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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 125

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 125

We both had our fixed on her until she was done with her explanations.

Mirabel: she chuckled, come on guys dont give me those looks.

Me: uhmm you mean if keith shows up right now you…………..

i might have a rethink you know she said smiling.

Sophia: ooh come on mum stop getting our hopes up, you said it already, its been a very long time. Am sure he’s already married with lots of kids!!

Mirabel: exactly what am saying she said with a smile.

Sophia: oooh!! Mum!! This time i give up, your’ve made it clear you aint interested in the idea of getting married and i give up.

Mirabel: hahah thats my girl, i’d be right back i have to go check on a few things, she said before leaving the office.
Right now i gave up the idea of engaging in a stock market as i had a quick look through the files on the tables. Finally i was done, i got back to the system, grabbed the mouse and clicked on the browser. The idea was using the facebook search engine to find out something useful about keith.

and what is he doing she asked dryly.

Me: well lets just say you gave up and i didnt, i said smiling. As over 50people with name keith harrells popped up.

Sophia: she moved her head close to see whats on the screen. Hahaha great now your gonna send him a friend request.

uhmmm not really, you wait and see i said smiling a bit, as i ran a careful check on their profiles. And then after while, i found an individual, A graduate of harvard,
current city los angeles. Yes!! This should be it i thought.

Me: and right now i feel like a need a strawberry flavoured yoghurt, i said with a big grin.

found something??

you might wanna see for yourself you know. She moved closer to take a good look at the screen.

hahah you have to stop this now lucas, how on earth do you think you can ever find some you do not know. This isnt some science experiment!

am willing to try!

well goodluck with that.

just then i saw mum’s bag on her seat perhaps he could be on her friend list!! And who says i cant find someone i do not know i said with a smile. I quick grabbed her bag hoping she left her phone behind.

now what are you doing with mum’s bag?

ok heres the thing, since they were friends he’d definitely be her friend on facebook, if i can find her phone and do a search on her list i could probably find him you know.

lovers actually, thats a brilliant idea she said smiling, you have to hurry she might walk in anytime.

I searched for a while, finding no trace of her cell phone, just then a document caught my attention, i took it out to take a close look at it and it was a business deal with milano’s name!

what are you doing lucas, you are not suppose to be looking at that!

if this is what i think it is, then it should be kept by milano and not mum. Since its with her, it can only mean one thing, something serious is about to happen!

lucas!! She called out abit worried.

i returned the document to its original position, as lots of thoughts ran through my head.

why do you have those looks on.

i think something serious is about to happen.

Sophia: ok i dont understand abit of what you are saying!

the thing is am having a difficult time figuring exactly what!

ok! She said urging me to continu
Me: you have nothing to worry sophia, just stick with mum and try not to leave her on her own, you guys would have to meet me at home.

Sophia: and??

i’ll explain everything later i have to leave now before mum gets back. I said giving her a peck as i rushed out taking the stairs, avoiding the elevator in other not to go crashing into mum. Soon i was out of fadden corp, boarded a cab down to MJ for more details.


Schwartz secret house was a perfect hide out, the front view was like that of an old building, which had an underground turnel which led to a very beautiful glass house, so beautiful, you’d never know it existed in such a place. It was spacious and of course had a standard training kits.

She la!d on the floor breatheless after hours of hard trainings when schwartz walked in.

you look pretty exhausted he said with a smile.

Dera: ooh! you back.

have got a bit of goodnews.

ok lets hear it she said smiling.

Schwartz: this year annual re-union, isnt just gonna be done the usual way, its gonna be more like a party and most of all mr cornel’s heir will be present.

Dera: smiling he will be completely destroyed. What about the others?

Schwartz: you mean the rest of the official, except for mr micheal i think they have heirs and they’re gonna be present.

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 124

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