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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 127

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 127

thank you i’d be on my way now i said
before walking out of his
office. Then i decided to say hi to a few people before going home.

James: just when he left, he was going
through there discussion
mentally. I should have looked a concrete
evidence, proving he’s
mirabel’s son he thought. Well either way,
he cant stop whats about to
happen, he has no prove. He said with a
smile knowing there secret is
still safe.


They both ate a mexican local dish with shrimp from which hot smoke emitted.

Mirabel: i guess the driver will be dropping
you off i have something
to attend to.

Sophia: that wont be a prob….and then she recalled lucas words, stay
as close as possible to her. Uhmmm no
mum, actually i get scared
staying at home alone.

and what are you?? A kid? come on dont tell me that.

am coming with you, we can go
home together.

Mirabel: she got out her phone, dialed
forbes private line. Lets meet
some other time someone is holding me

Forbes: then you should call the cop.

Mirabel: i can handle her myself.

Forbes: alright then just let me know when you are ready.

yes!!! She yelled in head smiling.

i know you think i bought those lie
but its only a matter of
time before i find out whats going on.

Sophia: huuh!! Mum!!

Mirabel: and trust me, when i do, no more classy trips for you.

Sophia: you’re gonna cancel my trip??

Mirabel: not at all sweetheart she said with a smile.

oooh thank God.

Mirabel: but you’ll be grounded for the
entire vacation she said with big smile.

mum!! She yelled a bit holding her

Mirabel: eat up now, we have to go back home.

They both concentrated on there food
and soon they were done
with it. They left the restaurant to there car
and the driver took
them home.


Finally i was back home, i sat on the couch,
making a raw draft of my
plans. I was seriously considering going to
los angeles, considering
the fact i have been there before,
with no travelling experience. I
might get robbed and become stranded,
well i must say that scared me a

Just then a voice popped up in my head
sophia!! Shes a bit
experienced perhaps we could just tell mum,
we wanna go on a trip to
see new things ofcourse. I was still thinking
when mum and sophia

Me: welcome mum i said smiling

Mirabel: you never told me you were you’d be leaving without us.

Me: sorry i had to attend to some personal issues, hope i didnt make you worry.

Mirabel: sophia was a wonderful companion she said smiling as she
climbed the stairs.

Just then i recalled i havent had anything
to eat, i got to my
room showered and was back to the
kitchen to fix something.

Sophia was back to her game, obviously
she missed playing it.

I walked straight to my room for a
wonderful nap perhaps am gonna come
up, with something geeky when i wake.

I was really tired, i slept immediately, and
when i was begining to
feel so relaxed, i felt a tap.

Me: sophia!! Can you not see am sleeping.

Sophia: i wanna hear your explanations, like now.

Me: well i have a better news, keith owns a restaurant in los angeles,
its called harre’s spices.

Sophia: woow how did you know that.

Me: finding him now isnt gonna be problem i said smiling.

Sophia: are you talking about a trip to los angeles?? Because am
seriously in she said smiling.

great but am thinking of leaving
tomorrow you know am sure we’d be
back before thursday.

Sophia: why in a hurry??

uhmmm i really want mum to be happy.

Sophia: thats sweet but am not going with you to search for, am going
because i want to go on a trip. So i guess its
a secret then.

Me: yes sophy

we cant make a quick visa without
raising mum’s suspicions,
how about grandpa’s jet she said grinning.

hahaha actually i can get us a visa but i think we’d talk to him
about it tomorrow, since you’ve got your
eyes on it.

and what do we tell mum?

you should think of something
constructive sophia, i wanna sleep

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 126

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 128

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