MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 60

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 60

so tell me, how was your weekend, because i know you didnt spend it here in patmos she said smiling.

Me: smiling it was quite fun atleast i got to see my baby sis and some workpals but then i wished i didnt go over for the weekend.

Dera: why??

Me: you know dad saw this i said pointing at the plaster, he uhmm after a brief interrogation section, my punishment for fighting is going a week without my credit card.

Dera: whoa! What a minute, how did you get breakfast and lunch??

Me: smiling, haha you really dont wanna know girl.

Dera: yeah i wanna know.

Me: seriously you dont expect me to say that to you i said chuckling, its quite a scene.

Dera: ok then fine uhmm since am its kinda my fault too, we can both make use of my credit card.

Me: uhmmm that wont be neccessary.

Dera: come on dont feel shy, its natural for couples to share things.

Me: smiling thats sweet i said touching her cheek. Lets dance i said helping her up as i led her to the dance floor.

not for a day did i forget your pretty face..

Isabel: well make no mistake i didnt pick you, because i wanted to date you.

Damian: tell me!

Isabel: i wanna make your life miserable for 7days. She said with a straight face.

Damian: you really have no idea how romantic that sounds he said with a smile.

Isabel: lets hope its gonna feel romantic too.

Damian: have you ever heard of plato or eros.

Isabel: nope!! She said looking abit stunned.

Damian: you know myth has it that naturally the universe has a way of bonding two hearts together. First they meet accidentally but then theres gonna be a linking bridge bringing them together again and again.

smiling and what are you driving at??

Damian: smiling if you’d pardon me am gonna sound abit fettish but then, every man has just one chance of finding the one person whom his heart truly needs to bond with. All you need to do is recognise that one lady and the plato and eros feeling comes naturally, an opportunity of a life time to be happy. You dont have to struggle to bond he said smiling.

Isabel: smiling you are crazy!

Damian: i wish i was girl!, right now my universe has found you he said smiling..

Isabel: she was so speechless she just smiled he sounded so sweet. Seeing you shattering a glass at lucas face perhaps it kinda made me had a wrong impression about you.

Damian: thats it!! Thats the linkage lucas he said smiling like he has won a trophy.

Isabel: hahaha what is wrong with you!

Damian: come on lets dance he said standing as he pulled her to the dance floor. She just smiled.


We danced smiling moving around just then we crashed into a couple.

Me: oooh sorry i said turning to see who, isabel??

Damian: dera! He called out with a straight face.

Isabel: hey she said smiling a bit you are here.

Damian: smiling good to see you guys getting along he said.

Me: abit shocked? Are you sure about that?, cos i really dont want another glass crashing on my face again.

Damian: come on!! Man am serious, have just found my one in a life time love! He said touching her cheek passionately as she smiled.

Me: my mouth just flew open like am actually dreaming without even sleeping.

Damian: sorry we’ve got to go he said carrying her in his arm as isabel waved goodbye with her face beaming with smiles.

Me: how is that possible i thought as i chuckled.

Dera: resting her head on my shoulder smiling, they look so good together.

Me: smiling come on we are way better i smiling as i grabbed her hands, and we danced a while longer before getting exhausted.

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 59

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 61

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