The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 70

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 70

That’s it…time for plan B. she dialled a number, a 7 digit number On her phone and immediately a countdown began running. The shop was rigged and going to explode in 5 minutes. she crossed the road and continued pushing her ice cream cart. but this time the tune was off, she didn’t want to draw attention to herself. She headed back towards the apartment where the little girl was still sleeping. It was typical of Rex to always find a way to force her hand or alter a well thought out plan one way or the other.

As she pushed the cart cursing Rex silently for failing to show up and instead running to the cops, her phone rang and she used the bluetooth earpiece which was concealed under her neat grey hair. She scratched her hair Violently and pressed the button in the process. “Any news?”

“Yes….I just received the news that Rex is in a hospital in Lagos….he and the other agent were attacked and brutally wounded early this morning”
“Did you get the name of the hospital?”

The voice paused before answering “no, but I can find out”

“Do and let me know immediately”

when she patted down her hair, ending the call discreetly her mind was made up; she would head to Lagos now that the agency was practically handicapped, she would get to Rex direct and look into his eyes when she told him he won’t ever see his daughter again. But first she had to look like a mother…or grandmother For the trip, as a matter of fact her ice cream vendor look fitted the profile just fine but she was not a fan of the heavy weight, she would have to change that details. So she would get the baby bag, back the sleeping baby and head to Enugu first, then Onitsha then an overnight bus to Lagos. It would be foolish to take a flight with a kidnapped baby. Journey by road was the surest and what better time than when the baby was sleeping? She pushed the cart and left it under a big mango tree. She walked away to the main road and flagged a bike. If any one saw the cart and decided to help him/herself to free ice cream it was their cup of tea. She was getting out of Benue in the next 30 minutes.


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