and calmed her down and she promised to cooperate.

After that, I helped Janice pack her small bag and a briefcase full of cash, she thanked me for helping her and promised to call me when she reaches her destination, she entered the car and drove away!

Ivy stood watching as Janice drove away, she lit a cigar and went back inside the house and I followed her.

What seem to surprise me was how Kate didn’t blow up a fuse over the fact that dad had cheated on her, she seemed calm and undisturbed, she sat on the couch crossing her sexy legs while she smoked, this woman is sure a mystery.


Peter You don’t seem mad over this!


Ivy Why should i,? Now I feel even with your father, I cheated on him by having sex with you and he did by sleeping with Janice, so fifty fifty.


Peter Okay…. Where is Lucy? She hasn’t been picking my calls?


Ivy Lucy? Didn’t you know?


Peter Know what?


Ivy She left a week ago, her job is done here! She’s no longer works for us, she got her pay and split.


Peter What? Why, why didn’t she tell me?


Ivy Why do you care? After all she is a nanny!


Peter She’s no nanny to me.


I left the house immediately as I had discovered about Lucy’s departure, why didn’t she tell me? Was she that heartless to understand that what I did wasn’t my intention, I never knew that a-----e was her brother and it’s not my fault I acted this way, no man can think straight if he sees his woman with another man, not to talk of settling things out with him.

My heart felt heavy and I began to feel dizzy, why would she live like this, she know how much she means to me, why would she do this?

I felt heartbroken and sad within, I couldn’t believe Lucy was gone and the worst part is I don’t know where she lives.

I entered my car and drove away, I couldn’t concentrate on the road, my mind was hurt and my head was filled with the images of Lucy, why? Just why? I’m not perfect, humans makes mistake and that’s what I just did.

Unfortunately for me, while I was driving, I didn’t see the speeding car that was coming to my left, we collided hard, cracking the steel rubber hoods of our cars, the driver of the car bursted through windshield and I hit my head hard on the wheel, from the cracking sound I heard, I must have cracked my skull or broken something, I sat motionless on my car sit, breathing with difficulty, people gathered around watching us, somewhere even taking pictures of us, before I knew it I was out cold.


Some people say a dream is like a reality only some things that happened in the dream makes it a fantasy or your imagination, well mine was no fantasy or imagination.

Though my eyes were shut and i heard voices, familiar voices, some were crying, some were laughing, some where wishing me dead, if only I could know who said those words, they’ll regret it.

After some time later, I woke up in the hospital bed feeling dizzy, I could barely move and my hands were cuffed, I tried to sit up but the pain won’t let me, it was my body was smashed by a building.

As I looked around, I saw a strange man, looking at me, he was staring squarely at me with a smile on his face. What the hell was he smiling about I wonder?


Horace Hello Mr. Peter, how are you feeling?


Peter I’m fine, who the f--k are you? And why am I in cuffs?


Horace My name is Horace, a detective, we’ll get to that later, but now you need to rest everything is going to be alright.


Peter Aright? Everything isn’t alright, WHY THE F--K AM I IN CUFFS? ANSWER ME!!!


Horace Feisty! Well you’re suspected to have killed your cousin, Janice.


Peter What? Me kill Janice? If you hadn’t noticed I was involved in a car accident, if I remember!


Horace Yes but your cousin is involved in it too!


Peter What are you saying….. Oh God, you mean the other driver was…..


Horace Yes, the other driver was Janice, she broke her neck, her skull was cracked badly! We have come to believe, her car brakes were cut off and while driving she lost control.


Peter But that doesn’t explain anything, I didn’t kill her,


Horace But you gave her the car yourself,


Peter Yes! How in the hell I’m I supposed to know the brakes were cut!


Horace Well, I’ve investigated some of your friends and family and they said, that you two don’t see eye to eye! That you two hate each other, is that why you kill her?


Peter I told you, I didn’t kill her!!


Horace Well, tell that to the judge, I’ll live you to rest in peace, good luck.


I couldn’t believe it, Janice is dead? But who would do such a thing? Who could have cut the brakes? Ivy wouldn’t have done that, she just came into the house after Janice and I talked about her departure…. Wait a minute, Dad must be behind this, he must be, that was why Janice wanted to escape! He killed her so he wouldn’t want her to give birth to the child! And now I’m taking the fall for it?? No way in hell.

In that moment, The door opened and Lucy walked in, she looked beautiful despite her sad expression on her face, before I could even say anything to her, she slapped me on my face.


Lucy You wicked soul!


Peter What is the meaning of this Lucy? Have you gone mad?


Lucy I should be the one asking you, you murderer.


Peter Murderer? Look I didn’t kill Janice, I swear.


Lucy Don’t lie to me, after what you did to my brother, do you think I’ll believe you?


Peter Lucy, that was a mistake, I didn’t mean to…


Lucy I thought you were different peter, but you’re just like the rest of your cursed family, cruel and wicked, you couldn’t even spare Janice…. Why?


Peter So you told the police about me and Janice? Didn’t you… You know what, get the f--k out… I don’t need to prove anything to anyone… GET OUT!!!!


Lucy May God have mercy on your soul.


Right in that moment, Ivy and my dad together with that p---k walked in, Ivy shook her head in sympathy, as for that he had a nasty look on his face and as for police he had that smile on his face, God I hate him.


Ivy Peter are you alright?


Mason So Peter you’ve finally done it? You’ve finally succeeded to killing your cousin, how brutal can you be?


Peter Shut the f--k up, you old bastard!


Ivy Peter! He’s your father.


Peter Father? I have no father..


Mason Allow him, he has lost his mind.


Peter You’re the one who has lost hid mind, you have the balls to walk in here and dare accuse me of Janice’s death, you have no shame… I hate you and you disgust me, don’t think you’ll get away with this, not this time, you killed mom, I know you did, and now Janice.


Ivy Peter stop this accusations.


Peter This is no accusations, this fool right here knows what he did, I know what he did, Lucy here know what he did!


Mason what are you talking about, you depraved boy?


Peter You think I didn’t know about your affair with Janice?


Mason That’s a lie…


Peter Oh really? Lucy may hate me now, but she saw it too, how disgraceful, banging your own niece! Who would do such a thing? And I overheard your conversations with her and she told you she was pregnant but you insisted she aborted it but she refused, and what do you do? You secretly cut the brakes of your only car available for her escape, some where some how you staged the murder into an accident.


Mason Nonsense! This is all false, I have no hands in her death.


Peter I don’t believe you, you know what….. Just leave, LEAVE NOW!! ALL OF YOU!


One by one they left the hospital room, every last one of them disgusts me to the core, I needed no one, I just wanted to be alone.

I felt sad for Janice’s demise, she had hope that she was going to have the baby and live a good life, but Fate had to intervene and it was a cruel one.

Weeks passed, and the case of Janice’s death has somehow dropped, Dad must be bribed the lawyers or judge to shut their mouth, cause if I had to testify, this secret would be out because that was the main reason why Janice died in the first place.

Gradually I recovered from my injuries, and I got visitors and gifts, Ivy most especially was my regular visitor and she always bought me delicacies, Josh and Pamela also came to visit me as well, and as for my dad he never came or called and I didn’t care if he did, he can go to hell.

Lucy too came but she always came when I was asleep or under sedation, she dropped gifts and food but I never touched them, not after what she said to me.

One faithful Saturday, While I was watching TV in my hospital room, Lucy came in, she looked quite pale but as always she looked divine and lovely, she sat next to me with pleading eyes but I turned my face away.


Lucy Hello Peter.


Peter ………….


Lucy how are you feeling?


Peter What do you care? Besides what brings you here?


Lucy I came to check on you! Here I bought some food for…..


Peter Leave! Now!


Lucy Peter!


Peter Don’t call me peter… I don’t know you.. And I don’t ever want to see you again.


Lucy Why? Look if its about what I said I’m sorry..


Peter Yes! Its about that, you didn’t allow me to explain, you call me awful names and even slapped me! How dare you? I tried to apologize for what I did to your brother but you didn’t care, you even used that to blame me for Janice’s demise, after all the years we spent together.. I still couldn’t believe you’d believe that awful lies about me killing Janice.


Lucy (crying) I’m sorry Peter, I never told the police, they asked me about your relationship with Janice, please try to understand..


Peter There’s nothing to understand.. You and I are through… Who knows how much they paid you, to say awful things about me?


Lucy Its not true… I wouldn’t do such a thing to you, I don’t care about the money, I care about you.


Peter Really? If you care so much, where were you when I needed you? You couldn’t even forgive me about what I did, you shut me out and left me alone, you didn’t even bother to tell me you left the house… I’m done.. I don’t need you, okay… Just leave.


Lucy Please Peter….. (Crying)


Peter Those crocodile tears won’t work on me, just leave and don’t ever cross my path again, just when I thought you were different, you’re just the same as the rest of them.


After that I turned my attention towards the TV, Lucy quietly stood up and left, as soon as she closed the door, I began to think…. I was too drastic on her… She came all this way and I gave her the boot…. Well I don’t care, I don’t need anyone, I’ll do fine by myself.


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