MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 43

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 43


She was out with her friends for a while, they did awhole lot of talking about boys and uhmm she was a bit silent.

Jennifer: you aint talking isabel, she asked looking at her closely.

Steph: yea you’ve been silent for a while now.

Isabel: i really know nothing about boys anymore. She said as they all looked at each other with lots of suprise.

Lia: by chance did you get heart broken she asked.

Isabel: not at all

Jenny: then what is it??

Steph: come on you know you can talk to us she urged.

Isabel: alright its really nothing, just that i have a crush on this guy but he really doesnt seem to like me and i really dont know what to do.

Lia: come on girl!! You always have the card.

Isabel: not this time she said looking down abit, her answer really came as a shock to them.

Jenny: come on! You just cheer up a bit we are gonna help she said smiling, you know we can.

Isabel: then the bills for your lunch gonna be on me!, she said and they all stood up yelling Go girl!! Go girl!! As they walked to the cafetaria, just then she saw lucas dropping his tray on the floor. His gaze was directed towards a lady, yes!! The lady that stole him away from me on the day of the game. Could it be his pissed because she’s hanging out with his brother, she thought and decided to watch.

Jenny: whats wrong girl lets get going already.

Lia: isabel!! She sang.

Isabel: thats him she said simply


dera looking backwards to see luke she was a bit shocked but she quickly hid it, while damian on the other hand gave his usual dirty smirk.

Me: i wanted to leave but while he gave his mocking smirk, i could here his heart say i won bro. At this point all i wanted was to give him a few hits, as i tightened my fist and walked towards him angrily, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt pulling him up, i was about hitting him when i felt a glass shattering on my fore head, causing great pain on my left eye.

Me: aaaaaarrrrggghh!!! I yelled falling backward pressing so hard on my left eye trying to calm the sharp pain i felt.

Damian: looking at him as he jerked in pains, the next time you grab my shirt again, am gonna do more than hitting your face with a wine glass he said as he walked away pulling dera along.

Isabel: seeing luke on the floor she ran as fast as she could to where he was grabbing his arm. Luke your bleeding come on lets get you to the hospital.

ok then am listening.

exhaling, it really did seem like a hard thing for her to say. You did give birth to a set of twins, it was late that night, after cleaning the babies, getting them dressed in nice cloths they were placed a comfortable baby bed. You were unconscious after delivery, i walked out of the room to get some rest in the reception and just then a strange boy walked in, something about him seem odd, and i decided to follow. He walked into the ward to were the babies slept peaceful, out of curiousity i asked why are you in here. His reply to me was with the picture of my boy, he said am gonna have to take one of this babies and no one has to know otherwise your son would be gone too. I was so confused who he was and how the hell he knew that a set of twins was delivered, but he looked dangerous, i couldnt risk asking course my boy is all have got after my husband left. I handed the child over to him and he left through the backdoor, i really couldnt bare to see him take that baby away so i followed from behind unnoticed and then he got to a car parked outside, when a man came down.
I tried catching a glimpse of his face and it was doctor charles, i ran out of my hide out to him, yelling on top my voice “that man stole the baby from a patient”, thinking he would help but rather it went the other way round, the lad wanted me dead but he gave a chance to resign and this house in other to keep his secret buried. I can still remember the words he said to me, am gonna let you live, but say this to anyone and your boy would be gone!

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