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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 116

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 116

she stared at him for while. Its been more than 20years now and you kept this secret all this to yourself??

Milano: come on vanessa i didnt want you to think i was bad person.

Vanessa: are you a good person?? She asked a bit pissed, when i asked you who lucas was, i believe you still recall the perfect lie you gave me!!!.

Milano: vanessa i had no choice, i had you and the kids, i didnt want to ruin our relationship.

she stared at him for awhile, ok ok fine now that you’ve mentioned, can you explain to me why ricky and lucas are of thesame age bracket??

Milano: vanessa plsss stop making this more complicated.

Vanessa: i can actually understand why damian is older than lucas, but lucas and ricky your gonna have to explain to me!! She yelled abit obviously she was begining to loose it

Milano: alright alright just calm down ok. Remember when we first met on one of my visit to amsterdam?

Vanessa: yeah i remember, we hooked up, drank tequila together and then had unprotected s-x. I got pregnant with damian. I remember all of that milano!!

ok and then your family moved down.

Vanessa: and we got engage before, i moved to chicago, for a wonderful vacation just for my baby and i.

Milano: she was sounding really impatient, he thought it wise to stop the explanation right now.

it was obvious he doesnt wish to continue, she stared at him as droplet of tears fell from her eyes. Perhaps you aint gonna explain, well i think i know exactly what happened.

Milano: plssss you have to stop acting this way vanessa.

Vanessa: dont you dare tell me that milano!! I was away with your child in me, with thoughts of coming back and getting married, while you on the other hand got married in my absence.

vanessa plssss stop it you are really making me feel bad.

Vanessa: ok fine am not gonna cry anymore, i just have one question. You did everything possible for me to remain in chicago, but then i missed you a whole and i came anyway to see you, when we got all wild and naughty after going over a few bottles again. She said sobbing abit.

Milano: i dont regret spending anytime with you vanessa.

Vanessa: its very clear now, you had me first and then you moved to her, after sweet talking into leaving for chicago that same day milano.

am really sorry vanessa i really regret every bit of it right now.

am sure its alot easy for you to say that. You made a fool of me milano, i gave you my heart and you tolled with it like it was nothing. It hurts me now to even think i was never enough for you milano.

plssss you dont have to think that way vanessa, i love you, i swear.

she stared at him, grabbing her mouth, like she was fighting back her tears. You know what milano, if you had told me all this at the time you brought lucas home. I would have been mad, but on a second thought, i would have apreciated the fact you think you could share your deepest secrets with me.

Milano: i know i was wrong not telling but…..

Vanessa: no matter how i think about it milano, i still feel you are only saying the truth because she’s back for her pound of flesh. It really breaks my heart to know you were gonna keep me in the dark forever milano.

am really sorry vanessa

no milano, actually i am more sorry, you better hope she grinds you into powder because if doesnt am gonna do worst she said, standing up as she ran away crying like she just had the worst heart break ever.

I sat on the couch pondering over what liz just told me, i cant believe mum kept this away from me. Perhaps that explains why she wanted me home so urgently. No matter how hard i tried i just couldnt stop thinking about it.

I stood up walked into the kitchen for launch and then i was back to the living room. Staring at the wall clock, its noon already and sophia isnt back, i turned on the tv and kept my wandering mind busy with soaps. Just then the bell ranged.

Me: who could that be i thought, i wasnt expecting anyone, perhaps that could be mum’s guest and then the bell ringed again. Am coming!!! I sanged as i rushed to the door holding it open, to see an aged man, sparkling wonderfully in a very expensive tux.

hello sir. How may i help you??

i thought i was gonna get a hug from my grandson.

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 115

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 117

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