Peace And Rose

Episode 7 years ago

Peace And Rose

What is this man saying?
What introduction?
“What introduction? Dad.”
She questioned as she stared at her father angrily.

“You heard me right, didn’t you?” He hissed.

“I guess it’s high time we left here for the couple..” Donald’s father grinned as he stood up and faced Daniel.

“Sure, that was what I was about doing.” He grinned mischievously and followed Donald’s father, both excused the newly matched couple.

Not long after their departure, she stood angrily and carried her bag.

“Where are you off to? I guess we were left here to have nice time, sit and let’s celebrate.” Donald said.

Cynthia halted and turned back, giving him a scary look. Donald took his face away and smiled.
He stood up and placed his right hand on her shoulder.

Cynthia pushed his hand away and faced him properly.

“What is the meaning of this rubbish?
Why on earth did you touch me?”
She hissed aloud and left the compound.

Donald heaved a sigh and sat down.

Precious and Maria left the hospital that night to take a rest.

They had been informed by the Doctor that Raymond would be discharged the following day.

They left as early as they could because they waited to receive the outcome of the tests the Doctor carried out on him.

Maria drove off, she was very tired. “Why don’t you let us go and visit Frank to collect your purse and phone?” Precious asked.

“Yeah, that’s true.” She smiled and headed there.
Cynthia stepped into the living room and sat, exhaling deeply.

“Wasn’t easy.” She said and dropped her handbag on the floor.

“How far? Have you seen him?” Paulina asked.

“No, couldn’t even contact his friends.” She replied.

“Sorry, all is well.” Aliyah said and cuddled her.

“Dad even called me today..” she stopped abruptly.

“What again? I just hope it’s not Donald.” Evelyn uttered.

“Exactly! It was Donald. Imagine Dad telling me I’m going to have my introduction done next week Saturday.” She said angrily.

“What?” Paulina voiced out while others laughed.

“This is not a funny matter. I just don’t know why things are going thia way, it’s annoying, not funny!” She exclaimed.

“Take it easy.. Next week? To Donald?” Evelyn chuckled.

“That’s not possible now, you own yourself and you life! Alhaji can’t tell me that, when he’s not the one who will go and live with me in the guy’s house.” Aliyah hissed.

“All the same, bring a guy wih a thin trouser and think he’s going to accept him as his son in-law.” Esther smiled.

“That’s not the point now, the point is getting Raymond.” She stood up.

“I’m really hungry.”
She said as she approached the dinning set.

“There’s bread in the oven and you can use anything of your choice to take it.” Paulina replied her.

“Alright, thanks.” She smiled as she headed in to take her bath.
Finally, the Youth Coppers that were sold the phone got to the guys that sold the phone to them.
Raymond’s friends had planned they wouldn’t take any rubbish from anyone as they got there.

They enquired where they got the phone but after some minutes, they spoke the truth that it was gotten from a car that had an accident.

Ray’s friends were scared, was Raymond involved in the accident?
They begged the guys to take them to where the accident happened.
To Be Continued…

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