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Tarasha [completed] Season 6

Season 5 years ago

Tarasha [completed] Season 6

Date: June 2, 2031
Time: 03:00AM
Location: Abuja.

‘Are you guys efficient at all?’ the Chief blasted Carl and Eric who were standing before him. He was seated on a chair in the room, his hands on his knees and his lips fidgeting as he spoke. ‘It’s days after my three children were killed and you haven’t found their killers yet, I should have just left everything for the police which I have command over here to handle. Tell me, why am I spending so much money on you if you can’t yield results?’
There was silence for a minute. Anger was written all over Carl and Eric’s face. The Chief had invited them over and sneak them into his ward at the hospital at midnight, only for him to be laying blames on them for the death of his children who they were never responsible for protecting.
‘Are you guys dumb, can’t you explain yourselves?’
Carl took out his gun angrily and pointed it to the man’s forehead. The four security operatives with them in the room also brought out their guns and pointed at Carl in defense.
‘I’ll kill you old man and I’ll kill the rest of the men here without struggles,’ Carl warned in serious tone.
Eric grabbed his arm and signalled with his eyes for him to be calm. Carl shook his head, he looked at the man’s face again and then looked at Eric’s, Eric had a look on his face telling him to relax and allow him handle the situation. Carl lowered his gun. The security officials around also lowered theirs after some seconds.
The Chief stared blankly at Carl. He didn’t expect Carl to respond in such a way but he wasn’t scared of the gun either. All he wanted was to speak some sense into Carl and Eric’s head and make them yield results for him.

His children’s death had come as a big blow to him. He was at the hospital after a brief sickness when he heard about the assassination of his first son, he had thought that was all and he wasn’t told about the death of the two others immediately, he got to find out through the news. At the same time he also read about the Vice President and the DNA tests and he was so sure that the three children were his even though Mrs Elvis had always lied to him during her lifetime that Elvis Richards was the father of all the kids. That way, he knew Elvis Richards was already aware of his adulterous relationship with his wife and was the one who killed his children in a bid to take his revenge. He was mad at Elvis Richards but he wasn’t in a hurry to manifest his answer or lay a claim on those kids. He was going to teach Elvis Richards a bitter lesson.
‘Chief, we never had the responsibility of protecting your children, so we don’t wanna hear complaints about them whenever we are with you,’ Eric began to talk. ‘We told you we have plans set in place and we are bringing down Samantha Osman certainly.’
‘It’s taking too much time,’ the Chief said. ‘I’m sure she’s not done with me yet, even after taking my children she’s coming back for me.’
‘Do you still hold the belief that she is sponsored by your friend Chief Elvis Richards?’ Eric asked.
‘I’m not sure any longer,’ the man replied. ‘You confirmed seeing the property of one of her men there. Whether she works for him or not, I’m sure he killed my children. I’ll teach Elvis Richards a lesson but I need to get Samantha out of the way first.’

‘What about the Inspector General Of Police? Eric asked.
‘Rikau?’ Chief Afeez Abdulkadr let out a faint evil smile. ‘That guy is gone, I don’t he’d ever get out of the hospital. Make your work faster, find me Samantha Osman, then we deal with Elvis Richards.’

Tarasha’s New Base, Lagos.
Time: 7:23AM
Tarasha was in the middle of her early morning work out sessions when she noticed Henry walking towards her. He got to her side and stopped. She paused to take a look at him.
‘Tara, have you listened to the news this morning?’ Henry asked.

Tarasha rolled down the machine and raised her brows at him. ‘We only watch the night news together, why are you asking me such a question this morning?’ Tarasha asked him, wondering why he was panicking so much.
Henry took in a deep breath to calm his nerves. He stood still without saying anything for a minute.

‘Why don’t you just tell me what you need to say instead of standing and staring at me like that?’

‘What did you do to the Inspector General?’
Tarasha squinted at him, wondering if the Inspector General had been attacked by someone else already.
‘What did you put in the intravenous fluid that you used on him?’
Tarasha concealed a smile, she looked away briefly and took in a breath. She knew Henry must have seen in the news that morning that the Inspector General had developed a new illness, that was the news she was expecting before she could proceed with her work against the Vice President.
‘What kind of question is that? Was I wicked to put enough solution to keep him alive until he was discovered?’ Tarasha replied him. She found herself still trying not to offend him by making him believe she had nothing to do with the Inspector General’s state contrary to her decision not to consider whatever he said.

‘But he was discovered with a new disease this morning, the doctors say they couldn’t trace the sickness to nothing else but the liquid in that drip bag.’
‘Do you believe what the media says, didn’t they report that the hospital could not tell what liquid was in the drip bag? How come they are tracing the sickness to the liquid they don’t know?’ Tarasha questioned. Wiping the sweat on her body with a towel, she got up from the bench and removed the palm protectors on her hands. She then proceeded out of the gym. Henry followed her.
‘Then how did he develop that kind of illness which he didn’t have before the encounter with you?’ Henry asked, following her as she walked away.
She didn’t reply him but he kept on troubling her and followed into the room. She walked straight to the wardrobe while he stopped close to the entrance.

‘Tara, if you can’t give me an explanation, then it means that you are responsible for whatever happens to the man.’
She still did not reply him but continued to take off her clothes. She stripped to her pant and bra. She cleaned her neck again with the hand towel.

‘Tara, please give me a reply,’ Henry said as he proceeded towards her.
Tarasha froze partially for a moment, she stopped all was doing and turned her face sideway, counting his steps as he came closer to her.

‘Tara, I’m not…’ Henry was trying to say something when Tarasha grabbed him suddenly by the neck and pushed him to the wall.

Henry was shocked. She tightened her grip on his neck gradually and her other hand pushed his chest to the wall. He couldn’t move an inch or push her away, she was way stronger than she looked. He saw the look in her eyes, it was like a fiery furnace ready to consume whatever came in contact with it.
Tarasha’s heart was filled with rage and she felt like choking out life from him but she was able to control herself. She released her grip on his neck and took a step backward and turned her back to him. ‘I’ll pull out your oesophagus next time you talk to me about this.’

Henry fell on his knees and began to cough profusely. His eyes were watery, his neck was engulfed in pains and he could still feel the tightness of her grip on his throat.
‘That d--n man raped me, killed my parents and destroyed my family, he deserves more than what he’s getting.’ she said with tears in her eyes as she turned back to him.
Henry managed to get to his feet, he now felt sorry for her. He moved closer to her and held her hands, she tried to wriggle free but he managed to keep her palms in his. He was still trying to balance himself well by taking in deep breaths.
‘I’m sorry Tara, but I’m not concerned with what happens to that man. I’m only concerned about you,’ Henry said in a soft voice. ‘I don’t want you turning into the same heartless people that those men are.’
Tarasha pushed him and turned away. He almost fell but he supported himself by the wall and managed to stay on his feet. He proceeded back to her immediately and turned her to himself.

‘Stop this Henry, enough of the talks…’ Tarasha tried to warn him but she couldn’t complete her sentence as he covered her mouth with his in a fierce kiss. His hand was wrapped around her waist and he pressed her body to his tightly and their lips intertwined.

She found her hands going under his shirt and her fingers pressed his well formed chest and her thumbs touching his n-----s. They gradually moved closer to the bed and slowly climbed with Tarasha on top. She ripped off his shirt quickly and flung it away. Their lips met each other’s hungrily again and the kiss continued for a minute until Tarasha suddenly broke away. She raised her head up and looked towards the door like she was expecting someone. She looked at him again, he didn’t seem to have recovered fully from the strangling encounter. Some seconds after, someone knocked on the door.

She climbed off Henry’s body and rolled out of the bed. She flashed a look at the wall clock in the room as she proceeded towards the bathroom. The knock sounded again.
‘Cole, I’ll join you in the control room in five minutes,’ she said before entering the bathroom.


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