MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 51

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 51

We got into the elevator, the destination was the 3rd floor, we walked into the controll room with me leading the way. Turned the knob as i walked in.

Me: hello guys i said smiling a bit.

lucas!!!! She said jumping on her feet giving me a big hug. Let me guess you’re on vacation?.

Me: nope just came by to say hello. I said as roger and i had a hand shake while becky came for hug. We all talked and laugh, i totally forgot i came with pamela and ricky.

i know you missed that coffee he said smiling.

Liz: is it just the coffee or you missed me too she said winking.

Me; everything! I said smiling.

uhmm i think someone is forgetting something she sang.

Me: ooh!! Hahaha am totally sorry that my sis pamela and bro rico but he love being called ricky especially by ladies i whispered a bit. Ricky pamela meet my co-workers, rogers, becky, liz, sam and tricia i said as they all exchanged plesantries.

Tricia: uhmm am curious i know damian is your big bro and pamela ofcourse your baby sis she said smiling so you and ricky who’s older or younger? She asked smiling as every one waited for answer.

Am older!! We both said in unison.


Ricky: am 2days older!!

Me: prove it!

Ricky: you were born…..

whoa whoa you are seriously not gonna say that!

Ricky: ok then we’d let them be the judge, dont i look older and cuter?? He asked smiling.

Becky: hmm yeah sure you do

Sam: i think so too

hold it my lucas is cuter and i think his your big bro too.

Roger: that what i think too

me too!

Me: hahaha that what am talking about girl i said giving her a hi 5

Pamela: hahahaha she laughed weirdly not showing excitement, and we all paused to see what wrong with her.

Sam: are you ok

am not ok!!! She yelled, i thought theres gonna be refreshments!! Aaaarrghh she said sitting on an empty seat as we all burst in laughter.

Liz: alright you’ve got nothing to worry about i’ll get you something, she said walking away.

Tricia & becky: we’ve got reports to summit they said walking out with files in there hands.

Ricky: d--n!!! Those a-s are great!!! He said as we all stared at him like he was crazy and then he turned to see us staring.

Ricky: hahaha i didnt say that loud did i, i was only kidding.

Me: they’re older than you

Roger: smiling way older, you see the last lady to leave shes 28.

Ricky: jeeeez!!! Just then liz walked in holding a tray and a disposable cup of coffee.

Liz: were did they go?

Roger: to summit a report.

Me: handing a cup of coffee over to pamela.

Pamela: am i supose to drink that?

Ricky: no…!! just throw it into your stomach silly!

Pamela: did you just call me silly!! Pulling his arm as she brought his head close, if you dont act nice to me am gonna tell dad you were hitting on his staff.

Ricky: i wasnt!!

you know he’s gonna believe every word i say, i might also add you grabbed her butt!! She yelled slightly while we just watch the scene as we wondered what she was saying to him.

Ricky: smiling weirdly, you know am actually silly to think you are silly now if you dont mind can you have a cup of coffee.

looked in suprised, while i smiled knowing she was blackmailing him again.

i would love too if your my lovely brother is gonna get it for me.

Ricky: you know i would he said smiling as he touched her cheek, walked to the table, picked a cup of coffee and hand it over to her.

Pamela: thank you she said smiling.

ooh! Come on thank you for being my sister.

Liz: whispering in my left ear, i think i like her she said with a smile

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 50

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 52

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