Peace And Rose

Episode 7 years ago

Peace And Rose

“He hasn’t returned yet?” Cynthia asked.
“Yes… Maybe the guy has gone home to sleep. He has tried.” Paulina replied.

“No. I know Raymond. He wouldn’t do such a thing.” Cynthia said, wondering.
“So you want him to sleep over? Won’t he prepare for work?” Aliyah smiled.
“Something tells me all is not well.
He hasn’t been picking up his calls likewise.” Cynthia complained.
“Do you expect him to?
A guy who ran away.” Esther laughed.
Cynthia sighed. “Alright.”
Next morning. 8:45 am.
“You were just arguing! Have we now seen him?” Ayomide shouted at Lawrence.
“Now, none of us can go to our places of work.
You were adamant, I’ve always told you about this stubbornness.”
Ismail hissed and sat down.
None of the guys could sleep well, they were wondering where he could be.
They’ve been chiding him since they returned from the hospital the last
“I’m sorry. From all indications, I thought he was there.” Lawrence felt repentant.
“What’s the next step to be taken? What do we do?” Paul asked softly
from his seat.
“I think.. some of us will go to the hospital to inquire from Cynthia if she had heard from him.
From there, if everything should be the same, we are going to the trackers instantly to track his car.
From there, we’ll know where he is.” Lawrence suggested.
“So your brain can work this much..” Ayomide unfolded his arms, ready
to do anything wished.
“Where do we start? Lawrence and I will visit the hospital, you guys
should go and meet our trackers to help.
And how can we locate his phone
likewise? It’s going to help.” Ayomide uttered.

“Alright, just go with Lawrence. Everything would be taken care of.” Paul
stood up on his feet.
“He’s still unconscious.” The Doctor informed Maria and her friend.
Three out of the thieves had already passed on while the remaining one was still struggling to live.
Raymond was still unconscious, hoping he’d
wake up soon.

“I just hope we don’t get ourselves into a big trouble with this help we are rendering.” Precious said to Maria quietly.

“I’ve been pondering on that too.
The people we don’t know, three out of
them are dead now.” Maria sighed.

“Let’s get another person involved. Should I call Peter to come and help?
At least he’s a cop.” Precious asked.
Peter was her cousin. “That’s good. We don’t have the contact of any of
Let’s go to the place we met them and search the car if we’re going
to find phones.” Maria suggested.
“That’s another nice idea.” Precious smiled.
“Let’s get going..” Maria stood up.

She hardly stood when she heard a nurse call her. “We just confirmed
that another one died… one is left.” She got her informed.

“Which one of them?” She quickly asked.
“Good day.” Ayomide greeted Cynthia and her friends after they’ve been
allowed in.

“Good morning.” They replied slowly, wondering who they were and what
they came for.

“We are Raymond’s friends and came to ask if you’ve seen him today.

told us he brought someone here last night and he would come home but
we didn’t see him.”

Cynthia sat up.

“You’ve not seen Raymond?” Her heart skipped a beat.

“Yes. We were wondering if he has been here.” Ayomide added.

“We’ve also been wondering. Where could he have gone to?” Cynthia was
breathing heavily.

“So, he’s not here.. we’ll get back to you.” Ayomide and Lawrence turned
back, heading outside.
“And Cynthia said it oh.. She was saying it that Raymond wouldn’t have done that.
Where could he have gone?
Paulina’s heart was beating fast.

“This is serious.” Esther uttered and placed her right hand on Cynthia’s

“You have to take a rest, he might have gone somewhere.” “No! Something is happening..” she stood up.
“And where are you heading to?” Aliyah asked her.
“I’m now alright, lets go I have to find him.” She said.

To Be Continued…

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