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The blue river - Season 1 - Episode 9

Episode 5 years ago

The blue river - Season 1 - Episode 9


Lora and Jasper averted their eyes from
each other on top of the mountain. They
admired the beauty of God’s creature from
the there. Suddenly, Jasper began to giggle.
“What’s funny?” Lora looked at him.
“How did we start this type of journey that
has become an adventure without food or
water?” he queried.
“That isn’t my problem now”
“Then what.. oh, i know; you are actually
worried about your love, Benlo. Don’t worry,
he’s a brave and a strong man. He will be

“Excuse me?” Lora frowned. “Stop acting
silly, that’s not my problem. My problem is
how we gonna locate them”

“Don’t worry, according to Benlo, the blue
river is at sixty degree North”
“How do you know it?”

Jasper stood up then pointed at the
direction of the located area he just
mentioned, then Lora became surprise
standing up too.

“Did you study geography?” she asked.

“I see.. Let’s go” she gradually began to
climb down the mountain followed by
Jasper again.

Darkness finally covered the atmosphere
except the bright moonlight that illuminated
any open area of the forest. Due to Benlo
was prepared, he cut out some leaves as a
bed and gathered dead grasses after which
he set them on fire. He stood before it with
the cutlass in his hand. He wore a pair of
trouser with a thick shirt that had a
covering cap above it. He was actually brave
as Jasper described. As he stood before the
fire, so as Sarah stood before her own fire
at another angle of the forest. Both did the
same thing at the same time and said the
same time at the same time which proved
they were actually destined and protected
by the river. But why both of them? That
was a question they would find the answer
as time goes on.

“God, “Benlo began likewise Sarah. “let your
will be done in this forest. Protect me and
guide me to the blue river” both la!d down
in sleep.

Jasper and Lora had no fire on but the
moon gave them light coz the were at an
open area sitting opposite each other.

Suddenly, Lora became afraid and changed
her position to the side of Jasper.
“What? Are you scared?”
“Aren’t you scared too?”
“My father use to tell me that in times like
this only the guilty heart becomes afraid for

“I don’t buy that idea” Lora objected. “Fear is
a natural thing. It comes at any time
whether your heart is pure or not”
They became quiet listening to the sound of
creepy animals.

“I can’t still believe Benlo and your sister.
What connection do they have?” Jasper
broke the silence.
“They have no connection. It’s just a
coincidence of feelings and thought” Lora
objected again coz she couldn’t imaging
Benlo and her younger sister doing
otherwise for she was madly in love with

“What do you also call our own journey, a
coincidence of thought and feelings?”
Jasper queried.

“That’s your business” Lora la!d down to


Sarah could hear the current of the river
flowing from afar. She hurried up skipping
several stones and rocks. There was an
excitement expression on her face as she
began to run. A bottle of water and small
bag dangled on her waist. Within a small
period of time, lo and behold, she stood
beside the blue river staring at it. She
couldn’t explain how she felt. Though she
could see the gold but didn’t know what
they were. As she stood there happily, Benlo
arrived from the other side of the river in a
way both faced and stared at each other’s
eyes. The cutlass fell from his hand when he
saw her. The joy and fulfilment in their
hearts activated their tears glands and both
began to shed tears.

“Who are you?” they asked at the same time
then looked at the river to see the shape of
love formed by the golds but suddenly
dispers. Benlo, who had never been
attracted by a girl looked at Sarah and
began to fall in love with her.

Sarah, who had no man in her life believed
she had found the man after her heart. All
this happened without them knowing why.
Back to Rain Brian, one of the male workers
saw Sarah and Benlo on the screen and
summoned their boss who arrived instantly.
Ena was also there looking at the screen.

She was surprise to see them there and also
knew that she was in trouble coz Mr Rain
recognised Benlo. Therefore he looked at
her. “Isn’t that boy your cousin brother? You
betrayed me, Ena!”

“Is not what you think, sir” Ena’s heart
nearly beat off her chest.
Mr Rain directed his eyes back to the screen
to see the two lovers entering into the blue
river and eventually picking up the golds
easily! “Go to the forest, don’t leave those
idiots alive” he instructed his men who
began to run out. He looked at his personal
body-guards-two huge men. “Take this
stupid lady out. You know what to do” he
pointed at Ena.

The men held Ena’s arms painfully leading
her out of the company. She knew within
herself that she was taking out to be killed
coz that wasn’t the first time….

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The Blue River - Season 1 - Episode 8

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The Blue River - Season 1 - Episode 10

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