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My Life - S01 E28 (Story Episode)

Story 4 years ago

My Life - S01 E28 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 28




I was relaxing on the large couch at the far end of my newly acquired 6 bedroom flat in Manhattan, NYC when my phone buzzed into life revealing the lovely voice of Tatiana manios singing helplessly, a strong fan of hers actually; I was wondering who could be calling so late in the night when I picked it up without even checking who the caller was–

“Hello”– I heard from the other side of the line, was still finding it difficult to pick out who owns such sweet voice when the caller spoke again –” Its Audrey, guess you couldn’t recognize my voice”– I chuckled such sweet voice who else if not the mighty female model, Audrey Raines; she was actually a colleague of mine; oh yes, I was now a model too and a top one at that, brand ambassador of virgin as well as Estee Lauder, I had also featured in various international magazines and I was doing great–

“yo nigga, you still there?” she called out in her sexy American accent, “yes, I am and must you be so cheeky all the time” — “Dang, you make it sound like I’m such a nuisance” — she was a pain in the ass too but a lovely partner in crime and we have had some intimate dealings as well but that’s story for another time, ” Not at all, Audy”– “Dude, you ever call me that one more time, Imma chop off ya head and mail it to your sorry ass girlfriend wherever she is”… I couldn’t help but laugh, “Okay, Audrey -you called so dead in the night, anything the matter “– “Yes, Steve; I’m going over to South Africa tomorrow, I’m supposed to appear at the Nelson Mandela’s Foundation shoot, so i needed you to cover up for me at work”– “no problem Audrey, got yo back mate ” I said reassuringly –“Get off ma cell, dude; Love ya”– “same here, b---h” ..

Audrey was your typical good-bad girl, funny when she wanted to be, naughty at the slightest instant but she was a really hard, bad b---h with a very ugly side you dint want to see, I remember the day she broke a bottle of Budweiser on the head of a cab guy and got arrested by the cops, she bite off the ear of one of em’ just because he could her a hooker.. I was missing home already, leaving for Nigeria in a few days time; I missed Mum– although she visited quite a couple of times and also during my graduation too — just got my B.sc honours in Economics from Harvard university a few months back (guess you might be wondering how i was already done with the university so quick, well i dint do high school –thanks to my being brilliant and Mom’s unending connections, i got admitted into Harvard university to study Economics), i was also missing Michelle — my funny sweet and sexy girlfriend, she visited on three occasions – on my graduation, during my 3rd year in university and when she came suddenly out of the blue moon, she just said she was missing me and had to come around, she was in 200 level already same as Dean, Sammy and Nife, and they all attended the same university as well, HIGHER GROUNDS UNIVERSITY, it was a private university owned by Mum but i had the majority shares– I was already building my own business empire through Mum’s links and international based connections to boost my business presence, i owned STEEL HOLDINGS (a company that packages, and distributes finished metals and steels), BEST LIFE HOMES (a fashion company) and i was building a hotel in Manhattan already.. i had a secret SPY ORGANIZATION too, called STEEL — I was gathering information on how to end Mr. Popov — I had found out he was no ordinary foe truly, he was also responsible for the death of Mum’s husband and her son; he caused the plan crash killing thousands just to get two lives — how cruel and despicable !!

Alfred walked in, he was my chief of security — i was a big player already so i had a security company attached to me although i was one of the shareholders in it too..

ALFRED : Good night sir..

—” Good night< Alfred, I will be going underground tomorrow — make the necessary preparations” Underground was the codename for the location of the headquarters of my SPY ORGANIZATION which was situated in LOS ANGELES .

ALFRED : No problem sir– i put a call across to the pilot to prepare your private jet

—“Okay, Alfred — and don’t forget we leave for Nigeria in a few days time, all our work here is for the battle ahead, we must be fully prepared, my loved ones and all that i care about depends on us winning this war”

ALFRED : no problem, sir — fully understood

we both salute each other before i retired to my bedroom to get some rest– I underwent an extensive core military training with the US NAVY SEALs in one of the CIA black sites unknown to mum, i learned a lot about hand combact, shooting practices, gun assembling and disassembling, military tactics and recon missions.. i paid a huge amount for 3 full years and i felt i was fully prepared to make everyone who has a dent in My life pay…


ALFRED : (walks into his room, which was inside the main building)

UNIT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 –check in, butterfly has gone dark — eyes open and hovering
Jared, pull up the drone for satellite surveillance, i want to be notified even if its a rat that gets into this compound ..

To Be Continued....

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My Life - S01 E27 (Story Episode)

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