Peace And Rose

Episode 7 years ago

Peace And Rose

Later in the evening.

Donald had called Cynthia seven times but she didn’t pick up the calls. She had added him to the blacklist of her mobile phone so that whenever he called, the phone wouldn’t ring.

Though, she saw the fifth call as she smiled he must have been searching for me.. she thought and felt glad.

Donald returned back to her company during lunch, to ask after her but it was still the same, he was told she was not around.
He was getting annoyed and fed up, he drove to her house that evening, with the hope of meeting her, since it was late already. It was Aliyah that came to get the gate.
She didn’t bother to open it, she just told him Cynthia wasn’t around.
“This is intentional.” He growled as he drove to Daniel’s house to get him informed about Cynthia.

He hardly sat down when he started discussing with Daniel- Cynthia’s father.
“I’ve been searching for her, she’s nowhere to be found.”

Daniel laughed out and clapped his hands together.
“Don’t worry, I’ve planned for this likewise. She thought she has escaped, she never knew I’ve been monitoring her closely.

A person who someone is monitoring won’t know, she’s in Ede, her cousin’s place in Osun state.” He laughed again.
“Really?” Donald breathed heavily.
“Don’t worry, I’ll bring her back on Thursday.” He continued laughing.

Donald was happy, his wish had finally came to reality.


CYNTHIA called Raymond’s mobile number that morning to know his well-being. At least, he got into the problem because of her.
His friends were in the room with him trying to make him remember the pasts when Cynthia called.

Ayomide had brought up the idea of getting his family informed but Lawrence and Ismail had cancelled the plan.
They said it might make the mother afraid and another problem might start that way.

“Can you remember that I gave you a blue diary on your birthday?” Cynthia asked him.

Raymond started thinkkng as usual, wondering what diary that was given to him.
He still couldn’t provide an answer to her question until the call ended.
Cynthia felt bad, she hated seeing someone in agony just because of her, she felt like the cause of his problem.
Woe to the headache that came up the other day, if not for that, he would be on his own, enjoying his life.. she muttered as she ended the call.

“Guys, we have to travel to that Ede tomorrow. At least, to appreciate that lady again and hear from the Doctor who treated him.” Ayomide said.

“What of Jummy? Haven’t you called her?” Lawrence asked.
“I have, she was the one who told me that I should take him there tomorrow for check-up and to hear the Doctor out before she’d start anything on him.”
“Alright, no problem. I know one day, we’re going to overcome all this.” Ismail heaved a sigh.

Daniel just called his guys he had sent after Cynthia and told them that Cynthia must be brought back to him in Ibadan on Thursday.
It was that day he got Cynthia informed about her introduction he had planted those that would be trailing her secretly because she might run away.

He was so desperate that he was serious with the introduction ceremony.
He had called Donald’s father and told him he had to be in the lace attire that was in vogue for the introduction.

9:30 am, Thursday.
Lawrence parked at the front of Maria’s gate and came down with his friends and Raymond.

Ayomide called on Cynthia that they were already outside there, so they could visit the hospital together.
Cynthia was dressed in a purple gown, the same one she wore to her place of work on her birthday, she was smiling as she got the gate opened.
Immediately Raymond saw her he remembered a scene, but it was blurr.
He was downcast as he cereberated.
He remembered the day she sat before him and both ate in the eatery where he asked her what her favorite colour was, and she replied purple. She was also dressed in that gown.

“Cynthia, good morning.” Ayomide greeted her as she came out.
“Morning, how are you?” Cynthia asked smiling.

Immediately he heard the voice, it sounded familiar again. Cynthia… He repeated. Just then a car parked before them and some guys came out of it rough handling Cynthia into the car.
They looked huge, Raymond’s friends stepped backwards in fear as they sighted them but Raymond couldn’t hold back himself. He had remembered Cynthia.
He stepped forward to challenge the guys, just then he got the beating of his life.

To Be Continued…

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