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CASSANDRA - Season 1 - Episode 10

Episode 7 years ago

CASSANDRA - Season 1 - Episode 10

I la!d low for the rest of the week, keeping to myself and attending to my businesses.
I traveled to Onitsha during the weekend to check up on my brother and my shops which were doing very well like i expected.
I returned to Owerri, the next Monday with my mind focused on taking my relationship with Cassandra to the next level. I planned inviting her over and getting her to at least introduce me to her family. I desperately wanted to sped up my relationship with her. Oh yes I was very much in a hurry to wed the pretty damsel. I had the money. I had the required love. What again could stop me from getting married as soon as possible??.

I wasted no time in inviting Cassandra over again. At first she tried to come up with an excuse when I muttered the invitation but after insisting, she agreed to come over on Friday which was roughly four days away.

As for Nora, I tried my best to avoid her, which made me to always leave very early to my office each day and return very late at night in order not to run into her.
I avoided her out of nothing else but guilt. I couldn’t bear seeing her face after that night of wondrous passion we shared. Deep down I really wanted to know how she was faring but had to avoid her because I had to hide from the guilt of seeing her looking so hurt.

Friday quickly approached with Cassandra showing up by 4pm. I had to leave my shop early just to be at home and wait for her arrival. I was extremely excited like a guy dying of love.
‘’I’m so happy to have you here my dear’’ I said happily as I let her into my apartment. She smiled sweetly, melting my heart more with her charming smile.
‘’I’m equally glad to be here with you. It’s just as if we haven’t seen each other for ages’’ she said like a girl fully in love. I drew close and hugged her from behind, breathing in the scent of her hair.
‘’but dear I’m really heading to Portharcout right now’’ she added, freezing my heart with the unexpected words.
‘’I thought I invited you for the weekend?. I thought you are here to be with me?
’’ I stammered unhappily.
‘’I’m going home to see my parents. You see I have to try sq££ze out some money from dad. I have three expensive text books to buy. So I’m on my way home to get the money. I only stopped here out of respect and due to the fact that you literally begged me to come over. Our exams are starting in late February and if not for it i would have stayed with you this weekend and then travel home the following weekend ’’ she muttered, breaking free and facing me with innocent eyes.
Her words, behavior and composure looked so real and convincing. I had no reason to doubt her. But I just couldn’t let her leave. I was so happy seeing. I so badly wanted to be with her, moreover seeing her that evening increased everything I felt for her.
‘’don’t look so sad. You see this is beyond my control. I’m so sorry’’ she apologized meekly.
‘’how much are the text books?’’ I asked. She swallowed hard and hesitated.
‘’They are quite expensive’’ she stammered.
‘’how much?’’ I asked again.
‘’The three is fourteen thousand Naira, plus a practical journal that cost one thousand Naira’’ she answered. I kept quiet for a while, as I ran some calculations in my head.
‘’no I just cant let her go home because of fifteen thousand Naira. Being with her makes me so happy. No I cant let her go’’ I concluded as i breathed deeply.
‘’supposing I provide the money will you stay the weekend with me?’’ I asked seriously.
‘’yes of course I will, but it isn’t necessary. I’m still my parents responsibility. You have already tried by helping me with my hostel rent’’ she answered weakly. I smiled and placed my hands on her shoulders.
‘’don’t worry, just be with me. By Sunday I will give you the money’’ I suddenly offered, drawing out the wildest gasp from her.
‘’oh my gosh. This is unbelievable. You are simply amazing’’ she breathed, grabbing my face and giving me the most hottest kiss I have ever gotten. My head exploded a million times over..
”i so much thank God for bringing you into my life in this difficult moment. I never imagined such a generous person like you will come into my life. you are simply the best” she cried, kissing me once again without any reservation, in a manner i never expected. I held on tightly to her, so happy that finally i had her love in my hands. Finally i had her under control.

But what i failed to realize was that the pretty girl was so good in making a man fall helplessly in love with her. She was so good at it, even way better than our Nollywood actress INI EDO..
Oh Cassandra..

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CASSANDRA - Season 1 - Episode 9

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