MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 33

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 33



She did her hygiene and was off to the office,
this time she wasnt looking into her
company’s file, she grabbed the office
telephone punch a few numbers.
Mirabel: mr forbes come right in she said
dropping the line and in less than 5minutes
the door flew open.


James forbe was her friend from college, they
did most of studying together. Although
currently his a practicing lawyer with 2 kids,
for old time sake she has to get in touch with
james, knowing she needed someone she
could trust for the task she wanted, someone
who is capable. She had brief conversation
with him last night on phone and he made it
as promised to fadden corp.


forbes: wooow you havent aged abit he
teased smiling.

Mirabel: uhmm is that grey hairs??? She
asked teasingly

Forbes; come on mirabel you know its been a
long time he said smiling.

Mirabel: yeah i know she replied smiling too.

Forbes: so lets get it over with.

Mirabel: handling a file to him, heres a few
details about the companies in question. The
task is simple do all you can to take over
ownership she said grinning.

Forbes: smiling thats gonna take a while but
am up to the task he said smiling. Have you
had breakfast yet.

Mirabel: not yet she said

Forbes: how about we eat out to catch up on
old times he was said smiling and perhaps,
talk more of business.

Mirabel: uhmm that will be nice she said with
a smile.


He couldnt take his eye of her as he lit up the
candle, the silver plate gave a beautiful
reflection of the candle light.

Damian: you look beautiful he said softly.

Dera: thanks for the compliment she said with
a smile.

Damian: you know have thought about what to
say to you a thousand times, and then finally
figured out something.

Dera: hmm whats that?

Damian: have decided to show you my heart
he said opening the meal they were supposed
to share, well decorated forming a love

Dera: smiling# its cool

Damian: yeah right here in my heart i think
you are the coolest, i really dont to want to
live in a world void of you, you’ve become my
happiness, joy and all i want to dream of
when am not awake. Its not just gonna be just
word i say, it’s gonna be my sincerity. He
said with a smile.

Dera: she was completely blown off she
couldnt help but smile

Damian: lets eat he said as they both digged
into the food. They ate in silence for a while,
when they were done he took her for a slow
tango dance. After the long time of a
wonderful dance, they were a bit exhausted.


Turning slowly to see a black kid abit
muscular seemed like he spent lots of hours
in the gym.

Me: just hoping i’d take it all out on it, i said
sitting on the floor.

Guy: smiling a bit yeah, i get it that moment
when you get angry at your inability to do
something, or getting frustrated by some
dude interference he said smiling.

Me: kept my gaze on him, i wasnt in the
mood for smiles. Well have got a few butt i
wanna kick so badly i said.

Guy: am leo he said stretching his arm out to
help me up.

Me: lucas i said grabbing his palm.

Leo: i think its kinda late already.

Me: what about you? I asked

Leo: i work here, most times i stay up all
night training, so tell me, why were you
hitting the bag so hard for a very long time?

Me: some dude ruined my day and then i
figured out i needed this kind of training.

Leo: smiling hahha you really do remind me
alot about myself i could remember learning
kickboxing because some dude stole my

Me: smiling abit, atleast you were motivated.

Leo: like you are right now? Yup, you know i
could teach you if you want.

Me: ofcourse i want, like now!!

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 32

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 34

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